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Posts posted by chucklechuck

  1. These changes sound awesome. Looking forward to it!

    You might want to test that newgens are working properly. I simmed to 2036 and it seemed many teams only had a few. It used to be that the based nation has to be set to the original nationality of the club to get the right nationality of newgens but not sure if that's still the case. For some of your clubs everything is set to Gibraltar. For others, it's a mix.

    I added a foreign player rule to ensure the "national flavour" but that might be a bit extreme.


  2. 25 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    The ones no longer active, really? That is something I usually do, I just never got round to it yet.

    May sound weird for a league like this, but it is a bit artificial. I like the idea of taking over a team from Africa and struggling to win a game outside your division for a few years while you grow. It is a matter of scaling. I want there to be organic growth of small sides. Not instantly equal, but not taking 10+ years. If you see what I mean. It makes so many interesting dynamics then. You can start as a powerhouse from Europe, but know the world is creeping up on your and the easy days are numbered. Or an American side, who are closer to the top and can make the leap sooner. Or an Asian side, who are likely a long way from the top but you can see how to get there. Or an African side, where you may struggle for a long time to catch up. Adds flavour to your choices.

    Yeah, I hear you. One thing I've noticed so far is that some teams are getting huge sponsorship deals. I don't know if it's possible to affect that, might have to do with competition reputation? If the teams higher up are getting bigger deals, that will affect the balance.

    For teams entering from Division 5, do you want them to have a chance to remain in the main league? Because if they are coming in with no money and the teams above them have 100m, they will just drop back down again. I think it would be cool to simulate one season and then try and take one of the promoted teams to the top :)

  3. 45 minutes ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    I'd knock down the TV money, it will be easier and faster. Let me know what you find though. I will make changes for a future release if you find something a bit more stable. Say most teams stabilize around 100m. I want the weaker teams to be able to catch up to the stronger teams at the start of the game.

    Cheers for that, I have made a note and I will change it for the next release. I will try to add U18 teams for this release too. 

    How about just changing the finances of the weaker teams so that they have, say, 100m at the start?

    Another small change I made: lowered the reputation of all other club competitions.

  4. This is a cool idea. I simulated to 2032 to see what the impact on finances are. Most teams have between 150 and 500 million. I'm going to adjust it down and do another simulation.

    I also noticed some errors:


    Prize money for finishing position in Premier lists position "0" twice. The result is the top team gets 35m and 2nd place gets 75m.

    Division 2: Prize money for 10th place is listed as "0". Result is 1st place is getting 19m, 2nd place 50m, and 10th place nothing.


    Hope that helps. Thank you for putting all of this together :)

  5. On 25/09/2019 at 02:00, Ferni said:

    You simply cannot use other people`s images without asking them.

    These people don't exist.


    On 24/09/2019 at 05:47, Hovis Dexter said:

    The one I’m thinking about automatically adds faces to newgens. The main problem with it is that the faces are generated on a random basis which means that ethnicity is not taken into consideration and it also generates male faces for female staff.

    Do you have a link?

  6. We now have the technology to generate realistic faces using AI. See here for example.

    Here is a google drive of hundreds of thousands of faces.


    A couple of random examples:



    Of course, it would not be possible to include the generator in the game. What I'm thinking is, if the game can be made such that we can include megapacks of faces for regens, then we modders could just take one of these packs, filtered for 18-35y men and voila!

  7. 3 hours ago, lionel messi said:

    No I have not done any tests to see what the finances are like, but they should be able to make more money as they rise up the leagues with the FA Competitions.

    My worry is more that most teams, who don't rise up the leagues, will all go into debt and be unable to get out of it. This happened to me with my own databases. I'm doing a test now but I only have my laptop with me so it will be slow. I can report back if it's of interest.

    I've also added in a fake "level 11" so that different teams will pop into the visible league structure as I go along. I'm also going to remove the rule preventing B-teams from being promoted just because I want to play with that challenge. I'd be happy to share this version if allowed.

  8. 11 hours ago, Card is King said:

    I’m struggling with finances on this save. ‘Other’ is killing me. Only two weeks in and £26k has gone on ‘other’

    Anyone had the same trouble? Or know how to stop it? 

    This is a common problem with edited databases. I have always had this problem with the World League's I created and had to compensate for millions being spent on "other" by awarded prize fees e.g. for winning or drawing, or just participating, in a game. And/or increasing prize money for competitions and where teams finish in the league.

  9. Thanks for the great work with this!

    I had this idea to manage Plymouth Argyle because their reserves are in Level 10. I thought I could focus on getting the reserves up the divisions with the "assistance" of the senior team :)

    When I checked the rules for that division it says "B teams are not allowed to be promoted from this division". Can I just check - does this mean that if the Plymouth reserves finish top, they will stay in Level 10 and the team placed second will go up?

    Are there any other teams with reserve teams that could be promoted all the way to the top?

  10. 18 hours ago, Double Indemnity said:

    I'm generally wary of the Sky Sportsification of FM.

    Definitely appreciate any and all improvements to the graphics engine, but telling me how many screens I'm going to have to click through to get in and out of one match in a 38-game season in a decade-long save isn't heartening. The "matchday experience" isn't that important to me; the match is.

    One of the reasons FM has been successful on an international scale is it's been a simple, clear abstraction of a sport that is played, celebrated, and presented in different ways in different cultures all over the world. The slow grind towards the laddish, bloviating "analysis" of the EPL leaves me cold. It's already annoying that press conferences and tunnel interviews and other "dialogue options" in the game reflect the language and culture of a vaguely anti-intellectual English tradition rather than something savvier and more international. Now that's creeping into everything, even the way features are unveiled.

    This is a really good point. There's an opportunity for SI to actually rise above the "top bantz" which mean very little to an international audience and are probably awkwardly translated. Or just drop these tedious Q&As that don't seem to make much difference and don't give you many options anyway.

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