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Posts posted by Dravinski

  1. 15 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Just to confirm, on those drivers now is it crashing at all, or is it just lagging occasionally? 

    With older drivers its just lagging both in 2d and 3d. Not all the time, but in every game.

  2. Hey!

    Sry for bad english :)

    Game crashes during match, are watching in 2D with replays in 3D. Everything is going smooth in the beginning then it starts to lag a bit during 2D highlights. Have reinstalled graphicdrivers (Nvidia gtx 1650) and tried older drivers. This started 1,5 seasons in, thats why i tried som older Nvidia drivers. Made sure the game uses the nvidia card and not the integrated graphics.


    Can you tell anything from the crash dumps? What to try next?

    FM 2020 v20.1.4.1318683 (2019.11.26 22.50.21).dmp FM 2020 v20.1.4.1318683 (2019.11.27 22.48.24).dmp

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