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Everything posted by TheNayr

  1. The run has continued to be so poor that: The absolute genius came up with this during the meeting after I asked him what I needed to do to keep my job. Then after the meeting I saw this. They've knocked another 6 and a half K off of the wage budget. Since the update only played 3 games and obviously they haven't been good. Stupidly unlucky to not win the last game. We even had a penalty after they had a man sent off and missed that too. So, I wasn't given a specific points target or told I had to do anything particular in a time frame, but my job is not safe. Things have to improve and quickly. Until next time....if there is a next time.
  2. Much better than what I had, I shall incorporate them into the tracker from next season, thank you! Have we continued to play decently well in the Third Tier or has it all gone Pete Tong? Well as you can see, a bit hit and miss. Not winning a game in 7 is a bit worrying! I was very worried with 4 losses in a row, though with 3 of them being away you can kind of forgive the team a little, but the performances weren't horrendous, it was just the other team's taking their chances more than anything. The 3 draws in a row have been decent games, we've just not been good enough to turn them into wins! The poor run has seen a slide down the table. We only need a top half finish to make everyone happy and a win in the next game will help that. I need to break this bad run of form in the league, it isn't nice. What has been nice is being back in the Copa Del Rey after a 3 year absence (Which I still don't know the reason for! Maybe something to do with where you finish in the Tier the previous season. Maybe only Tier 4 teams are in if they finish top 10 in their respective Group?) a nice break from league football and it started off fantastically well. Get through to the second round as a small team like us almost guarantees a home tie to a bigger team and we were granted this against Getafe who are in La Liga. And we Got very lucky against dispatched Getafe to continue our run and rewarded with a tie against Valencia. There we Scored with our only shots on target pushed them aside easily and got a beauty of a tie against Atletico Madrid one of the biggest teams in Europe. Nothing funny here, we deserved this win. 7 shots, all 7 on target. Clinical. Efficient. Deserved. This set us up in the quarter finals against the one team we wanted....Barcelona. They easily won and they didn't pull any punches. Look at their team, they played their strongest 11 and they beat us fair and square. The most baffling thing about this run was all this happened during our poor and dire run in the league!!! Couldn't buy a win in the league, but beat 3 La Liga teams in a row?! Mental! The Copa run helped out a bit financially, but we're still in a bad way. It got so poor, the chairman sent me this! Not a fan of this guy in the slightest, give me some bloody money!!! Another unremarkable one in the offing, but it would be amiss of me not to include the intake preview! Right, I've gotta raise the morale of this team and try get a win in the league before my job becomes unstable! Until next time.
  3. The first 12 games have been and gone, how have we adapted to life in Tier Three? Let's have a looksie! Yeah, pretty well I'd say! Whilst there's a few losses sprinkled in there, we have played well enough to be very happy with our performances! An undefeated month is very good for confidence. If we can continue like this, I will be a content manager. The table is looking like this, I'm imagining that the media predication of fourth is out of the question! A top half finish will make me happy. We're exactly where I want us to be. I honestly don't want to get promoted this year, we'd get decimated in the La Liga 2. Maybe a little promotion playoff and we lose in the final? Yeah! I'll take that now. The home attendances have been very positive with all over 4k people watching which we need! Ideally more people to help with us still deeply in the red and losing money every month! We are on the express train to -£2m and that is not good. This bloody chairman needs to get his finger out of his ass and start putting some money into this club! In the last update, I stated I was looking to bring a new GK and new Striker into the club, both fizzled out unfortunately! Especially bad for the striker as goals have been lacking for us. Our Captain and lead striker Cesar Burgos only has 3 goals in 12 starts....yeah. Not great. Other than that, not much else to say except after a 3 year hiatus, we WILL be playing in the Copa Del Rey again finally come December hooray! Maybe we can get money that way! Until next time.
  4. Boy oh boy! What a busy Summer I had, bringing in 10 new, fresh faces to try and ensure that we don't drop immediately back down into Tier Four! Goalkeeper is clearly our worst position, I did try to upgrade but couldn't find anyone suitable. I have thrown in a loan offer for someone who might be better, but I'll have to wait and see. So as it stands, Ander Astralaga will be our #1 for the season. We can definitely improve from him, but he's alright. I made a couple of moves to improve our defence with a new starting RB and CB. Our new RB is Alejandro Nores on a free from Sevilla though he was playing for their B team for the last 3 seasons. He's not amazing, but he's a MASSIVE upgrade to what we had at RB and he'll do a great job back there. I will admit I probably have given him too much wage wise here, but if he performs as I hope, it'll be a good deal though probably still a little expensive haha. Antonio Espigares from Villareal on a free. However, 15 heading, tackling and marking with him being 6'2 is absolutely solid for this level! I am pleased to have him. The last new signing of the defence is a very flexible guy who can cover a few positions. On a free from Real Oviedo is Florian Haxha. With very good mentals and good versatility, this guy will see a lot of playing time....from the bench. Three new players in for the midfield, it's an alright position. They'll do the job, but it'll be something I aim to improve next Summer. On loan from Osasuna is Asier Osambela who will play an important role for us this year in both DM and CM positions. An all rounder type of guy, I'm expecting a solid year from this guy. On a free from Real Madrid though he was playing for their B and C teams. Paulo Iago. Very good technicals mixed with solid mentals mean he could be a wizard at CM for us. Our other new signing for the midfield is a guy on a free from Badajoz Alvaro Villanueva. He's nothing special, but he'll be good cover and he's not exactly bad. Only one new striker, though I am hopefully close to bringing in a new guy soon! Juan Carlos Fernandez on a free from Cacereno. Very good technicals, very good mentals, young with room to grow. He should be a good signing for us. Both the Board and the supporters want/expect a top half finish for our first season in the Third Tier and the media are of the same opinion, although the media have us pushing higher! I would gladly take fourth right now if it was offered to me. The media also like the look of a certain Cesar Burgos earmarking him for potential glory in this division. I am very surprised no-one came in for him, though I am not complaining as I want him to be here, scoring goals for us and he is our captain! There is a player who has come under some speculation this Summer though an offer has yet to come in, and that is impressive Leo Saca. Whilst I don't want to lose him really, his release clause of a milly would help our financial state. Even after selling an impressive amount of season tickets and bringing in a lot of money. We are still deeply in the red with the projection to get a lot lower! Right, I think that covers us. Let's have a look at the other teams in Barcelona. Just a quick one, do you think I should add anything else to this spreadsheet? It feels like I'm missing something and I can't put my finger on it! Or am I overthinking it and it's good as it is? Right, time to get into the new season and not be a disappointment. Until next time.
  5. Were we able to hold on and claim the title? Did we collapse again and had to settle for a place in the playoffs? There's only one way to find out. Were the losses and draws harmful? Did that final day 4-4 screw us out of the title when we were 4-0 up at home?! I wish I was joking, we really were 4-0 up haha. Yes, yes, yes! No more Spanish Fourth Tier Group three for us anymore!!! (Unless we get relegated next year!) It was really tight at the end, a bit iffy form toward the end of the season but we were able to get across the finishing line as Champions! The main reason for the success other than my incredible managerial skills and tactical decisions, was our goals and shooting. We just overwhelmed other teams. What do all those stats mean? We just completely bullied and powered our way through other teams this year. We were an attacking juggernaught. Squad by goals. Cesar Burgos leading the way for us with 25 goals and has scooped the top scorer of the league by 4 goals, he was amazing for us, as is shown by his average rating. He also pitched in with 4 assists, An INCREDIBLE 7.40 average rating after 32 starts. That's ludicrous numbers! In season I was able to offer him a new contract and increase his release clause from £1m to £1.6m. Not a huge difference, but if triggered, that extra £600k would be so good for us. Not to take anything from the other performers too. Emili Montolio who I got for £10k had 7 goals and 9 assists then Bazoumana Toure also had a productive 6 goals and 4 assists. So both our new wingers proved to be good buys from me. Just gonna pat myself on the back some more. I have never recieved this kind of message before, it wasn't something I even thought of! More outgoing for money though. And to not help our horrible finances... STILL no new contract yet....hmm. I better bloody get one! I just won the league!!! Finally, the youth intake came, and like I predicted, it wasn't great. I doubt we'll ever produce anyone worthy for at least 2/3 years time. I did however sign all of them, really needed more youth players. I think the U19s had like 14 players in the squad, so much needed numbers were added. Right, what an interesting off season I have in front of me. Main news though, we're going up! Vodka cranberries on me! Until next time.
  6. Well, have we continued to play well and still up around the top of the table? There's only one way to find out. Yes we have!!! Barring the loss to Atletico Baleares which was my fault because I used all 5 subs in the 70th minute only for the game to give me an injury in the 72nd minute leaving me with 10 men, which they then scored both their goals after that, obviously! But seriously, it's been a great form, we've been on top for all the games and it's been brilliant. This good form has no doubt lead us to be clear at the top of the table! We are currently 6 points clear with 12 games to go. So still a while to go and we could easily crash out of the playoff places if we don't focus and keep up the effort. Hopefully that won't happen, but I am being very mindful. One of the reasons I want to escape this league, along with being here for 4 seasons currently! Is the more money, our finances continue to be in a bad state. Higher division will be more sponsorship, more TV money and more tickets being sold. Our finances continue to be bad and it's constantly brought up how bad our situation is haha! Despite this, I did actually buy someone to join us in the January Transfer Window. Whoops! But, he was very cheap and I couldn't turn down buying him for £13k. Meet our new AML Alvaro Gonzalez from Sestao River. This is the second impressive guy I have purchased from this team. Finally, our youth intake. The last couple of years have been average AT BEST! That's why I've not shown them. Looks like it's gonna be the same this year! I won't be holding my breath for someone good! Right, time to push on and either bring the title home or get a playoff place. I fear if I get neither, I might not get a new contract. I did ask for one as the board rate my performance as A* but they claim due to how bad the club finances are, no-one is worth a new deal currently, so that bodes well for me! Until next time.
  7. Hopefully so, I don't wanna be in this fourth tier any longer! As has been the same for every early season update, I come to you after 11 games which means we are into November during the game! I am glad to say, this is the best we've performed so far after 11 games, spending the big money has been worthwhile as the results have been fruitful! Whilst not being perfect, the results and the games have been pleasing. Even with the losses, the games have been good by us. It seems we're done being a poor team and this year we mean business. Despite scoring 28 goals in 11, unbelievably we're not the top scorers in the Group! The team we beat 4-2 Formentera they lead the Group with 30! So we're only two back at this stage but all the goals have led to positive results. This is where it all started to go wrong last season after a really good start. I gotta make sure that we don't fall into mediocrity again. All this good success has come at a price though! Last year we were spending around £550k a year on wages and were about 12th in the table spending wise. Now we've skyrocketed up. All this extra spending is putting a big strain on our finances though... We have a few players with a release clause of a milly, I maybe wouldn't mind one of them being triggered to clear our balance which will continue to dwindle, unfortunately. Until next time.
  8. No-one really worth looking at, yet! I appreciate you remembering me and my Indian journey! Right, I've had enough of being in the fourth division. I had over £11k in wages given to me to use and I have spent over £10k in new wage additions. This is the year we get promoted. We've got some great players and we're in a great position. I replaced 95% of all staff, released 9 players from the first team squad and brought in 12 new players for the first team. No new additions at GK. Both will get a chance to impress and stake a claim for #1 over the first few games. Right, first of many new faces for this team, moving onto the defence. Let's get into it. Miguel Opere on a free from Real Zaragoza is another tall guy at the back at 6'4. With a great jumping reach and decent elsewhere he's alright. Not anything special but he'll do a good job as a bit of a rock at the back who doesn't move much! The opposite of that though is Alvaro on loan from Lugo. He's a more natural LB who can play CB but his very good physicals means he'll do great at coming on in the second half and use his speed at CB to make a difference against tired legs, RB has been a poor position for us since the start of the game, so on loan from Cordoba we've got in Carlos Albarran who comes in as our starting RB and if he stays fit, will more than likely start every game as I've ditched rocking a back 3 this season. This will probably be his last season before he starts to fall of a cliff, let's hope he can use his solid all round game to help us. On a free from Barcelona I've tempted over an exciting prospect who is exciting and with the chance to get better with a release clause of a milly, I'm happy to announce Jofre Torrents. Whilst offering very good versatility on the left hand side, he'll be used mainly at LB where his attacking play will hopefully get him a few assists when marauding forward. I'm not really sure how I was able to sign this player, also on a free from Barcelona but Leo Saca is a current international player. He is currently a La Liga 2 talent player who can improve to a La Liga talent player with a 3 year contract and a release clause of a milly. He looks bloody good and I can't wait to see what kind of performances he's going to do for us this year! Our midfield has seen a lot of new faces to come in. We were very poor in passing and assists last year. I think I've been able to solve some of them issues with these new signings. On a free from Ejea is Sergio Carrasco who is a mentality BEAST! He's also been made my captain. I really like the look of this guy, might not be amazing physically or with his technicals but I think he could have a banger season and be our player of the year. I paid £10k to bring in Emili Montolio from Roda. I knew I'd be losing some wingers whilst releasing players, he'll be more of depth than anything but he'll be good to have in the squad. Pretty good physically, could be worth bringing in later in games to take advantage of worn out defenders. Potentially the best signing of the Summer, again a free was Luis Saenz from Sestoa River in the third tier of Spanish football. He's solid everywhere and that 20 determination is wonderful. Unfortunately he wouldn't accept anything over a £250k release clause which I think will get triggered/He won't agree to a new contract with a higher release clause anytime soon. The first of two players I've taken from Ivory Coast is Thibaud Yameogo. Got him on a free with cheap wages from RC Abidjan. He's a solid AMC who will do a good job in the final third when called upon. I then opted for some speed on the wings and that means we welcome in Bazoumana Toure from ASEC MIMOSAS for free. He's not an amazing player by any means but he'll be lightning up and down the wings and using his speed to get past a lot of slower players and be important to us. No new strikers, but I am looking to try and bring in someone else just to add a tiny bit more depth. All these new and amazing signings! Have rocketed the media to believe we're favourites to win the league and I believe we can make a good run at it. I hope we do have a good go at it because our finances are looking a bit bad as we continue to edge toward -£1m. The chairman hasn't provided any money to help bring the balance back into the black. With us spending A LOT more on wages than anytime previously, we're going to end up well over a million in the red come the end of the season. We have to go up this year or make the playoffs to prove we're making progress! We had some help with season ticket sales, they remained the same as last season with 3015, but this year we weren't top of the table in that respect! Let's wrap this up with a look at our fellow Barcelona teams! A couple of changes, Barcelona go from starting last year with -£17m to having nearly £75m in their bank, they're laughing! Espanyol got relegated back into La Liga 2. Right good vibes, going to be positive. This is the year guys where we step forward as the third team in this city. Until next time.
  9. Well I'll tell you lot this for free, it didn't really get any better. Maybe the worst capitulation I've ever had considering the bright start! I was even looking at this which happened in the middle of March. I told them that whilst the form was terrible, we were actually playing well (We most certainly were not!) and that seemed to buy me time, fortunately. That's how bad it got, unbelievable considering the start that we had. I'm still in awe how all of a sudden we could just crap out of nowhere. Anyway, what's done is done. At least we finished the season strongly with some convincing wins including 2 away games which has been our Achilles Heel all throughout this save. This was a very close call, with only 1 year left on my contract, another season like this and the save will be over. Two of our rivals are in the playoffs and a chance to go up in L'Hospitalet and Badalona hopefully they don't make it. We're still only 12th in wages a week spending so technically, we're still punching above our weight and always have done in this Group, I guess it's good to have high expectations for us! This is our squad by goals scored this year. Not as impressive as last year but we still finished 5th overall for most goals in the division, but less than last year. We were led by 18 year old star Cesar Burgos who didn't develop at all. Hopefully with an off season under his belt and new attitude going forward, he can come back next season and fire in more goals. He also led the way with over a 7.00 average rating on the year, if we didn't have him, relegation would've been very likely! Marcos Bustillo was also solid throughout the year and put in a good shift all year in the center of midfield for us. Not gonna sugarcoat this, it was a very poor season by the lofty standards I placed on us. I just hope moving forward we can perform better. We're gonna lose a couple players I think due to them wanting to leave, I don't blame them haha! Right, sour end to the season, next year needs to be better! Until next time.
  10. And he's gone! Las Palmas activated his release clause and Dani Rodriguez has left the club to join them La Liga 2 and they happen to be leading that league. He's already started 1 game and came on from the bench. So it's looking like he'll get a lot of game time! I always knew he was going to be leaving so it's not a shock. However, what is a shock, is this. Out of nowhere our form took a complete nosedive. Nothing worked. I just CANNOT find a winning formula for away matches with this team. Even our home form suffered. After such a promising start, it just went to ****. I was fearing for my job, I never had to talk to the boss regarding my performance but I can imagine it was very close. This awful mid-season slump led an almighty slide down the table. Overall, just very frustrating to play and I dread playing away games, I just have no answer, no tactic seems to work, we're outplayed every game away from home. Not much else to say at this point. Disappointed. What could've been a great season has been massively derailed. Until next time.
  11. Wow. That's all I'm going to say. The start of the season has been wonderful! Not perfect, but a pretty good start. Improvement, upon improvement, upon improvement! At home, we have been imperious. Just ignore the defeat to Europa at home, they are our bogey team as well as our biggest rivals. In 5 times that we've played them so far in this save they've won 4 and drawn 1. We can't beat them. Ignoring that, we have been brilliant at home! Away, not so good. Away tactic is a 4-3-3 DM Route One which I'm going to pivot away from. The home tactic of a 3-4-3 Tiki Taki is proving beneficial so I'm going to use that tactic as the only one going forward, hopefully it can be as useful away as it is at home. After 11 games last season we were on 17 points, we're 5 points better off at this stage, looking like this. We are looking so good. I'm trying not to get carried away considering only a third of the season has gone! Another poor month and we'll slide down the table but I'd like to think that won't happen, we'll continue to make good progress and aim to keep in the playoff places and who knows, maybe even challenge for the title! All the transfer windows around Europe went and closed leaving Dani Rodriguez still here and he's a right good start to the season. 11 starts, 2 goals and 7 assists, the kid is a star and it's stupid that no-one took a chance on him, not that I'm complaining! The other young stud Mr Cesar Burgos has had a brilliant start to life here, banging in 8 goals from 11 starts, he's a genius and I can't wait to see how he performs over the rest of the season and how he develops. Finances continue to dwindle as we're over half a milly in the red now, hopefully this year we're in the Copa Del Rey to get us some money! However, when I join you back at the end of January, I expect it to look a lot better with the loss of Rodriguez. I see it as a zero chance that he's still with us once that transfer window closes! Until next time.
  12. Here we are into the new season. New skin, new me guys! Let's get into it. For the second season in a row, we have replaced our #1. Our last guy let 50 goals past him in 33 starts, not good enough! So, meet our new number #1, on a free from Barcelona Ander Astralaga. I'll be honest, the difference between him and Javi Cendon is minimal. But I wasn't going to let Mr 50 goals have another go at screwing us over. A couple new additions for us in defense. We only lost 4 players this Summer compared to 17 last Summer. When I signed all the new players, it was either 2/3 year deals to give us some stability. As you can see, we have no RBs in the team. We have one, a guy who isn't a natural there but can play it well enough. This has prompted me to move to a back 3 formation. I wonder how long that'll be before I change back?! Honourable mention to Pablo Jordan he's been here since the start, but not in the first team. Not worth showing you him. Ismael Sierra on a free from Betis is just a big guy at the back. Nothing amazing about him except he's 6'4 and got a 16 jumping reach. A few goals from corners for him? The other new signing is LB Ramon for a measly £1.1k from Tombense in Brazil. Just an absolute bargain. He's not amazing, but for that type of money, I couldn't say no as I needed another LB. He's decently quick with okay mentals. Very happy with a £1.1k layout for him. Only 2 new signings for the midfield lot, one on a free and one on loan. We had no natural CMs (I look like a mug currently. 2 positions out of 11 that I don't have a natural player there for? Who is this twit?!) so I needed to change that. I won't show you the loan guy, he's awful but literally all we could afford, he's free. However. On a free from Racing Santander we got Marcos Bustillo and I think we've gotten ourself a good little prospect. Very good technically. Decent mentally, just lacking a bit in the physical department. Unless he gets injured, he'll be starting every game. Only £275 a week too, we got him good. Now only one new name for the strikers this year. You'll see Nino who is naturally a striker, but he's the guy who can play RB and will be doing so for away games, it's at home we're going with a back 3, unless it works away. We'll see anyway. Now then. Now then. At the bottom you'll see a certain 17 year old with 5 star potential. He's not gonna be the next Raul. But, a scout brought my attention to him and said I could approach to sign and pay £14k compensation. I did that straight away upon seeing him. I prized him away from Mutilvera who are in the league below and not loaded in. For £14k you cannot go wrong on a 17 year old like this. Got all the technicals you could want. Mentally he looks great and his physicals are looking good. The new home tactic is a Tiki-Taki 3-4-3 so he will be playing a lot this year to aid his development. He's locked in for 3 years and unlike a certain someone who's release clause was low at £275k, this guy signed a contract with a £1m release clause. If that gets activated, I'll be very happy. Now let's move onto that certain someone. Dani Rodriguez came under a lot of attention. He got called up to the U20 Spanish World Cup squad so he had even more eyes on him and boy, he shone. He only went and won the U20 World Cup Golden Ball!! Mental! Then the offers came in, Charlton in the Championship and then quickly after that Boavista who even offered a loan back which obviously I wanted, Charlton didn't offer that. Strangely enough though, no-one else came in for him. It was just them two. I was hoping he picked Boavista for the loan back and I thought that was the easy choice as they're in the top flight of Portugal but he ended up choosing Charlton. What could've been, oh well. That £275k is a lovely amount to get for a small team like us. WORK PERMIT DENIED. HE'S STILL HERE BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First game of the season is upon us and he's still here with no offers on him atm but apparently Las Palmas do want him. I tried offering him out just below is release clause so I could add in a sell on fee, loan back and a friendly but no-one was interested at that. I might go lower value to get the add ons secure. "Leading LaLiga 2 player" and here he is slumming it with us in the fourth tier, poor bloke haha! Right, moving onto other club matters. For the first time in 2 seasons and first time since being here, our U19s are actually doing something. After 2 years of stagnating and only playing meaningless friendlies, they're actually in a league now, thankfully. This means I will sign more players from the youth intakes now as they'll finally be playing regular football. Whilst we're on this topic, we haven't moved stadiums. That news article from the last update must've been referencing our B team getting their new stadium. Not that it matters because for a second season in a row, they're not playing any games. I wish I had the division below my unlocked. Again our season ticket sales have grown, last year we sold 1 more than the previous year and this year, we sold 14 more! We're up to 3015 and most comfortably the highest selling in our Group. The media are also jumping on the Sant Andreu hype train, choo choo, jump on board. They expect us to finish firmly in the playoffs. And so do I. I'll take a top half finish, both the board and fans want that, but I do secretly want a playoff finish. Finances with a home friendly against Barcelona (Still no players on loan from them, the bastards!), season ticket sales and no sale of our star man means we start the season like this. Considering this save is about becoming the biggest team in Barcelona we should be keeping track of our rivals yeah? Here at the 5 teams located within the actual city of Barcelona. Now then, upon research, there are three other teams located roughly with 30 minutes drive of the city which I would include in the sort of sphere of influence of the city. All small bear in mind though. Sabadell who are in the third tier and then Badalona Futur who play in our Group and Terrasa who play in the league below who were relegated from our Group last season. Because they don't actually play in the city of Barcelona I haven't included them in the tracker. Would you count them all in or because they don't play in the city we disregard them? Until next time.
  13. Thank you! I'm still very surprised that I was able to pull off a last day survival job, one of my favourite seasons I've ever had tbh! I have read some of your save so far, not for a little bit though. Never read a save in Greece before so it definitely caught my eye! Well, the end of the season didn't really end the way I was expecting.... Yeah, not a single win in the last 9 games of the season. A quite bad run of form which had me looking over our shoulder. Was it enough for survival? Is this the end of the save? Thankfully, our early season form was enough to ensure we were safe with a few games to go! However, I am really disappointed with how we played at the end as I'm sure you'd all be frustrated with no win in 9. Hmm. Oh well, survival is secure. Onwards and upwards toward next season. Onto a brighter note, we were SO much better than last year and that is to be celebrated! Last year, our highest scorer was 10 goals in 34 games. How pathetic! Miracle that we survived, what a change a year makes though! Squad by goals scored. Matias Olmedo leading the way with a wonderful 24 goals and pitched in with 2 assists from 32 starts, but obviously the goals there being the most important! I did state after the Summer transfer activity that I think he was a bargain at £3.8k and I couldn't have been more right! A wonderful piece of business if I do say so myself! No increase in any of his attributes through the season and his contract is up in another 2 years. I have tried to get a new deal with a higher release clause (£140k) but he wants £1.3k a week and I can offer £650 max. Fortunately there's no interest currently and I don't really want to lose him after a season like this. Whilst I'm on the subject of wages, we're one of the lowest spenders of wages per year in our Group. The highest being £2.12m a year so we really are an underdog. Last season we didn't have a single player who averaged over a 7.00 all season which is completely understandable, we were tragic. This year, a bit different though! 4 players with over a 7.00! Wonderful. So, Carlos Manrique. You lot won't have seen him because I got him in after the big Summer update when we desperately needed bodies at CM. So I got him in from Eldense for nothing in the division above. Solid young player who started every single game this year, contributed with 6 goals and 6 assists. Very important player for us who I will very hard to get back in next year. I said that Toni Paredes had done just enough to earn a new contract last year and he repaid me by being a great strike partner to Olmedo. His contract was up this year, but I have offered him a new 2 year deal after a good season for us. 12 goals and 10 assists in 30 starts means he was a very important player for us and combined with his strike partner, they combined for 36 goals and 12 assists together. Wonderful stuff. The last guy who achieved over a 7.00 rating was Dani Rodriguez the kid we got after he left Barcelona who like the two guys above me, finished with a 7.11 rating for the season. However, and not unexpectedly teams are interested. His release clause WILL be activated and we'll lose him in the Summer, so let's just enjoy him for the last time! 7 goals and 12 assists in 33 starts, he will be missed. Brest and Clermont Foot are the teams currently interested and I expect there to be more soon! So last season we were the lowest scoring team in the Group and this year was completely opposite! The 4th most goals which is brilliant! We scored a bucket load and I'm very happy about that! But on the flip side. We conceded far too many. A new GK is something I'll be looking for in the transfer window. Fortunately almost everyone I want to stay, is here for at least another year so the main core of the team is going nowhere! We hit the half milly in the red too which isn't nice, but with a guaranteed £275k coming from the Rodriguez sale, hopefully the owner putting some money in and season ticket sales, we'll be in the black again very soon. Now then, the only reason we're in the red is because upon setting up the useless B team, needed a new stadium which was being built for them. HOWEVER. I got this quite shocking email. WE'RE MOVING STADIUM?! THE NEW STADIUM IS FOR US?! Nah! The original piece about the B team was the stadium being built for them, not us but we're leaving our home?! It doesn't say anything about a new stadium here. Maybe the game has gotten confused and the B team will have a new stadium and that's what they mean? It must be. Until next time.
  14. It was an almighty challenge. Who doesn't love the whole season all coming down to the final day as to whether the save stays alive or dies haha!
  15. Yeah he's been solid for us so far and is improving all the time. Backed up by my HOYD who seems to love him! And thank you for your kind words. "A good La Liga 2 player" and we have him in the 4th division haha! Luckily, he is contracted for another 2 years, but I'm certain a team will activate his £275k release cause and he won't sign a new deal. I don't blame him. He's not contributed loads with only 4 goals and 6 assists from mostly AMR in 20 starts yet, he still plays well. Averaging a 6.99 after 20 games, very happy to have him. So, I have gone through right up until the end of January, leaving us with three months left to go. How have I got in since the last update? Mixed bag again. We're not great, we're not terrible. We are capable of putting in some good performances and bad ones but overall we're doing just fine and that's the main thing! Knowing we can actually score goals gives me a lot more hope than I had last year. Leaves the table looking like this. Superb! Extremely happy with that. Much closer to the promotion playoffs than the relegation zone. Considering both supporters and the board wanted us to just 'Avoid relegation' we're doing very well and long may it continue! The finances continue to get worse, but like my last post, not in a way I'm worried about. I was hoping on a big Copa Del Rey draw to put a big dent in the finances like last year when I made around £200k playing Sevilla. However, this year we're not in it? It's already at round four and we never played it. I legit have no idea what's going on? Maybe something to do with the database I'm using or maybe it's some kind of weird rule? I am clueless, but yeah. Weird. Finally, even though we have B team who play in the league I don't have loaded, they're not even playing any games. Unless they're joining the league next year maybe? I didn't think lower league Spain would be this complicated haha! So again, maybe it won't be worth signing anyone from the youth intake unless they look particularly interesting. Right, very important 3 months ahead. Continue to be steady and not get sucked into a relegation battle is the only aim here. I am not thinking about promotion playoffs in the slightest. That's a season or 2 in front. Also got a new contract so I've got until at least the end of next season. Until next time.
  16. Well let me tell you lot something. What a difference can make when you actually have players who know how to play football. A stark contrast from the first two months of last season, to the first two months of this season! After 11 games last season, we were only on 10 points. This season, so much better! That is night and day difference compared to last year. Just ignore the 1-5 defeat at home. That is a total outlier and I have no explanation of what happened there other than they took their chances. It was truly baffling to watch and I can offer no excuses! However, I feel no dread going into games. The deadwood have gone and I go into games thinking we actually can win them! Admittedly I'm still yet to find a suitable away tactic. I've been running a simple Route One 4-4-2 when we play away. It's not really proving to be particularly good but I'm not going to abandon it yet! We are currently 7 points better off than this time last year so I am very happy in that regard. Obviously anything can happen and we could still be sucked into a relegation battle but as of right now, I am content where we are. So it seems are the board who have me operating at B currently and the fans are also content running my opinion of a B-. They are very disappointed we got stuffed 1-5 though, particularly as they do not like Orihuela. In the last post I spoke about the season tickets hoping they'd put a big dent in the minus money we currently have, well we'd already gotten that money so we're still in the red but it's not horrendous and not something to worry about as it's still relatively small. Speaking of season tickets, we had an increase on last year. Last season it was 3000 of them, this year it's 3001. The glory hunters have started! If in a couple of months I can get past the first round of the Copa Del Rey and draw a La Liga team again, we'll be back in the black. No need to worry! I am already deep into this save and am having a wonderful time. I'll gladly take a mid table finish right now if I could as that would be a vast improvement on last year. We keep moving. Until next time.
  17. Whilst pre-season hasn't even started yet, I am here with the update from the Summer transfer window due to not having anymore money, so the chances of me signing other people are slim to none right now. I did state a couple of times previously that I was going to get rid of a lot of people, and I wasn't lying. It was a terrible, terrible first team squad. Releasing 13 players! I responded by bringing in 11 players and I firmly believe I have upgraded at every position. Let's get into them now. I said I'd have a busy Summer window and I certainly did. Only one senior GK in the squad, I will continue to look for another GK to bring in on loan before the season starts though. However he is better than our #1 from last year who ended up conceding 43 in 32. Hopefully Javi Cendon can be better. He was the backup for Hercules who got promoted from our division last year. Solid all rounder who I am much more comfortable and happy with between the sticks for this season. At the minute, we only have 1 RB in the first team, I have had a loan accepted for another one coming but he looks to be bad haha! Anyway. Nino was signed from a team in the league below, but he's decent at the back and decent going forward. Might get a few assists from this guy this season which will be nice! Now, I'm taking a risk at CB. The first 3 guys on the list have been kept from last season, BUT I have NOT offered them new deals despite their contracts being over. They remain here on their SMALL wages which is why I'm doing it. They all wanted MASSIVE increase in wages so I'm keeping them here on small wages but they can leave at any second. It's a risk I'm willing to take. I have my main 2 CBs which I signed. First up, signed from Atletico Bilbao B is Ayman Jelbat. I like the fact he's left footed and his technicals are pretty good, that's about it with some alright physicals. He'll be good for us, hopefully. I have raided from the lower leagues again for his new partner at CB. Solid mentals, including being our new captain paired with solid physicals, this is Yeremy Santos. I am happy with our new CB pairing, hopefully will make us better at the back. We have two new LBs and both are going to have to prove who will be our starting guy as they are both good. First up we have the older and experienced 30 year old Juanmi who looks very solid. Got him from Pendaya International who are in your Group. I needed to bring in backup though and I signed a guy who is gonna push Juanmi hard as to who will start on the left hand side. Niko Takahashi from Barcelona B. (Speaking of Barca no-one from them wants to join us on loan which sucks especially as we get no money for it!) Whilst the other guy is better, Niko here will bring great competition and someone who will be dangerous to bring on later in the game. We finished as the lowest scorers in our group last year, I wanted to change that. I have revamped our midfield and strikers. We WON'T finish bottom in that category again. This guy is still on trial, but he has agreed to join the team from Birkirkara in Malta Ali Diakite. However, a few teams are also in for him. I hope we get him. He isn't great, but he's experienced and who will de an alright job at sitting in front of the defence. I realised I had no CMs so this guy on loan from Eibar has come in for the season. Nothing about Oscar Corrasco's game is good but he's a body that we needed. He'll play a lot but he'll be a bit of a week spot. However, the guy that will be playing next to him... Another guy signed from Barcelona B Dani Rodriguez will be playing at CM but he's obviously versatile and quite exciting especially with his physicals, his 17 flair and the fact he's only 18. Plus his minimum release clause of £275k would help out our team if it's every activated. Two new RWs who will share starting duties but one is a bit better. We'll start with the worse one. Javier Verdu from the lower leagues again. Decent, won't ever be amazing. Signed from Elche B is Angel Higuera who has the right technicals to make a difference for us this year, maybe. The only new LW we have signed for £6,25k from Guillermo Brown in Argentina's second division. Nehemias Rodriguez is an alright player and I think he will do a solid job for us on the left, and if he doesn't, we have people who can come in, but I'm wishing that won't be needed. Only two strikers in the first team, one I kept from last year who did enough to keep job, well. Enough that I didn't release him as he's out of contract. I have however, offered him a new one year deal. Toni Paredes. I would like it if he does enough again this enough this year. Again, money spent on a signing from Argentina, the third division this time from Williams Kemmis for £3.8k. Matias Olmedo who I think is a very good Pressing Forward. I think he will be dangerous and good for us, I firmly believe I've got a bargain here. Long post I know, but that's what happens when you let 90% of the first team walk haha! Couple more things. Finances look like this. Because we have a B Team now and they need a stadium which has been paid for £851k yeesh! I probably wouldn't have said yes to getting one had I known that was going to happen! Our season ticket sales should make a big dent in that. They will be playing in the leagues below which I don't have, so I can't activate them which is a big shame. However, at least our youth players will now actually be playing regularly now! Final bit of news before I go. Last year we were media predicted to be bottom of the table and at 200/1 to win the league, they think we're looking a lot better this year like I do. What's pretty amusing is that due to two particular teams which got promoted, in this Group alone of football there are including us there are 5 teams from Barcelona. Us. Badalona. Badalona Futur (The ones in 17th predicted) Europa and L'Hospitalet. A lot of derbies and rivalries here. I love it. Until next time.
  18. I didn't think it would be this tough, but this is definitely a challenge. If someone wants a tricky ride, try being Sant Andreu, unless I'm just being a poor manager! So, whilst it wasn't fully clear via the original table that you can see, the bottom 5 teams are straight relegated and 13th goes into the relegation playoffs with other 13th place teams from Groups 2,4 and 5. Yet Group 1 doesn't have a relegation playoff team? I don't get it, Spanish football, you're weird. Anyway. The board wanted us to get 13th. If we got 14th or lower, we get automatically relegated and the save is over as I don't have any lower leagues available. So I gave myself an almighty task. Let's see what went down. A couple of wins scattered in there among a few losses. The one which hurt the most was this one. Pena Deportivo were already relegated and this loss was a disaster. A 94th minute missed penalty had my head in my hands. This game affected me haha. It meant we were 13th with 1 game remaining and 1 point clear of Formentera. Alzira were 12th who had the same amount of points as us. So going into the final day. We had to match or better Formentera to not be relegated and hope Alzira also messed up to give us some help. They played Penya Independant who were on 39 points and 1 place above them. It was a hectic day! They played out a quite thrilling draw, well, at least right at the very end. Penya had secured their survival whilst at the 95th minute, Alzira thought they had secured survival. How did Formentera get on? Easy victory which meant we HAD to win or it was save over and I'd be saying goodbye to Sant Andreu. Could I keep my job and send Alzira down against Valencia Mestalla who were in third and already secure of a playoff place? Of course I could! No stressing! (Very much stressed a lot through this season!). It was never in doubt! (Very much in doubt!) Surviving and keeping my job on the last day by the skin of my teeth! They showed spirit, desire and fight to power us through at the end of the season....as well as the meta 4-2-4 Gegenpressing. Please don't think less of me, I did feel dirty using it haha. I won't complain though because I can keep this going. PHEW! I don't really want to show these stats as it highlights how poor we've been, but I guess it's all part of the journey right? Squad by goals. Squad by rating. Missing 5 players off, but if they're under 6.65, they don't really deserve to be shown. A new name can be seen, Joal Ngoya. He was someone who I got in on the last day of the transfer window from Atletico De Madrid their second team. 15 apps, 6.65 rating, hardly set the world on fire. Speaking of loans, from next year we should have some better calibre of player available to have on loan. We won't be getting any money from them, but the perfect parent club for us. Bloody Barcelona! We'll use them to get better before passing them! We did have our youth intake, but before we got it I realised that our U19s hadn't played a single game. I was unable to get a manager for them despite having a job ad out for them. They don't belong to a league or anything like that, so it was pointless in signing players from the intake because they'll use up money and not develop. That's something I'll need to sort out. I did sign one player though who I'll have in the first team. He's not great, but not bad I guess. The board also gave me some great news with this item that came through the day after securing our stay in the league! This will attract a higher standard of player and with training full time, we'll be in a better position to play better. We end the season with our finances looking like this. Considering we were projected to be in the red, that is a beautiful sight which led to the board telling me this. Which leaves me with £1.39k in wage budget, considering that practically everyone in the first team's contract is about to expire and I don't want to keep hardly any of them that will rise majorly! And finally. Exciting times here at Sant Andreu. It was a stressful time for me especially for me as my contract was expiring and I couldn't ask for one. I was worried new ownership would choose a different manager but I have another one year contract now, thankfully. One of the most frustrating, stressful and annoying seasons comes to an end. I have a busy Summer window in front of me. Gonna more than likely have brand new first team squad during the next update. Also a little side note, Crawley did win today, we're into the League Two playoffs and will be playing MK Dons. What a Saturday afternoon I had. Until next time.
  19. Another two months has passed, I'm at the back end of February, let's see what's happened shall we? Yeah, the counter tactic quickly ran out of steam and lead to some truly awful games. The 1-5 lose to at home to the top of the table Torrent was particularly dreadful. The form was so bad, that the board called me into a meeting to discuss my future after the loss to Penya. I chose the option to give me a month to try and improve our form and basically begged not to be sacked. I wasn't given a target of points, just to try and get better. That prompted me to switch to the meta 4-2-4 Gegenpressing tactic for our two home games which we won. Obviously good, but it feels a bit cheap going to that tactic which we know is good, but at least it might help me keep my job. I personally think we're doing much better than expected so I didn't think I'd be in trouble with them. The table is still very tight down the bottom and it's going to be an intriguing run in if you don't get sacked! The Copa Del Rey match against Sevilla was indeed huge for our bank balance. So other than the other two home wins, our balance is the only positive thing with the club right now. As most of you who have experienced lower league management like this, your first couple of youth intakes are always classed as 'Golden Generations' due to the poor players we have and that's what has been claimed for us. I forgot to take the screenshot, but I'd imagine it won't be much longer until they actually come through considering I'm nearly in March. Right, time to crack on and try and not get sacked! Until next time.
  20. Thank you mu guy, the luck has been needed! Tough start, but I knew it would be. At least we weren't title favourites and struggling big time! With great happiness I can tell you that we have indeed made it to Christmas with Sant Andreu! Let's see how the results have played out shall we? Not as many games through November and December but being semi professional, that's helping keep the fitness levels up of our players only playing once a week, that could've been a factor of playing better? Looking at the results though, it makes it seem that we were playing very well. Kind of right and wrong. We'll use the match against Valencia Mestalla as an example. It's not very pretty haha. Our wins and even the draws have been ugly, but I guess I'm not going to complain. I've made the switch to play a Fluid Counter Attacking 4-2-3-1 as our main tactic, both for home and away. Normally I operate with a set home and away tactics, with the home more about controlling possession or being more positive but with the quality of player we have, that wasn't working out. Whilst the results keep being impressive (At least for us) I will be continue to play counter attacking both home and away. It leaves the table looking like this. Currently outside of the relegation playoff places BARELY. It is very tight down there but, that just makes it more exciting and tense! A fantastic win against Sabadell another one of the teams in Barcelona who are in the third tier in the Copa Del Rey ensures we are through to the second round which I wasn't expecting and we get a glamour tie! If you weren't aware, the smaller team is ALWAYS the home team in this competition, which is something the FA should look into if they want to get rid of replays in real life? At one point, my job was insecure and reports were floating around I was one more game away from being sacked as I was a D- with the board and the supporters, but I've got myself a bit more time and favoured a little more with them both. The finances have been able to keep up pretty well with some decent home support. I'm looking forward to seeing how much money we get from the Sevilla game. If we can not get relegated AND keep the finances looking good, maybe come the Summer I can actually make some additions to this team and make us better! Finally, I was a bit cheeky and asked for a coaching course after a couple of the good results and they agreed which is awesome! The transfer window is nearly open, but with no wage budget or transfer money, I can't bring in additional players unless I go into the red for wage budget. I guess if the right player is there I'll be willing, but I'm not sure right now. Well, this update has been far more positive than the last haha! You love to see it. Just a quick real life note. Come on Crawley! We need a win to get today home to Grimsby to try and get into League Two playoffs. I wanna go to Wembley next month! Until next time.
  21. I was open to doing a youth only save, but as stated earlier, I think it would be hard due to Barcelona taking all the good youth players, I'd rather not have to rely on that haha! So we were predicted to finish bottom of the league and have a season of struggle. Yeah, they were right. It has been a very rough start to this adventure. This team is bad, like real bad haha. It hasn't been enjoyable but we ball. These very poor results has left the table looking like this after the first couple of months. At least we're not sat at the bottom of the table right? It's not fun to win all the time anyway, it's more fun to be in the gutter and struggle. Unfortunately there's really not that much to say other than it's been poor and we've played badly. Despite having 4 draws, we were the poorer team in 3 of them. I might not even make it to Christmas at this point haha! This could well be a short story. Until next time.
  22. Thank you. I'm excited to get into this and taking them as far as I can!
  23. After a little bit of searching I was able to finally get an assman to join me and he's not too good but I needed a body to come and take that job. He'll do for this year, but I'll look to upgrade next season. Let's have a look at the players at our disposal shall we?! Only 2 GKs in the first team and one is on loan as you can see. So we'll only look at the player that belongs to us in Jaime Gonzalez. Meh, he looks alright I guess for this level? I like that he is 6'6. We are a little short at the back, including only 1 left back. However with only £92 wage budget left, I'm gonna have to work some magic in the loan market! Starting at RB we have Sergi and Jordi Mendez. Whilst our assman rates them at the same level. Mendez is better everywhere except he's a tiny bit slower. To me, he is the clear guy to be starting at RB and here he is. We have 4 CBs but 2 are much better than the others haha. The better two being: Pau Rosales and Antonio Pelegrin. I will show Rosales first. Okay, I know he doesn't look that good. Poor mentals and mediocre physicals. However, I like his positioning, heading and marking. He will be starting, but if he has some poor perfomances then Sergi Vives will be waiting for him to stumble. I would be starting Vives but I dislike that he's 5'10 and a jumping reach of 5. Sorry buddy! The number one at CB for us at the minute is Antonio Pelegrin who boasts decent mentals, physicals and mentals. The only LB we have in the first team is Genis Blasco and he looks to be decent, last year he scored 7 goals in real life from left back. Need something like that again from him in game! Our midfield looks like a mixed bag, maybe enough to help us not get relegated. Carles Guzman is going to be very important for us in this first season. He has very good technicals, hopefully we can run the ball through him and he can dictate a lot of our play. The other 2 CMs aren't anything special but Pau is sightly better. I will definitely have to run a tactic with an AMC to get potentially the best player in the team playing most games. If we're to be successful this year, Josu WILL play a part in it. Solid player, might be his only year with us, but he looks like he could be fabulous for us! We have three wide players who aren't that good to be honest. I won't waste any of our time by showing you them. With me skipping them, it leaves us with our strikers. It's clear who the best striker is and it's not hard to see why. The other 4 strikers don't come anywhere NEAR him. This is star striker Ernest Forgas. Praying for a big year from him. This is the state of our U19s. Obviously at this level the big potential ratings mean nothing. None of these look good....except... Antoni Mila I have moved him to the first team squad, there could be something here. Right that's the squad, I need to raid the loan market for some players. Until next time.
  24. As football fans we have been conditioned over the past 20 years or so that as soon as we hear the word "Barcelona" even in a non football context, our minds race with certain images and thoughts. The Nou Camp. Lionel Messi. Ronaldinho. Pep. Champions League domination. Football domination. El Classico with Real Madrid. Our minds have been trained to think of them things. I went to Barcelona about six years ago, it was the first time me and my girlfriend went on holiday together (Still with her now!) and I really liked the city. It wasn't that expensive, the weather was wonderful, the city was beautiful and we both had a great time. My girlfriend who has been a Burnley season ticket holder for years is massively into football like me, so obviously we took a trip to the Nou Camp and what a stadium it is. Beautiful. Overall, top top city and it comes highly recommended. The city has two big teams. Espanyol are often overlooked due to their bigger brother and it's not hard to understand why. Their success is nothing compared to Barcelona. It must be hard being a fan of Espanyol considering who their neighbours are! So surely it would be harder to be smaller, other teams in this big city no? This is where we come in. There are a few teams I could've chosen in the city of Barcelona and the runners up were: CE Europa who play in the third group in the fourth division. CF Badalona who play in the fifth tier of Spanish football. CE Sabadell FC who play in the third tier and our last honourable mention being CE L'Hospitalet who play in the fifth tier. However, the winners and the team that I will be taking over are..... U.E Sant Andreu They got promoted in real life last season to the fourth tier of Spanish football. A couple of reasons why I have chosen to go for them. First up, in the game we are media predicted to get relegated straight back down which would suck considering that would be the end of the save straight away as I don't have access to the fifth tier haha! I also like that they play in the traditional Catalonia colours of the yellow and red stripes. We have a very solid 6,563 seater stadium that will definitely help us out going forward. Although it is over 50 years old at this point, if we begin our rise toward the top, a new home will be needed but for now, it will do. There's a great article from The Athletic about this team it's only a short little read but it's very interesting and it did sway me a little to choose them over the other teams I stated. https://theathletic.com/5154818/2023/12/28/sant-andreu-barcelona/ Right let's get into it. Here we go! Average training facilities and youth facilities with average youth coaching isn't bad at all for a fourth division team. Then we are above average youth recruitment. So we might have a couple of decent youth players coming through in the first couple of intakes? This will NOT be a youth only save. If we think about it realistically, ALL the best youth football prospects in this entire region will be hoovered up by Barcelona and to an extent, Espanyol. So it would be silly of me to try and go youth only. Finances aren't in a bad state at all. We start with this: Projected this: And that my friends, is what we call manageable. As I said earlier, we are predicted to finish bottom by the media: The board want us to finish in the relegation playoffs which is probably where we'll finish and HOPEFULLY survive our first year. We actually have two of the teams sharing this city with us in this league table in Badalona and Europa. Two derbies early on in the save. Speaking of the board, other than finish in the relegation playoffs, they expect nothing else from me which is a good start. However, the fans have a few things they want/expect from me: Maintain a higher reputation than Europa sure thing boys. Be competitive against Orihuela C.F (They play in the fourth tier but a different group) and be competitive against Barcelona Atletic aka Barcelona B. Hopefully at one point we can drop the 'B' and be competitive against the big boys. We are a well backed team season ticket wise, check this out! Very good fan support is something we can rely on in this save, that is great news. With 1,500 season ticket holders, we can look to get solid attendance throughout the entire season which will help our bank balance out a lot. Here is the supporter page. According to this, we still have another 1,500 season tickets to be sold?! We should sell out every match if nearly half the stadium will be season ticket holders!!!! Staff wise currently, there is only 1 other member of staff, a scout who with a pair of 6s for judging ability and potential he doesn't seem to be that good, although for this level it might be good?! I've gotta get busy and get some people in to help me. Because I have no assman, I don't know how good my squad is just yet. I won't be holding my breath as a promoted team. We have 21 players in the first team and in our U19s we have 17. When I get some staff, we can look into them more. Lastly, this is how I will be setting up from the start. National B license (I am an FA Level two football coach for real) and Sunday league footballer. My attributes suck, but hopefully we can get a coaching course under my belt. Do I have a goal for this save? Yeah, first we topple Sabadell by being the third best team in the city. Then we get past Espanyol to be number two in this city. Finally we get past Barcelona to become the best team in this wonderful city. Hopefully there will be people along for this journey. Until next time.
  25. What a great read so far. That Jones looks amazing. What an absolute gem to come through.
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