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Issue Comments posted by wolbeas

  1. On 24.03.2022 at 07:20, Michael Sant said:

    It's important to perhaps add a clarification. When investigating it has no bearing on what happens in the most recent version of the match engine its a waste of your time to solicit pkm's and a waste of testing time to look into them. This is genuinely a case of us being open and honest with the community. Explaining where resources are now allocated and why. We hope that people will ultimately respect that more than us maintaining a false façade that everything is still being looked into and checked when reaching a point where that is no longer viable/feasible to the improvement of the ME.

    The Match Engine exists in its own niche and you'll hopefully have seen that other areas of the bug tracker are still being actively used. 


    I do agree that it is important to add clarification. These same issues have been in previous FMs several times. What SI does is to make a game full with full price stop providing update and supports within 5 months every year and give the customers the same excuse "we are wroking on the new engine" and ask players to buy the new game for full price just to experience the same issues in a new engine? . Leaving customers unhappy about to same issues, year in and year out. 

    This has been said many times but maybe finally realise that you guys arent able to bring much to the table anymore within a year as it is evident by the same issues we had in previous versions. Maybe release the game every 2 years. 

    If you could not fix the issues with previous engines, what good is it to players that SI is working on the new engine? Are we supposed to pay again for a sub-par product and hope for the best that SI will get this time or the next update in 23 wont create the same issues? 

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