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Posts posted by JNOUnited

  1. On 11/7/2016 at 18:57, MorganGalahad said:

    This is by far the closest to accurate I've seen so far!

    Control/Fluid looks more like it and I think Matic and Kante are more Box to Box than Ball winning


    On 11/8/2016 at 10:12, smajliss said:

    I agree with this formation (it is a picture of user JNOUnited) . But like Rashidi said, Alonso and Azpillicueta should be Wingbacks. And the central midfielders are probably not BWM, but Central Midfielders (D,S)




    19 hours ago, Ceching You Out said:

    Another vote for this shape; this looks like it gets everyone in the right position defensively.

    --BWM might not be the right role for both the CM; they aggressively close down high up the pitch but are more content to drop in when in their own half.
    --Costa isn't really an AF(a) in this system. When Chelsea gain position he's rarely on the shoulder of the deepest defender. Instead he's frequently dropping deep to receive a pass, immediately lay it off to one of the wide players, and then get back forward. A toss-up for me if that's best represented as a DF(a) or CF(a/s).
    --Unsure on the CWB vs WB. @Rashidi, what was your rationale for going with WB?


    Very much this. Pedro and Hazard sometimes close down aggressively (depending on opponent), but otherwise drop to the wings on defense the longer Chelsea is out of possession. They sit a little bit forward compared to a 5-4-1, mostly occupying the space and occasionally closing down when it might spark a counter. AML/AMR is probably the right place for that behavior.

    Great to see my take on the defensive formation getting some support. I've been working on the formation in my spare time outside of my YT Man Utd save and I'm struggling with the through balls and counter attacks that catch my team off guard with only three at the back. I've brought in Manolas as a faster CB to attempt to help with this but it's still happening. I'm going to take some of this feedback on board and see how it does in game today.

  2. 14 minutes ago, djsmiley said:

    Hope you guys are enjoying Conte's Chelsea destroying Everton 5 - 0 up by now, maybe after watching this game we can come with the suitable roles.


    Only watched the first half, but going to see if I can watch the whole game later. Pedro dropped back more than Hazard in the first half. Alonso and Moses definately dropped back to make a line of 5 in defense and the defense were given license to go forward and be covered by matic and kante.

    Passing and time was so crisp. Definitely would love to build this.  

  3. I've been looking for stuff on conte's tactics and I've only really found stuff on a 3-3-4 from his time at juventus. I'll check those sites though. So far I have made this but yet to test.

    3x CD

    2x WB in WB Strata

    WM (A) DLP (D) CM (S) WM (A)

    DLF (A)

    Im hoping if I find the right PI's for the WM's that I can get them to play like IF's in the attack phase but get them to help defensively as well. So defensive shape is a 5-4-1 and the attacking shape is 3-4-3


  4. On 10/26/2016 at 14:15, Ö-zil to the Arsenal! said:

    Hey everyone, apologies for the radio silence. Been rather remote in South America and lacking internet connection / spare time.

    I've fired up a save with Ajax and I have to say that I'm impressed with the new version.

    I've made a couple of tweaks to the system which are working well:

    • Mentality is now Control. In a Very Fluid shape, a mentality change is significant. We play faster, slightly more aggressive yet still possession based football.
    • Striker is now a False 9 (Support) role - I find the False 9 gets greater involvement in the game than other striker roles, monitoring the number of touches it's roughly +50%.
    • My two MC(S) now Move into Channels and Get Forward More. Move into Channels allows them to 'play around' other 3-man midfields. Get forward more is just aimed at getting more runners from deep and a fluid attack.
    • TI - Play through the middle. My wingers stretch the field and create more space for the midfield diamond to exploit.

    Initial observations:

    • Decision making has been significantly improved - I'm seeing a significant improvement in the hold-up play from the AM(A) combining with the movement from the False 9, wingers and the on rushing MC(S)s.
    • 3-man defence is struggling more against the 3-man attack variants: 4-3-3 / 4-5-1 and 4-2-3-1 in particular. I'm using a 4-1-4-1 as an alternative shape. I'd like to use 4-3-3, if the Half-Back role would work.
    • Dolberg is fantastic in the False 9 role - difficult to tell if its the role, or the player or both.
    • The wingers are possibly not contributing as well defensively but I'm not sure.

    Results, so far so good. Qualified for the Champions League group stage, got a tough group but looking like qualifying or the knock outs. Unbeaten after 10 league games with 9 wins and a draw. Dolberg is leading the goalscoring but I'm getting goals from all over. Averaging 60-65% possession and very free-scoring. My youngsters bashed 9 past a lower league side in the cup.

    More to follow.

    I've tried your new settings and there are definitely improvements but there is one thing that didn't really work for my team. It could be I picked the wrong opponents to try Control against, I'm Manchester United and I was against West Ham who were in fourth. The Control Style just seemed to open. I was conceding as many chances as I was making. At 2-1 to myself but after about five highlights for West Ham, I changed to Standard and that killed their opportunities and I won 4-1. It could be because they were playing a 4-2-3-1 as well. So I'll try control in some more games but maybe after I've taken the lead in Standard. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Joey Numbaz said:

    A little background before I get into the big question, as I've turned out a defensive variant of this that seems promising against the 4-2-3-1 Wide.

    So it's getting late in the year, and a deep run in the FA Cup (lost in the semi) and the Europa League (just qualified for the Final) along with a bunch of injuries, have us wearing down like we did in December. We had an incredible run from January though, we went 15-0-2 (2 draws) over a 17 game stretch from January 7 through April 20. We did not give up a goal in 6 consecutive Europa League games.

    Of course, it's a top heavy EPL, a 5-team race for four spots. And Arsenal and Tottenham, 3-4 were also refusing to lose. Last year, I finished second with 77 points to Tottenham's 78 to win the league. This year, with 2 matches to go, it's 80-80-77-73-70, of course, we have the 70.

    Anyway, everyone has decided to play a 4-2-3-1 Wide against me now. Wolfsburg played a 4-4-2 in the first leg 1-0 loss in the Europa league semis, but for the second leg, even they showed up with a 4-2-3-1 Wide. Leicester used the same formation to beat me 1-0 in the FA Cup semi. Manchester United hammered me 4-0 in a league game that might cost me playing the Champions League for 2017-18.

    We scored in the second minute of the second leg away match, so I relaxed. But 10 minutes in, Wolfsburg already had 3 clear cut chances, and I said enough.

    I switched the mentality to defensive. Turned off pass into space and turned on retain possession. This helped stabilize things. But then early in the second half, they scored on a corner. After subbing Lukaku and Stones out at halftime (fixture congestion sucks) and like 5 minutes in they went from having 2 corners in the game to 9. So I took it one step further.

    I dropped the DLP(d) back to DM, same role and duty. Took Barkley from AM(a) back to MC, with Roaming Playmaker Support duty.

    From there we hammered them. Niassé scored in the 65th minute and Cleverley tapped one home in the 76th.

    My question is this ... does this make sense theoretically? Did I get lucky, or can this work long-term as an alternative to the 4-2-3-1 Wide problem? This is important as ... we are going to be playing Manchester United again - in the Europa League Final, with the prize being Champions League play for 2017-18.

    Screen Shot 2016-10-30 at 12.14.20 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-10-30 at 12.14.10 PM.png

    Thanks for this alternate version. I'll try it next time I'm struggling against a big team. Coming up against Arsenal that battered me twice at the beginning of the season so, I need revenge.

    Thanks for the effort your putting into this.

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