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Posts posted by greenz81

  1. 33 minutes ago, Jamieac said:

    Can we get this sorted in the next patch?

    There is no logical reason why my CB should be taking these leaving me with one defender back. Not even sure why this was changed it's broken something that was perfectly fine.

    Getting sorted next patch. They are having issues with the 2nd part of the defensive phase. Must be to do with the set piece setups they've added

  2. Spoiler
    7 minutes ago, dzek said:

    No, bro. I think it's clear what I'm asking. What factors determine how the AI managers play INSIDE the match. I'm not talking about the indication of tactical style.

    For example whether they play out of defence, whether they apply aggressive pressure etc.


    Ok I get you. Yes those are the factors that the manager  would use. I don't know of anything else I obvious that would say otherwise. But also look at the Data Hub and possibly watch a few games of the opposition AI, there's a lot of information of where they win the ball and also what player roles they normally use

  3. 12 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

    I locked one because it went off topic with two posters going back and forth

    The more it continues, the more threads get locked and content mods getting handed out because genuine posters are being lost amongst a sea of nonsense and arguing  

    But the debates are about issues with the game. If a mod was to reach out and basically say “this is a known issue being looked into, so there is no reason to debate anymore” these wouldn’t be occurring as much. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Sighs, yes they do. First 11 games of my current season, and only once has the AI not made a sub. And I'm not including 90+ min subs in that. Don't believe everything you read on here. This is the gaming forum equivalent of the flat earth society. 

    However, there have been a FEW games where the AI hasn't made subs, but this is the exception rather than the rule, in my own experience. A fix is probably required somewhere, although I imagine it will be difficult to implement given it's only affecting a handful of scenarios. 

    Nowhere near bad enough for it to be affecting saves in any meaningful way. 

    Jimmy Wong pinned the next major patch will include 

    • Improvements to AI squad building and substitutions logic 

    if only a ‘few’ people experienced, then why is it in the major patch. Just stop please! So many people have posted it as a problem! Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


  5. 13 minutes ago, wazza said:

    I'm sure I re-call editions ago on the fm series that the beta would be released and there was a fix during the beta stage on occasions, then again another update at final release day followed by 2 or 3 more. 

    Maybe I'm wrong and my ageing memory is playing tricks on me lol but if not why has this changed to only seem to get a bigger patch around December. It's like someones made a management decision  for whatever reason. What I do know is I've bought the game each year and been able to enjoy playing it from early access with the updates  coming when they do, except this year. The high scoring games, late subs are really annoying and I like to play the gane as most realistic as possible.  If the alpha testers picked all this up, why havnt si fixed them if they have known about it. 

    The game is marketed as the most polished version which  to me  means that the majority of bugs are fixed when in reality imo it's in its worst state ever on release In its history. 

    It's also making me consider not buying early access again as there doesnt seem a point to it if bugs are not fixed. May as well play the previous years version for longer and then decide if its good enough quality in Jan once all bugs are fixed.



    For me personally, I will only buy next years edition once I see where they go from here. A beta branch is a logical solution to an ongoing problem. To have to wait for the major patches to play the game is not the way forward. Having that beta branch would alleviate the pressure from the HARDCORE users from these forums and would create more constructive feedback. Everyone at present is guessing. If beta branch was available now for example, the players not on it would ask, “has it resolved this particular problem”. If so, they probably would jump on it as well. 
    What is game breaking for one person isn’t for another and having that option of a beta branch would probably resolve quite a few users issues, instead of again waiting weeks after release for the major patch

  6. 3 minutes ago, FranckG said:



    This is why I always say - game is not broken, it is just unrealistic. But since SI promotes realism from beginning of CM/FM series this is for many of us old fan base "game breaking".


    Let's say if I want to play as Juve/Allegri. That is pretty much impossible in this version of game/ME. There is almost only one style of football you can play on this FM. And that is what kills realism and fun out of playing FM. ( old FM players opinion.)

    Probably next year they will change the title from a ‘Football Simulation’ game to ‘Football Arcade’ game 

  7. 1. It's a known issue that someone in the feedback thread pointed out 

    2. If memory serves me correct, the salary cap is an issue going back a couple of editions, due to it not being as flexible. Users complained of being promoted multiple times and the salary cap not being flexible

    3. Might be one for the big forums to ask. As it's just 2 players, might be just a coincidence.

  8. 6 minutes ago, DarJ said:

    I asked a few years ago and the reason I was given is that the game is available on multiple platforms now and not all of them support the the public beta branch like steam.

    Alot of games offer beta for PC branch but not for consoles, which is understandable. Considering majority of the userbase who play FM are actually on PC, you'd think it wouldn't be an issue.

    It would be like companies banning game mods on PC for the reason the console owners cannot use them.


  9. 46 minutes ago, Brentford Alan said:

    Game release is scheduled for 6th Nov, how does the 'community' react to SI announcing they are pushing the release date back indefinitely to give them time to fix the bug found on 5th Nov?


    I think it's more of SI releasing a game with known issues, especially with regards to features, and not being open about it on release day. This is after the promise of more communication pre-release

  10. 22 minutes ago, Ngoc said:

    They are just people that can’t play fair or understand that nothing is perfect and you have to adapt to stuff and try your best to have fun with it 

    mostly min max people that ruin any game they touch and whine in every single game and wonder why all is wrong but them

    There’s perfect and there’s things working as promised. We all play our version of how the game is to be played. I want to play FM24 how I played FM23

  11. 4 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    You're an interesting case study, that's for sure. 

    Plays the game in beta, has around six saves on the go, for what I can perceive would be a minimum of around 8/9 seasons, judging by the 'breezing through the leagues' comment. In a game you think is 'broken'. 

    If I was being cynical, I'd suggest you were happily playing the game (I mean, 8/9 seasons in three weeks...) until you started reading about issues on here. Then you start to think about this too much to the point it consumes you and you can't play anymore. Don't let it get you down though, it's what this place does to people. I've been here over 10 years, I've seen better men than you crumble into quivering wrecks by the end :lol:

    Do you understand the point of early access? Check my history, I had reported bugs. I reported bugs hoping on release day majority of them would be fixed like others. And did I say I had completed seasons for every club? MK Dons was my longest save. The others I would get until Feb normally, just after the first transfer window for me because I always disable the first. And when I play the games, they are not in tandem, they are one after another. I’ve been on these forums since 2003 and seen how it’s really changed. So taking all the information I’ve just given you into account, I do think I know what I’m on about 

  12. 1 minute ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Oh, how convenient. 

    So let's recap, you not only have your English save on the go, but FIVE others where you have been, and I quote, 'breezing up the leagues', all since the game came out a couple of weeks ago. 

    All in a game you won't play because you perceive it to be 'broken'. 


    How convenient, part deux. 

    I’ve had the game longer than two weeks! I’ve had it since early access. So Ive played the game for about 3 weeks in total. I haven’t played the game since just after release due to the issues not being fixed. I have a job where I can work from home and have a lot of time to play the game. It’s basically the only game I play, as it allows me to multitask.


    And I will say again, I didn’t mention you. Check my posts and you can see who I’m on about. But if you basically admitting you are part of that ‘cult’, there is nothing more to say 


  13. Just now, Dagenham_Dave said:

    The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. 

    Personally, I'm finding the game way more difficult than the last few editions. But then I'm not managing in England. 

    I find it hard to believe you are overachieving because of a perceived broken game mechanic. You've always been able to win successive promotions in the English league system, because there's not a massive difference between the quality of the teams (in game anyway) from League 2 to the Championship as real life English league players are massively overrated. And then by the time you get to the Premier League, where the real challenge should begin, you're showered with ludicrous amounts of money. It's not the game being broken that makes it easy to manage in England nowadays. It's how it is. 

    I had 5 other league saves going on. Dynamo Dresden, nordsjælland fc, Hamburg and Amiens. Unless I’m some tactical genius, which I am not, I was breezing through the leagues. Breaking club winning streaks, sometimes the league! So no, it just not to do with the English leagues!

  14. 21 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    The game is fine. Don't use subs yourself until the 85th-90th minute or not at all to match the AI...

    There are tons of ways to not play the game like it was meant to be played to get a fun challenge.


    I swear some of you guys sound like y'all are in a cult lol.

    Didn’t realise it was sarcasm at first 😂


    but it’s true, for every 5 negative comments, one of the ‘cult’ pop-up with denials a bug even exists!

  15. 1 minute ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    I'm not backing anyone. Record numbers are playing the game this year, they've passed milestones in 8 days it took them months to achieve last year. That simply wouldn't be the case if the game was 'broken'. You can't just cite your own save, and the mad hyperbolic ramblings of the other crazy cats on here as evidence that nothing works.

    There are bugs in the game, no-one is denying that, but the culture in here is such that the severity of these bugs gets magnified to ridiculous levels where some people will moan and stamp their feet without having actually played the game. 

    Basing it in game sales doesn’t mean the game is working as it was promised!
    With McDonald’s being the most popular takeout in the world, does that mean it’s not bad for you either!

    I am merely saying long term saves are not working like previous editions. Im overachieving because the game mechanic is not working like it should. This years edition is the easiest I have ever experienced. I’m not saying it’s game breaking! I am merely suggesting to players who get into long term saves to hold off in its current state.



  16. Just now, Dagenham_Dave said:

    I'm doing a long term save and thoroughly enjoying it, so it's clearly not 'broken'. Can it be improved? Of course, and hopefully updates will help with that. But it's certainly not 'broken' otherwise I, along with the record numbers happily playing the game wouldn't be able to. 

    Long term saves involves immersion for me. I’m MK Dons, 3rd season, sitting top of Championship. Being told after every promotion I’m relegation favourites, only to go on and win League 2 and League 1 and now sitting top of Championship. I would say, yeh, game breaking for immersion. 
    Also if I was going to compare it to FM23, it’s pretty obvious it’s broken as it is not doing the same things it did as before.

  17. 1 hour ago, Zapoleon said:

    Not sure. I think something needs to change. Because I can see the next games just being more of the same unless something is changed, which is just going to frustrate more and more people.

    I think for me last year was the first time people felt something didn’t feel right, in regards to how things were being communicated. But promises from SI said there would be more transparency. Then the licensing issue, 150 missing players and it’s current state with the AI in this years edition has made me question… why not just do what you said you was going to do! Someone had to have made that decision to not make it public. 
    I don’t even know why they just don’t give us the target date for the patch. If it gets delayed, communicate as promised!

    I know there are passionate people at SI, who are also part of the community who interact with us. I doubt they would’ve wanted to hold back information as well. So yes, something or someone(s) have got to change. Whoever makes the decisions to not inform us because they are doing the opposite of what Si are promising in regards to transparency 

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