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Posts posted by Junkhead

  1. 24 minutes ago, GhostMegi said:

    Even though I am on FM20 I gotta say that my first season ever went surprisingly good, since I got promoted (predicted to finish 8th) without using "exploit tactics" or save scumming.

    I followed this and other threads regarding this topic and imo it would definitely make sense to add difficulty levels in future versions. By that everybody would be happy, casual players as well as veterans. Personally I see no good reason not to add this feature even though I know it's probably not easy to implement. Some people might say FM is a simulation and therefore it shouldn't have difficulty levels, but as we know there are already many simulation games with difficulty levels and at the end of the day we are still talking about a computer game (which should offer some challenge).

    I don't like handicapping myself by doing random challenges, I prefer the AI to challenge me and I guess there are many people out there who think the same. 

    The AI should provide you with a challenge, completely right. 

    But as I said in another thread earlier - the AI in the game right now is at peak AI as far as the developer is concerned. It's not like they've got a super difficult AI module that they're just not using knocking about.

    Because there is no better AI module, the only way the developer could bring "hard mode" into the game is by putting the user at a disadvantage by overpowering the opposition.

    And no matter how much people go on about that, there is no way SI will do it.


  2. 27 minutes ago, vukigepard said:

    I'm not winning all the time, and even if i was, it has nothing to do with you or the way you play, or the way you think the fm should be played. Even the option to delegate everything tactical to assistant manager suggests that this is a game that could be played in a number of ways, you can set up variety of goals you want to achieve, or things you want to do. Because you enjoy tweaking tactics and micromanaging and that is your main interest, doesn't mean it should be my point of enjoying the game and that i should be what, devoid of enjoyment and success because i don't want to play the game in a way you snowflakes want and think it should be played specifically taylored for your and yours only liking. I already explained why there will always be, as for all fm versions, something that that has bigger calculation value in a combination than anything else, 1 approach that will give results most of the time, and that's how it is for every game except if the randomness is a greater factor. For someone who is a experienced fm player, of course you are good in the game with the same foundation where you sank 1000's of hours. Learn to entertain yourself in some other way in fm or move on, real life is quite challenging for itself.

    AI could be better, it isn't right now, and nothing constructive has been contributed

    But no

    "The game should be played in THIS specific way to have success as this is how it was meant to be played" 

    Disgusting, i hope the mods close this thread as it's been nothing but pointless flame wars for a few pages now without anything constructive, including my posts.

    This is the point I got to in this thread a day or so ago but there's now a third thread that I worry will descend into this.

    People just need to post evidence in the bugs forum of where it is too easy for the Devs to look at and crack on.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Boroboss said:

    Over the course of a year I’ll play multiple different games and yeah toward the end I’ll download the editor and make things a bit harder for me. Rather than go on a forum and moan I like to use the tools available to me to change a few things. Sorry if that doesn’t fit in with your gospel of how the game should be played

    This. Play different saves & find your own challenges.

    If the AI can be improved this should be applied to the game, not added as a difficulty level.

  4. 20 minutes ago, kingking said:

    Are people trolling

    All we are asking for is a difficulty Mode

    It really isn't controversial.

    It's a standard in many games especially simulations.


    People aren't trolling. This has been being discussed on the forums for over a week and not once has anyone suggested how this would work aside from suggesting that the AI is given arbitrary boosts which will never happen, or that the AI be improved which should happen generally regardless of difficulty levels.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    And that’s what the thread is for. Hence the title.


    just because I am now letting my DOF handle transfers doesn’t mean I don’t want this fixed and not talked about.

    Probably why it hasn’t been tuned because people haven’t really talked about it other than suggestions that gain no traffic or a bug report that got ignored...

    SI say all bug reports are looked at, I assume that is the case. It is frustrating when there is no comment on your report and you can't actually see it's been looked at, I get that. 

    It does feel like we're on the same side in the end mate, I have form for being too direct which i'm sure comes as no surprise lol

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    Cohesion remaining high when it’s not suppose to isn’t the problem which would be a bug. The problem is team cohesion not having much of an effect (like injuries being 80%) which is most likely working as intended.

    These things have been requested and posting about in the correct forums for years now.

    it’s up to SI to agree on the changes or not. 


    Fine, so if you don't think it's a bug, and it is ruining your enjoyment then your options are to stop playing or work around it.

    I want to keep playing so I work around it by not signing 20 players on loan and free transfer every time I get promoted. 

    We agree it would be better if it worked properly.

  7. 11 minutes ago, EazyEee said:

    If the game is too hard for casual players then its a problem as there are many many more casual players of FM looking to have fun getting a League 1 side to the UCL final, and that is completely fine, but there are also players who want FM to pose more of a challenge. How can one difficulty setting cater to both sets of players?

    You're right. And if there was a hard mode I would use it. But only if it didn't ruin the simulation aspect. So far no one has given any indication as to how it would work without doing that.

  8. 1 minute ago, RHKC said:

    Last Tuesday I happened to post on the beta feedback thread, saying this:


    "Just caught up with this thread (yes, I have read every page over the space of five days) :D

    I don't yet have the game due to losing my business recently and my car spectacularly failing it's mot...

    So, when I can eventually afford it, I'm really looking forward to playing the game with the much improved match engine! I just really hope things haven't reverted back to FM20 by the time I get to play :herman::lol:


    Please, SI. My year has been bad enough as it is, so please don't nerf strikers! Can't wait to play!"



    A few minutes later, I received a private message from a poster (who I won't name unless they would like to make themselves known), saying they would like to gift me the game on steam. After the year I've had, this really did mean the world to me.

    After the poster realised they couldn't gift me the game due to being in a different region to me, they enlisted the help of another poster and by the end of the night I was installing FM21!


    I was wondering whether to post this or not, I don't want to be seen as a charity case or anything. I just want to show how much I appreciate their gesture and how it made me genuinely smile for the first time in a while.


    Sorry if posts like this aren't allowed, hopefully an exception is made :)


    Thank you!

    Whoever that user is - what a legend.  Shows that as much bickering as there is at times, the FM community is a pretty decent one. Well done.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    That’s not a solution because you then enable the discussion of whether some of these features are fluff or not. Why have team cohesion if it’s effects are minimal at best? Sure Liverpool should do well with little team cohesion because of the talent but in the same breath, despite Manchester United being talented, they underperform.


    lack of team cohesion should be really felt with a roster that are not really talented (lower leagues)


    And as I said in my post after the bit you highlighted - the developer should make it work better. We agree.

    What we don't agree on is that if I find a problem, I post it in the bugs forum and play around it rather than complaining about it on multiple threads. Not saying you are doing this by the way, but we have both been involved in the discussions across multiple threads now.

    I don't like that all of my DOF recommendations in the Norwegian third division are Croatian because I have one Croatian staff member. So I'm going to post about it in the bugs forum later and sack the bloke and hire a Norwegian. If that doesn't resolve it, I will update the developer.

    If you have examples of cohesion remaining high when whole squads have been replaced, post some evidence to the developer.

  10. 9 minutes ago, EazyEee said:

    Make squad building more realistic, improve AI managers ability to build squads and use more aggressive tactics. There are lots of ways of making a hard mode in a game, its hardly a groundbreaking feature.

    That's not hard mode though. That should be happening anyway. Do you think the developer has an amazing AI module sat in a cupboard that they aren't using because no one has asked for hard mode?


  11. Just now, EazyEee said:

    I'm glad this is being brought up more and more of late. Been a long time player of FM and I've felt the game get a whole lot more easy over the past 2 years.

    I brought this years one and played the beta and am cruising in the Premier League with Fulham playing a fluid 433 counter, no crazy custom tactic, just the one in game.

    Making the game harder will put the majority of FM players off, which is why a hard mode is the only logical step. Playing with Man Utd should not be an easy job, saying manage lower leagues doesn't change anything, it's not harder, just takes longer to get to the top.

    How would hard mode work then?

  12. 9 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    realistic is having to make effort to take that non league team to league with smart management.


    in the current state of FM, you can move up from non league to league consecutively with a different roster each year without team cohesion mattering.

    This is this whole circular discussion that has now spilled over three threads for over a week in two paragraphs.

    You're right - signing an entire new squad every single season is unrealistic.

    So don't do it. There's your challenge. 

    You are 100% right that the game should punish you for it. I don't know if it does or not because I don't do that. If it doesn't, then in should.

    This is the sort of thing that should be fixed rather than arbitrary difficulty modes being added. 

  13. Just now, mikcheck said:

    Hi guys, I have question.

    I've been really enjoying the save I'm doing in beta. Any changes to the match engine or AI teams done in the full release  will affect the save or will I have to start a new one?


    All changes will be reflected in the full version if you continue your beta save with the possible exception of changes to competition and league rules.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Manu_41 said:

    I can only sign 42 players out of 6845. This is not normal please fix it.





    Who can't you sign that you think you should be able to? I don't need a list of all 6000 odd obviously. Just a couple of examples would be good. Then the developer can understand who can't sign who should be able to.

    Just saying "I want to sign more" isn't constructive.

  15. Just now, kingking said:

    Let us imagine there being a mode (extreme realism mode) where it is extremely realistic where attributes are stars and we have to rely on stats and so on.

    It would be very time consuming relying on stats and watching matches to determine whether a player is good or not but oh well lol

    I find it all very strange in respect of which side of the argument people think they fall on here.

    I play the old school LLM way. So I generally start unemployed with no badges. I don't use the player search and only sign players my scouts have found. I wouldn't go near wonderkid lists or downloading tactics. I do everything manually. It takes me weeks real time to get through a season.  I use fake players if I start again in a league I've already managed in in that version so I don't know the players. I don't go near the good player/team forum on here.  This is hard mode. 

    I'm not sure someone who is smashing the league with Bayern or Celtic is as "hardcore" a player as you think.

    I said this on the previous difficulty thread and got roundly flamed for it, but if people are picking the best clubs in the highest divisions, then what do they expect.


  16. 3 hours ago, francis#17 said:

    Just to make it clear, I dont think anyone is defending the broken implementation.


    Btw SI, apart from this issue and the zoom issue during matches I am loving the game. But this is a very big issue


    I want it to work properly and I want it to reflect reality.

    The problem is that the people who are saying it's "not realistic" and it "won't end up like that" are basing this on a combination of hope, speculation and guess work.

  17. 4 hours ago, bringbacklilnux said:

    So speculative post-brexit WP rules applied, however well founded.

    But implemented badly - scouting, DoF etc, as reported here.

    Defenders - but its brexit and we are all doomed.

    Other camp - I want to play the game my way and not be subject to these restrictions so I can buy more than a few % of my database.

    I think an easy way to turn-off brexit and live in an alternate future would suit both sides.  (At least those who do not want to impose their view on the other side.).  But SI say no - apparently.

    Hopefully the pre-game editor will come to rescue.


    No - the actual current rules which will be applied as things stand are being applied, they just don't work very well.

    Not sure anyone has said "but it's Brexit and we're all doomed", but at the same time some people seem to have their heads in the sand.

    People from outside the European Union have had to obtain work permits before brexit, both in and out of football. The home office has quite openly said that the new system will see a decrease in immigration from BOTH EU and non EU countries.

    Therefore the restrictions for everyone will be stricter.

    No doubt the Premier League is going to try and get round that - but as it stands things are moving towards the scenario that is badly modelled in the game.

    Honestly, this nonsense about people "scaremongering" over Brexit has resulted in a bit of a mess in reality. There is nothing to be gained from pretending it is happening here too. 

    Factually - the speculation at this point would be to assume that things will be different for football than they are for owt else. There is no evidence that this will be the case as it stands. This is fact. It's not scaremongering.

    As for your other point, completely understand that people want to play their game their own way. I don't think SI will include an easy option to turn it off and on because they don't do that with any other league rules aside from in the editor.


  18. 9 minutes ago, Darragh1992 said:

    This! brexit was about stopping low paid workers coming in not athletes earning thousands of pounds a week contributing thousands to the tax system, In my game in the scottish prem I cant sign guys on 6 grand a week, top earners, are we really to believe the scottish/british governemnt are going to refuse that?

    Do all top athletes pay tax in this country then?

    Genuine question (and probably off topic so mods delete if required!) I wouldn't be so sure. There are loopholes which we have already learned that business owners and politicians allegedly exploit.

    I don't know why sports people wouldn't be the same but who knows.

  19. 26 minutes ago, dannysheard said:

    Going to start a save on Tuesday.

    Does the game automatically generate a pkm for each match, or do you have to manually do it?

    After each match you have the option to save and export. That will produce your pkms. 

    I wouldn't just send them the pkms though, if you see stuff that you reckon is overpowered or bugged I'd post in the relevant forum and see what they actually want. 

    Good luck mate, hope you enjoy your save when you start it!

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