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Posts posted by Dacourt

  1. 44 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    Ah, i think I misunderstood what you meant. Jumping Reach is more or less all that matters yes, since it factors in height already.

    I believe this is actually how it always worked, and the UI/name was just updated to help people understand it better.


    53 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    They are still connected, from the research guidelines:

    "Jumping Reach defines how good a player is at reaching a ball in the air. It indicates the highest point an outfield player can reach with their head. It is not necessarily reflective of how tall a player is, but when considering their jumping ability, it makes sense to take into account the player's height. For example, a male player of 200+cm will still possess a high reach even if he is a poor jumper, while a player who measures in at 170cm will struggle to compete at the same height due to the 30cm difference in height between the two."


    If you're seeing newgens that break these guidelines in a significant way - then it should be reported as a bug.

    Just out of curiosity Jack, how does it work with shorter players with surpreme jumping? Cannavaro and Zamorano could be two example of this, as they were 176 cm and 178 cm tall, yet had a jumping reach of 17 (?) or better.

  2. On 30/01/2022 at 21:34, stevemc said:

    I aways seem to get about 10-15 seasons into a new FM and start to feel like I'm going through the motions of repetition and I begin to fade off - I feel like I'm hitting that wall again now.

    I wasn't too sure I'd be bothered about the Transfer Deadline Day feature but even though I plan and sign players up front, it's a great edition that I find myself really immersed in twice per season - so that really is a top edition for me. But, in all honestly, the Staff Meeting is pointless, as pointless as the recruitment meeting. They offer useless information (like such and such should be added as a penalty taker). It doesn't add anything that can't be sent and read as an Inbox item. It needs to be more immersive, not another chore.

    Similar with the Data Hub, had a play around at the beginning but I rarely go in there now. When I'm winning, I never use it. Problem is (unless I'm missing something) I regularly swap between 3 tactics depending on the team or situation I'm facing, but the data in the Data Hub doesn't split out the information by which tactic I'm using, so It's kind of pointless for me to work with? (please correct me if I can actually do this).

    Some players promises are odd too, why are players locking in wanting to be playing as a "Carrilero" for example, imagine not signing a contact for a club in real because they won't play you in your favoured "Carrilero" position, whaaaat? You're a midfielder mate. I think interaction as a whole I bit mad, some really odd responses knocking about. You win the league and a key player wants to leave to join Man City who finished 8th, what? Make it dynamic.


    I really hope for future FM's that they can address these points:

    • Set Pieces

    They are still so limited, and buggy. Easy to set up and profit from, if you want to abuse the system. Been like this for years now. IMO set pieces need a complete revamp, with much more options and the introduction of a "Set Piece Coach" as a new staff role.

    • Press Conferences

    Wow, still so dull. Same questions, all the time. Repetition. Chore. Can't even read some of the questions either as the UI sucks. I don't even know what you could do to improve them tbh to make them enjoyable.

    • AI Squad Building

    This is still an issue, AI clubs just can't build squads that retain success. You can go to a club, build a super team, leave, then take a look 12-18 months later and that squad you built will have been ripped apart, reduced in numbers and inferior players signed. It needs to be better. Clubs need more obvious and different philosophies, I want it to be more obvious. I want to see clubs hire managers that actually fit their ethos. It's too easy to win after 3-4 seasons.

    • Match Day

    This is something which I think makes me hit a wall with FM. I've done a Glory Hunter save, moving from country to county winning as much as possible, now on a match day, everything feels the same, there is no difference if you are managing a match day in England, Italy, Brazil or Africa - it's all the same stadium, pitches, nets, colours, crowds, atmosphere, everything - it's so samey. Is it the Merseyside Derby, or Norwich v Leicester? Doesn't matter, feels the same. Not sure how they can achieve it but each league, country, competition needs to FEEL different - a Champions League match needs to feel different to a Carabao Cup game, the detail needs to show through. An African Cup or Nations match needs to be different to the World Cup. Surely it's not just me thinking this? Only argument is that Germany is different due to the presentation package, but still not enough IMO.

    • 2D Match Engine Camera

    I use 2D to perfect my tactics, but it's got worse over the years, it needs tarting back up, bring the stadium/crowd in around the side, make it feel relevant, feels like it's left there as a token gesture - I don't know, just make it a good option to use. 

    • International Management

    If this part of the FM isn't due an update, then I don't know what is. This is more stale than, well, I don't know what. It genuinely needs an overhaul, it's needs looking at from the beginning, there is on immersion there.

    • FM Longevity/Immersion

    There defo needs to be more to prolong play time, along with all of the above I think there needs to be more controversy and issues to deal with at clubs and with newgens, it feels like you can power on through the seasons with not much to deal with, roll up at any club and be successful (when it's just not that easy IRL), maybe more issues with agents/players - give me more issues to have to solve! Let me see the players faces on the tactics pitch and bus bench, let the squad number have more prominence on the profile screen, different scoreboards/presentations for leagues/countries, different nets, atmospheres, DoF having more influence at certain clubs (locked in), different clubs having big challenges to solve, maybe the ability to set targets or select a challenge at the beginning of saves that tracks your progress (ie Non-League to Legend, Glory Hunter etc). Maybe rather than just requesting the board to upgrade Youth or Training Facilities, maybe you can get involved in more, deeper details of the types of facilities you'd like to add to the Youth or Training Facilities. There's plenty more than my suggestions to go at.

    My two pence on feedback, anyway.

    So many rights in this post! I've been playing the game since pre 1995, yet haven't bought the last three editions due to the lack of development.
    The series need a serious overhaul and you are spot on with many of your thoughts.

    I wish SI could read this and start thinking outside of the box. They seem to be severely stuck in there.

  3. So, I decided to go and split Veneto from Italy.
    To do this, I resurrected Krim out of the non-active nations in the editor and I have done most steps necessary:

    Created a four divisions league system, changed players' nationality based on birth place, moved teams from all Italian leagues and filled up the empty spots from lower divisions, you name it.
    I've also set the nation rules and there is no current issue with the league system.

    BUT! The problem is that the national team of Veneto does not work at all.
    I mean, I can't even click the damn name to enter the menues.
    They don't have a world ranking as they don't even appear on that list.

    I have started working on the international rules in order to rebuild the World Cup and other international tournaments, but I can't even go down the "trial-and-error-path" since the draw for the Euro Qualifiers (which happens first) gets skipped. It simply does not take place and I assume that is because ONE missing nation = Veneto.

    So instead of the mandatory 55 nations of UEFA, the game only finds 54 (I have moved Kazakhstan to Asia without any problems).

    So, does anyone have a suggestion or two for me?
    I feel like I'm missing something basic and simple here.


  4. 4 hours ago, Blackthorn said:

    Why did you bid for them, if you thought they wouldn't sign for you.

    Of course he wants to get the best players possible building a squad. He shouldn’t need to restrict any signings on his own, as that is something the game should be handling.

    OT: yes! It seems odd and unlikely that those players would sign for a low league team in Scotland. Nothing we don’t know here? Like a major takeover? Or fiddling with the editor?

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