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Posts posted by wsteelix

  1. Hi @Jimmy Wong, thanks for your response! I have uploaded my save to SI cloud, file name was wsteelixCrashes.fm. 

    And to answer your questions:

    - I was playing on Steam.

    - I wasn't using any in-game editor, but I did have custom graphics and skin loaded.

    - I couldn't reproduce the crashes at any specific date or point in game. Crashes happen randomly at various different points, for example: starting up the game, while loading/saving, progressing, during matches, and even while reloading skin (ie, changing preferences, interfaces)


    I have tried to delete game's cache and preferences folders, as well as verify local file integrity. The game ran fine for about an hour or so, and crashes happen now again. I have recently deleted all custom skins also. I will attach also another 2 dumps, which happened just now before I changed back to use original FM skins.

    Edit: game crashed just now in match, without any dumps, and default FM Dark skin.


    Please do let me know if you need more information. This year's version of the game has been crashing much more than usual, I have to say, but I has been almost unplayable today, unfortunately.

    FM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 18.34.42).dmp FM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 18.32.36).dmp

  2. Hi, I have been experiencing quite many random crashes in the last hour or so. Attached are 4 different crash dumps within the last 40 minutes. It happens when saving, continuing, loading a save, or even starting the game. Please have a look and help me with the issue. Thanks a lot in advance!


    FM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 15.01.04).dmpFM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 15.24.59).dmpFM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 15.30.58).dmp

    FM 2020 v20.4.1.1363262 (2020.04.24 15.38.24).dmp

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