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Posts posted by davke1904

  1. I never did tactics myself,  but used some good ones over the net. I'm not into in a favorite formation. The only thing a watch out for is, don't want to sell Almiron en Maximin and I bought Olmo as AM, so I do thing my options are limited. 


    Any suggestions for a formation and roles would be much appreciated. Could use some advice in the tactic centre.. 


    Specific and detailed device welcome., style of play doesn't matter really. Just don't wanna sell the best Newcastle players. 


    U did a NUFC save you said last year and u know the players very well so what do you recommend?? @Experienced Defender

  2. Hi mod, 


    At first thanks for your reply. 

    Secondly I must apologize it took me so long, just because I'm a weekend gamer, busy life... 


    I send you my formation and the players I think are the best in that roles. 


    I must confess I took my safe and did a lot of holiday modes with tactics I found on the net. Found a few good ones but none with an AM, because I bought Olmo of Zagreb and Morelos of Rangers. 



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