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Posts posted by Synthespian

  1. Delighted to see the announcement and now that it's clear what is going to happen.
    I honestly accept that this is the impact of Brexit and the lack of free movement (shame but true even if I never understood how so many south americans arrived in portugal/spain).

    However ... I think the change that is needed is that you need to be able to send your scouts out to find players who will not need / likely pass the work permit.  Otherwise you're deleting lots of results that are just not valid - doesn't matter how amazing the portugese wonderkid is ... you will not be able to buy him until he's worth 40m and played a lot.

  2. 1 hour ago, AllyJoseph said:

    Edit: if this is the way forward for the WP rules then serious tweeks need to be made over how expensive young British talent is. Getting quoted 150m+ for an 18 year old is madness when players like Sancho, Bellingham, Lookman etc go abroad for 50m downwards. Kids are not worth that much and are now wiser to sticking to one club until they are 24 and wasted their career.

    That's where I think the problem is with this.  It's fine to have WP rules, but when you get this sort of negotiation from a club, it isn't going to happen.


  3. On 20/11/2020 at 14:14, benhoward12 said:

    A Liverpool save is going to be a very different experience to a lot of lower prem teams and lower league English team as you will be signing top national players

    It's almost impossible to do a Newcastle save.
    You have to sign players under 23, but none of them will have the points more than likely, and anyone with a bit of potential (and thus re-sale) you are quoted 60m for 19 year olds that have never played a single prem game.  Silly.

  4. 14 hours ago, Daniel Wells said:

    If you can upload a save game from before you get asked about Vilca I can take a look and see if it can be balanced a bit better.

    From before I "ever" got asked about him?

    From just before an interview (post-match) I got asked about him one of the times?

    Sorry.  Not trying to be unhelpful and I've got save games for a number of my other issues I've raised in case they are asked for, but this one is over the course of the season, so the only way would be to give you the last save game file of that season in the hope you can find all the interview responses.  
    On the one hand, he was having a good (if not spectacular) season on loan, but so were others.
    I guess the point is, once I've said "we've loaned him out there for exactly that reason" and "no, we're not thinking of ending it early" it's not exactly 'exciting' to answer that question if he hasn't gone and got 5x 10* games in a row.

  5. I received an offer for Jonjo Shelvey whilst managing Newcastle.
    Current value 12.75m


    I negotiated the contract, then rejected it and the player demanded to speak.
    I said I wanted them to make a fair offer (for a player not on the transfer list, but they still offered initially around half the current value).

    I said wanted £14m and the player/agent told me that was unrealistic.
    10% for a player I had not said I'd any intention of selling does not seem un-realistic.  However, they did accept that 13.75m was fine.

    I then got an offer for 16m.


    Things to note:

    1) Teams bidding for my players are always under the player value.
    2) If you look at image 2, I was left with two options ... give another price or say I wasn't going to let him leave.  I should have an option to say "that's a very fair price and I'm sticking to it" - **MISSING**.  Yes, I can keep putting in the same £14m but it's not quite the same "flow"
    3) The player should not feel so negative "let down" over what was a 250,000 difference.  They should have (if 13.75 was ok) been able to accept that.

    When you compare it to trying to find high  potential youths who have not played a senior competitive game and you're being quoted by the team for 25-40m, then you do wonder if the player isn't having a nervous breakdown on the other side like Shelvey was over 250k.

    Player denoting transfer value 3.jpg

    Player denoting transfer value 2.jpg

    Player denoting transfer value.jpg

  6. On 15/11/2020 at 17:55, sporadicsmiles said:

    Are people really complaining about Brexit restrictions? I mean perhaps more people should have voted against it, and then not elected the blond muppet to make a crappy deal. 

    Unfortunately this is reality for people now. It is crap. I just had to sort out my work permit to stay on the continent. May I suggest lobbying and doing proactive things in real life to get rid of this travesty? Or if you like the internet warrior thing we could twitter bomb BJ to tell him he messed up our FM21 saves.

    Or wait for the release of the game where someone will undoubtedly release a no Brexit file. 

    ha-ha-ha.  So true. :)

  7. On 14/11/2020 at 09:25, Domathon said:

    I find this extreme difficult mode interesting but like I said already having a large database with 200k players and only being able to sign 4/5% of them It will kill the game for many, this thread will get massive when people who get hard mode brexit realise their peril...

    This is the ultimate comment.
    What's the point in running a game in the UK with a huge database of players.  You will hardly be able to use any of that database.  I understand the life-like idea and I will accept.
    The comments so far range between "omg, turn it off --> why do it before you know --> etc etc.

    I am wondering if I can buy that great 17-yr-old, send them to belgium/holland for 3 seasons, and then apply for the work permit once they've started playing.  Is that something possible (still reading the thread)?

  8. Hard to give a picture, offer a save to show it (unless there's a record of all the previous interview questions and answers).

    I've been asked about Vilca on loan in about 5 interviews over the season, so far. It's become a very repetitive question and not really adding to the experience.  There are over 20 other players from my team out on loan and I keep being asked about him.  Either he's just doing brilliantly, or terribly (the other player I am asked about is muto at Eibar) but I am not enjoying the same question so often.  There does still seem to be a lack of variety in the questions (oh wait, it's football :lol:) during the whole season and that will aggravate a bit over time.

    Also, I think the duplication of the "instant post game interview" (before you get the end of the match) to then go into a fuller post-game interview is adding further repetition and not adding to the experience.


    Very personal opinion, very "not really a bug" but still think it's worth logging for opinion.
    (Yes, aware I can send my assistant to take over that part of the game - but I think it needs the variety in more questions and answers and not having the press conference if they collared you at the game)

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