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Posts posted by maxchaplin55

  1. 1 hour ago, jsx7ste said:

    So any suggestions?

    I wouldn't say you need to change anything to do with Parrott necessarily, a lone striker on an attacking role can work. You do not have to go by what the tactic screen tells you, go by what you actually see in game. 

    The only thing that stands out is both your wide players are on attack duty, as well as Parrott. So when your midfielders get the ball, all three of them run forward, there is no-one coming to try to link the play. I would suggest making one of the role a support role, perhaps an inverted winger on support? 

  2. Long story short - both my goalkeepers got injured. At the same time. 2 minutes apart. A double hernia and a groin strain in training. Both out for 7 weeks. 
    I think it’s an awful coincidence so sign an emergency loan and also offer a contract to one of those blanked out youngsters. Then young Toby suffers a twisted knee in training, 3 days after signing, and my loanee gets a hernia in training 6 days after signing. 

    4 goalkeeping injuries in training in 2 weeks!! 

    I am on an amazing run of 19 consecutive wins with Maidstone, and feel like the game is doing everything in its power to stop me 😂

    Has anyone experienced anything similar?



  3. 15 hours ago, DHS said:

    Surprised how easy it was to snap up what look like quality players as a newly promoted National League side

    Snap! Literally just done the same thing with Maidstone. Media now predict me to win the league, I drew with 3 league one sides pre season. 

    oh well, happy days! I had no trouble offloading and only have 4 players from last season!

  4. 3 hours ago, DHS said:

    he is ridiculously fast and just tears past full backs

    Yeah I might try and get a physical side see how it goes! Maybe a really high strength core and fast players wide, with a combo up top. 

    2 hours ago, GianniM said:

    By the way changing to the 2D view

    Forever on 2D! You get to sucked in to analyse on 3D, in my opinion. 

  5. Congrats! I just won the playoffs with Maidstone last night in the VNS. 
    Am very reluctant to go back onto FM atm as I know how much hard work there is to do! 
    I am going to risk a big revamp, getting rid of most players. I’m trying to figure out how to rebuild. Part of me wants to build around physical attributes to see if we can use pace and power to succeed. 
    I’m going to be sure to snap up some loan deals and free agents ASAP. 
    My advice is to get business done as soon as you can. Free agents don’t hang around long and there’s fierce competition amongst lower leagues 😂

  6. 8 hours ago, ClumsyBot said:

    can you look at one side of the field as your att side and the other as a support side or is that just not sensible? if that makes sense

    Think about United, Shaw and Rashford, Everton with Digne and Richarlison, even Watford with Masina and Deulofeu! But they would have someone more stationary on that side of central midfield.

  7. 3 hours ago, myrvoldmartin said:

    Maidstone's got quite a good team, don't they?

    To be honest I have forgotten who I signed and who was already there :lol: They already had George Elokobi centre half, so I just HAD to get Roger Johnson on a free to reunite part of the Wolves defence back in the day... only now I have a really slow pairing. Oops. 

    3 hours ago, myrvoldmartin said:

    by December we were actually £138k in the plus

    Well, crap! Maybe I should've taken them more seriously lol. What are you going to do with the money!?


    3 hours ago, myrvoldmartin said:

    Maidstone is currently drawing the biggest crowd in League South

    I honestly have no idea, I haven't been paying attendance any attention, I will have a look later and let you know. 

  8. 3 hours ago, ClumsyBot said:
    3 hours ago, ClumsyBot said:

    do you mean just go clean slate and add 1 or two things at a time as i deem appropriate?

    Screenshot (3).png

    That is exactly what I mean. I would select this formation rather than the 5 at the back one, try and keep things simple until you roughly know how you want to play - you will realise this when you see players playing in a way you don't want. 

    Use the tactic screen to help you. You need to link the midfield to the attack more, have a central midfielder on an attack duty so he more readily supports the striker, and also have the striker in a deeper role so he isn't constantly playing on the shoulder of the last defender. He is outnumbered. 

    Decide what you want with your full backs. Which one do you think should be more conservative? Which one do you think should be more attacking? Do you think the right back should play on the wing even though you have a winger that side? 

    Doucoure and Hughes have the same role, why? Look at the LB/LCM/LW and RB/RCM/RW as a team, how will they work together? Also the LCM/LW/ST and RCM/RW/ST, how will they contribute to creating chances? Don't just look at the three central midfielders together. 

    Hope this helps.

  9. I think it is fundamental to understand that there is no set tactic you can just play for a single 90 minute game, and achieve exactly what you need. 
    No real life team plays exactly the same way for a whole 90 minutes. 

    My main advice would be don’t just download a tactic, create your own, leave team instructions and player instructions alone. Just choose what roles and formation suit your team best, and WATCH the first 15/20 minutes. This way you’ll get a true understanding of what is working and what isn’t working and what you need to add in player or Team Instructions for THAT GAME. If you find yourself adding the same instruction time and time again maybe then you’d want to add it in as part of your tactic. 

    Believe me it’s so much more rewarding creating your own tactic, and also allows you to further develop your understanding of what happens on the pitch. 

  10. How are you getting on? I’m currently 1st with Maidstone in South, 6 pts clear with 6 games remaining but performances have been a bit stale recently. Still confident, however. 

    Are you fussed about finances for now? To be honest I’m just going to do all it takes to get back to back promotions to League 2, even if it leaves me in a crap situation, I think once we’re there then we can sort everything else out. 

    Tactics wise I have just tinkered about with a 442 all season. I have it on positive mentality as I’m favourites to win the league and have 0 team instructions (not including GK distribution). 

    I don’t have much time so I just watch the first 10 mins of a game on full and make any tweaks then play the rest with extended highlights. 

    As of cup runs I got knocked out of both FA competitions first round 😂 Not fussed, however.

  11. 3 hours ago, Nima2708 said:

    One is responsible for build up and the other for final third

    Definitely, having players clearly doing different jobs, especially in midfield is crucial. 
    Please be aware that to achieve the above would not necessarily be to put both as playmakers. 
    My preference at the moment is having a DLPs to link defence to midfield and then support attacking moves, with the other creative player having more license to get forward and support attacking moves, maybe a CMa/AMs/AMa. 
    Obviously this can be achieved with other combinations though 😁

  12. 6 hours ago, zindrinho said:

    My key player is already a CM, deep lying playmaker, and my captain and work horse is a CM B2B which I've been using as a BWM

    So how many CMs? 4? 5? Seems like the young guy you posted earlier doesn’t make the cut 😂 

    The stays of the guy you just posted yes maybe lean towards a DLP role BUT he is very talented across the board with great stamina fitness work rate and teamwork which would be almost wasted in a DLP role. I’d be tempted to put him in any CM role that has a bit more of an attacking influence than DM. I quite like just standard CM role and how customisable they are. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    I've always favored stronger more defense-minded players in the defensive positions,

    Yeah as have I, but if you have someone come through who you want to build the team around, needs must!! For this geeza I would have DLP in DM strata with a defensively stronger player in CM. What formation do you play and what style? If you play defensive then you don’t want this kid in DM, he won’t survive. But if you have more possession I’d defo have him DM to allow more space and time on the ball to utilise his passing whilst protecting him. 

    25 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    You do make a good point on the Off the ball weakness, but still he is 2 points lower on positioning.

    Yeah both are quite low. Maybe you could base it on what formation the opponent uses. When they have players in the DM strata you could play him deep, and when they don’t you could play him advanced as there’s no one for him to escape. May have to just have a play around with him! 


    27 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    I'd hate having "wasted" months training him in a position

    😂 I get what you mean but hey if he grows in attributes he’s growing! 

  14. It seems as though this player would be over-powered in the hustle and bustle of central midfield, with low aggression, bravery, composure, strength and balance. Therefore playing him deeper in the DM strata makes more sense, hopefully allowing him more time on the ball. 

    You say his tackling and marking are too poor to play him in DM, but just because you play him there does not mean he'll be expected to mark or tackle. His anticipation is good, and his positioning isn't bad, so he'll be capable of interceptions. 

    You mention you would like him to be an AM, but I really cannot see him performing well there, I don't know, you'll have to try and see. As I mentioned above, his physicals and mentals could see him easily bullied off the ball. His off the ball rating isn't great, meaning he'll have lots of trouble evading markers. 

    To me, it seems this player is purely a DLP, with a preference in the DM strata. I think the players capable positions has given you false hope of where he'd perform well at. 

    It'd be interesting to hear how he performs for you though, and which role you try him in!

  15. 8 hours ago, enis55 said:

    i want to success in euro cup but i cant,

    We all want success in European Competitions. A good tactic isn't going to grant you success in these cups. For example: Pep Guardiola is one of the best tacticians of modern day football but he cannot win the Champions League with Manchester City, does that mean his 'tactic' is not good enough? No, it means he needs to either:

    A) alter his tactics better when facing superior opposition


    B) improve his squad so it is the best squad in Europe


    C) get lucky


    D) all of the above.

    I would estimate that you, also, need to do all of the above, improving your base tactic will just alter what success you have in domestic competitions. Watch the European games in full, note down what goes wrong, what goes well, this is the only way I can see you obtaining the knowledge of how to improve. Other than becoming mega rich and buying the best talent in the world. 

  16. 16 hours ago, Nima2708 said:

    Thank you!
    So it could be posiblle to use Halfback-AP and roaming playmaker. As long as one of the playmakers keep it simple

    Anything is possible! Pros and Cons to everything :) 

    Personally I don't tend to play more than one playmaker in central midfield as I find they both gravitate towards the ball too much, and in the attacking phase both the AP and RPM could be occupying the same space and doing the same job - but try it, watch it and see how it plans out. 

    What do you want your playmakers to do? The role 'playmaker' simply means they make more of an effort to create a passing option for the player on the ball, kind of makes them a magnet to the ball. If you want the player to make riskier passes then you can achieve this in any other role :) 

  17. 2 hours ago, Nima2708 said:

    Hi guys,

    Need some help:
    What is the difference of the playmakers? Do they fit different styels?

    Roaming playmaker ?
    Dlp ?
    Trequista ?
    Regista ?

    Thanks guys!

    Honestly, I think people have created the habit of not trusting the in game descriptions of the roles. Playmakers gravitate towards the ball, trying to provide an option to pass to. 
    DLP - sits deeper (obviously), and looks to link defence to midfield. Support duty he’ll step up to support attacks, on defence he’ll just play simple passes - water carrier. 
    AP - sits advanced (obviously), looks to link midfield to attack. Support duty he’ll mostly look to feed the ball to other players, attack duty he’ll run more with the ball and play more direct. 
    RPM - a combination of DLP and AP, will switch between the two depending on where the ball is (this is my understanding, anyway). 
    Treq - will float around looking for space, neglects defending, pros and cons. Plays similarly to an advanced playmaker attack duty in possession. 
    Regista - not one I’ve used ever, but from my understanding is a more aggressive DLP with more license to push forward and play killer passes. Most often linked with Andrea Pirlo.

  18. 1 hour ago, Bielsa1975 said:

    That wont change that the fact the AI score with 80% of shots on target against me ,were as i score about 15% of my shots on target , im top of league ,top goal scorers top defence ,but my biggest win is 3-0 ,half the time im hanging on to a 1-0 win , thats after the 2/3 offside goals a game which are pointless ,the whole point of the game is to build the best tactics with good players , but its pointless when you cant beat the script ,take liverpool in real life ,you get them playing like that on here and you would be half way down the league hanging on to 1 goal lead or score right at the death only to concede straight away ,as i say the game becomes boring watching the same boring script

    I understand completely, and it is the same against myself, however, your counter attacks that the opponent are most likely scoring are going to be a higher conversion rate as the chances are higher. The majority of my 40 shots against Bognor Regis were shots that were much less likely to go in because they had every man behind the ball, and I had no space to attack, whereas when they scored, I was left with barebones at the back, they had plenty of space to attack. 


    This will always be an issue in FM and in real life. You can never defend a good counter attack, it's about how often you can prevent them from happening whilst figuring a way through a low block. 

  19. 23 hours ago, Rayzor said:

    Anyway, here's a game I just played.   Pretty contrived result.

    Pwoaarrrr that's worse than mine :lol: 

    1 hour ago, Bielsa1975 said:

    Getting quite bored of it

    :lol: Stick with it! Maybe try something different, playing more compact (LOE but standard defensive line) when protecting a lead? 


    58 minutes ago, _mxrky said:

    Not a loss, but it felt like one

    I'm sure it did! How did the reverse fixture go?

  20. I would base his performance more on what you see, rather than the match rating. Is he doing what you want him to do in terms of build up play and creating chances? 

    If he is then you’ve just got to ask yourself if it REALLY matters who gets the goals and assists?

    You could always try adding PIs which compliment his attributes. High dribbling - dribble more, good passing + vision - more risky passes. 

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