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Posts posted by Aubibeen69

  1. Salut les potes,

    Je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste de ce forum mais je ne parviens plus à trouver nombre de fils qui parlaient des ligues par pays, "League Specific Issues". Cela a disparu ? Parce que là j'aimerais avoir quelques infos sur le championnat chinois où plein de joueurs sont sans contrat au début, et toujours sans contrat plusieurs mois plus tard... 



  2. Il y a 4 heures, cedsered a dit :

    Also have the same problem, kind of ruins the experience if your players aren't getting their winners medals. I've always played an MLS save since FM13 and the experience still isn't worth sticking with a team for more than 3 years. At year 2 you'd be dominating the league as all the AI managers have squads with 15 players or less.

    I play a game with Montreal Impact. The game began before the update 21.3. Thanks to the Editor, I gave a 20 for "depth" to all members of staff and board in the MLS, and some other that might become MLS coaches. I also add formation as very important in all MLS club vision. I am in season 3 and almost all the teams have over 25 players, the minimum is 22 players for two teams.


  3. With my save 21.0, in 2023, most of the team have 27+ players. The minimum is 23. The transferts are good, the team are competitive even of some of them do not succeed (Nashville and Miami especially). I have also included the development of players using the youth system in the vision of each club, to make them include young players to the team and improve the depth.

    Not to bad so far but I want to try with the update now... But my game with Charlotte is unpleasant so far... Still looking for better option.

    By the way, the schedule for Canadian teams is awful ! With my save 21.0, I am playing the CCL. I play continental games on Tuesdays but have a game on Thursday and another one on Saturday. Four games in eight days ! This is really boring...


  4. il y a 3 minutes, francis#17 a dit :

    Which types of players are you trying to sign? It might just be that they are too good for your club

    Those who are interested, according to my scouts. But the main problem is the GAM: only $1.1M in 2022 instead of 2.68M + extra GAM for expansion.

    Anyway, it is more difficult, not so bad finally... :) But the board wants me to spend my budget, which is very difficult indeed.

  5. Il y a 5 heures, francis#17 a dit :

    SI already responded and said the issue is because you stated the game in the future. I don't think games started in 2020 have those issues

    I have begun a new game from December 2020. The Waiver Draft and the expansion Draft are now O.K. but it looks difficult to sign DP. Many are interested according to my staff but refuse to discuss when you negociate. Actually, the team building is difficult because the GAM are very low. Charlotte only receive $1.1M GAM but all other league clubs receive $2.68M GAM. Charlotte should receive an extra-GAM as expansion team, instead she gets less than the half of other clubs. And it is difficult to sign DP...

    There are new issues unfortunately.

    I have a good save initiated before the update that works better, even if I had to modify a little bit the db thanks to the Editor (all staff from MLS and many Americain coaches with 20 as "Depth"). 


  6. The save will follow.

    Two issues:

    Charlotte cannot take part to the waiver draft in December 2021. I can pick the players by right-clicking , all of them if I want to, but I cannot access to the list of players. As soon as I click on "Continue", the draft is over. If I click on "Continue" without picking any player, the AI picks players for me.




    Second issue: the expansion draft. Even if we are in December 2021, Austin still take part to the expansion draft. FYI, I started the game on 2021/02/15, so the expansion draft of 2020 for Austin did not occur in my game.



    Summary: Draft December 2021 bug with Charlotte FC

    Description of Issue: the AI picks players for Charlotte in the Waiver Draft of December 2021 & Austin takes part to the expansion draft of December 2021

    Steps to Reproduce: N/A 

    Files Uploaded : Aubibeen - Drafts issue December 2021


    File uploaded on 2021/02/28 - 12:26 PM ET

  7. Le 19/01/2021 à 05:02, Sebastian Szlenkier a dit :

    Thanks, if you or anyone else experiences such an issue please raise it here and provide a save where to the SI Cloud server where this can be reproduced.

    Summary: Gold Cup bug

    Description of Issue: several players are considered travelling when the Gold Cup starts. For instance, Canada has only 18 players ready for playing instead of 23. The missing player in my save are Milan Borjan (Red Star Belgrade), Samuel Piette and Liam Millar (Montreal Impact), Jonathan Osorio and Richie Laryea (Toronto FC). 

    Steps to Reproduce: N/A 

    Files Uploaded : Aubibeen - Gold Cup Trj


    EDIT: impossible to open the cloud... I will try again later.


    EDIT: uplaod succeeded on January 22, 21:51 HE

  8. Il y a 23 heures, DZastr22 a dit :

    Is there any way for me to play without this change, or will contracts always act this way?

    If you start in Europe, for instance, in the Summer 2020, many contracts expire in December 2020. Actually, it happened before the updates, with my very first game when FM21 was released. Not sure this is stil the case.

  9. I guess it has already been mentioned : the salary of the players waived on March 1st (registration date February 26 + 3 days) continue to be taken into account in the salary cap (released players salary cap impact). As if the players under guarateed contrat only left the club three days after the regaistration.   


  10. Il y a 20 heures, AlienIR a dit :

    @Alex Benito


    j'aurais besoin d'une confirmation stp. Tu confirmes qu'en fait ce n'est pas un bug ? 

    apparemment si j'ai bien suivi, c'est la fonction dont le reglement fonctionne en MLS? 


    Merci d'avance.

    À ma connaissance, ce n'est pas un bug. Les clubs de MLS restent responsables du salaire des joueurs blessés. Cela dit, c'est normalement le cas quand le joueur est placé sur la liste des blessés, ce qui n'est généralement pas le cas des joueurs qu'on voudrait libérer fin février. C'est donc quand même un questionnement intéressant.

    Cela dit, ça a toujours été comme ça en MLS sur FM, d'aussi loin que je me souvienne, et personne ne s'est jamais plaint apparemment.

  11. The spacing of fixtures has been a problem for many years... It was awful on FM 2020. On FM 21, I played one season with Austin and everything was fine. 

    About the salary cap: I am afraid that the teams do not have enough GAM at the beginning, espaciallly because all contrats have full impact on the salary cap. So there are many very good players to be waived in February/March. It looks better during season 2 or 3.

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