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Posts posted by Ricketts147

  1. 2 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    okay, what skin are we talking about ?

    is it something you tried to copy from another skin on to your own or ?

    can you provide abit more info as it seems as something is missing

    Yes, im using a base skin but the majority of my match panels are from FM24 Vince Skin 1.1.  Is it possible to by pass the pre match screen? (if I cant get it to display as required)

    Thanks again

  2. In previous versions i've had sucess with no wingers/wide midfield players.

    Fm23 I played 4-3-3 with wingbacks, 3 central mids, and 3 central strikers with good results.

    Fm22 it was 5-3-2 with 3 centre backs, two advanced wingbacks, 3 centre mids and 2 strikers.

    Most suggested tactics for FM24 seem to include wingers, is anyone doing well without wingers in this version and what set-up are you using?

  3. 9 hours ago, snowofman said:

    it's called "show information popup between match highlights" and it needs to be ticked

    then the tablet will popup when there is no highlight


    you'll find it under match in the preferences

    Thank you that has sorted it!

    Been playing this since the old CM days and struggle each year to get things right.  But thanks to the help from everyone on here I always get there in the end!

    Massive Thanks

  4. 32 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    nothing happends if you click the "tablet" button, right bottom just next to the sub button ?

    also check the preferences, if the tablet option is ticked

    Thanks for your reply.

    If I click the tablet button yes I can see the highlights, but I manually have to do this, and then reclick after the highlights to return to in between highlights...

    Ive looked in preferences and cant see a 'tablet option' tick box?

  5. Really stuggling with the match panels again this year!

    OK, so ive managed to get this far with lots of trail and error and thought i'd finally cracked it....

    But, now the screens stay solid and I cant see any of the highlights (unless I manually click the scoreboard area, and then reclick after the highlight to bring my match panels back)

    Which file/code do I need to alter for me to see the highlights automatically/make the match panels transparent during highlights.

    I hope this makes sense and thank you for all the help I ask for every year!!


  6. SCOUTING > Players > Scouted

    Im trying to delete all players from the scouted players list and start a fresh one now ive been promoted.

    However, the CLEAR button is greyed out.  So I have tried 'disgarding' all players but they will not clear and still remain.

    Am I doing something wrong?  Please could someone explain 'how to remove all scouted players from list'

    Many Thanks

  7. Ive tried this and cant seem to get it to work.

    Ive placed inbox item.xml to, documents/sports Interactive/fm22/skins/base22/panels/human

    Ive changed theinbox item xml to read,

    <!-- For Background support adjust transparency value. 0.0 is transparent, 1 is solid, 0.5 is 50% etc... This controls inbox content area -->
        <container class="main_contrast_box" red_replacement="inbox_content_background" transparency="0.5">
            <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom,extend" offset="0" gap="4" />
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

    Hoping for 50% transparent inbox but it still shows as solid.

    Could anyone see what ive been doing wrong?


  8. Im trying to replace the sidebar faded purple/pink colours to that of club primary/secondary colours whilst keeping everything else as the original as in baseskin22.

    Id still like it to fade out and be transparent so I can see my background image, just change the colour of it to the clubs primary/secondary colours.

    Any help on how I can do this and which files/code I need to amend would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks

  9. This is terrible news.  Very sad day indeed.

    Ive always played FM Touch on PC desktop.  So what is this Microsoft shop place? 


    So many questions, I will start with these...

    Do I have to have a microsoft account?

    once downloaded can I modify graphics, change skins, match day mods etc?

    do I have to own an xbox, do I have to have an xbox controller?

    Will I beable to mod the game to just use Text Only commentary?



  10. Massive thanks to @michaeltmurrayuk for this mod, it is brilliant.

    The default match screen in my opinion was terrible.  Also a big thank-you to beanos36 in sharing your matchday transparency file.

    Without this community I would have had no idea how to create the match day screen I have now been able to.

    So once again, many, many thanks.



  11. 3 hours ago, Quickzz said:

    @MichaelNacari in English? :P

    Yes, how did you do that MichaelNacari?

    Thanks for the reply Beano, yes I have followed those instructions re: client object browser, and removed the pitch.  But this has created another problem for me!

    My left panel is too solid grey, and the right panel text has gone transparent.


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