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Posts posted by rigton70

  1. 5 hours ago, albertocerdeira.4 said:

    I arrived in a single game save to summer 2030 with Nottingham Forest and I am almost done with this game. It's the worst in years. 


    - The ME is awful, half of goals are product of horrible mistakes like defenders giving the ball to the rival and not running in long balls. So annoying to see how forwards of 10 speed are constantly surpasing in long balls my defenders with 17 speed. 

    - I was very insistent with this, but it's a disgrace to see the squads of the Nationals Teams in 2030 World Cup. Most of players at their 30's and no new player in most of squad. You had a good balance in this previous to FM21, don't know what the hell did you do, but you killed long term viability of saves. I don't have words to describe how annoying this is considering this has being in the game since FM21

    - Regens/newgens with "strange attributes". For years has been impossible to get a Full back with +13 crossing and to get center backs that pays well the ball and are good at aerial attributes. Not fixing this is a sign of laziness, disrespect to all the fans that have been playing the game for years, and a lot of things that I dont want to say to not get banned.

    - The scouting system is ruined, if you scout a guy you still get "Scout report ended" for many times in a year. Another sign of unexistent testing.


    I could continue with this for hours, but it's as simple as going to this thread and the bug tracker to see how broken it's the game nowadays. Can't understand how there is people defending SI when SI releases games with known issues for years that ruins our experience. 


    On the other side, SI is selling more than ever, so I guess their strategy is working. But the product is unfinished, with an evident lack of testing and with many bugs that make the game unplayable.


    Congrats SI

    I am an old player returning to the game and i am looking for longevity in the game i buy. Do you suggest fm20 or fm21 for this??

  2. 10 minutes ago, qwertygod said:

    To be fair i have been critical of the game but i have a current save that is 13 years deep into the game and still enjoying it and that is probably the longest beta save i have ever had and i am still enjoying it so i don't know if it's completely game breaking

    seems to me they are discouraging long time saves as proved by not fixing this issue. ( yet ) i will still hold of from buying the game for now 

  3. Hello all


    I stopped playing this game in 2006 ( well 2015 after pc update).

    I'm thinking of buying fm2020 so is it like the old days buy a disk ( my perferred choice of playing) install and play

    or has it now changed?


    So do i need a steam account to play this game


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