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Posts posted by dllu

  1. So I will need to edit the parent competition into the data base to cater for the child competition?

    Yes, you need an empty parent competition to put the subdivisions (with the teams in them) into. So in England there is a level 6 empty parent competition (called Conf N/S, I think) containing two subdivisions (Conf N & Conf S).

  2. Having looked through, I agree with a lot of what I see; I think I would like to see the following:

    - Regional Boundary definitions - As mentioned, rather than use a city as a boundary, regions should be used such as East Midlands, etc.

    Absolutely +1

    Regional boundaries is the most infuriating thing when trying to get teams to stay put in their correct division. This seems like a much simpler solution that the current one! :thup:

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