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Issue Comments posted by Toro

  1. Update: Now in 2045 (York Community Stadium was built in 2019), the board has finally decided to build a new stadium with 60k capacity, humbly named after me. But its supposed to be ready in 2049, so 30 years after current stadium was built, and after 25 years or so in PL with sold out 12k stadium for 20 years and a good economy despite stadium size (because of selling youth recruitment). Id say there is something a bit off with how this is done. I think in the future i just have to have editor enabled.

  2. On 27/03/2023 at 18:02, Zachary Whyte said:

    Thank you for the information and save file. We will put this under review.

    Have this been looked at? Am in 2041, just got an internal takeover, but no stadium. Current match ambitions. Its just so anoying and is ruining the game. 

  3. The club is also sometimes given take-over talk, but it never end up in anything. So it does not seem like that will help either. it is a bit silly that a club is limited by a somewhat new stadium when you start the game. And you then would have to wait 20-25 years? 

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