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Posts posted by virtex

  1. Don't know if anyone can help with this. I'm starting a game with Everton and obviously I've got a fairly small squad to start with and with the finances the way they are, I'll have to continue with this small squad. As such, is there any sort of guide or anything on how to prepare a small squad and keep them in best condition during a season, such as advice on physio's, coaches, training guides etc?Any help appreciated.

  2. Just had an idea so would appreciate some feedback on whether its rubbish/been done before...

    Quite a simple challenge, you manage Atletico Bilbao in La Liga. The catch of course is in real life they only sign Basque players, which is the case in FM too, it won't let you bid for anyone who's not from the Basque region.

    The challenege would be under these restrictions, harness the fantastic youth facilities and careful Basque purchases to ultimately win La Liga and the Champions League to complete the challenge.

    All thoughts welcome. :)

    Can anyone at least recall if this idea has been tried/done before? :(

  3. Just had an idea so would appreciate some feedback on whether its rubbish/been done before...

    Quite a simple challenge, you manage Atletico Bilbao in La Liga. The catch of course is in real life they only sign Basque players, which is the case in FM too, it won't let you bid for anyone who's not from the Basque region.

    The challenege would be under these restrictions, harness the fantastic youth facilities and careful Basque purchases to ultimately win La Liga and the Champions League to complete the challenge.

    All thoughts welcome. :)

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