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Posts posted by jeff.fit82

  1. 10 horas atrás, kingjericho disse:

    It works, I'm using it. Did you do the "clear cache/reload skin" usual procedure?

    I dont think...

    Well, the procedure is download the "panel" file and overwrite the "default" panel folder and clean cache, right?

  2. 13 horas atrás, TimD disse:

    Dear all, I'm still working on some tweaks of the white skin. I am making some progress and this already took me lots of time last week. I would really appreciate to have some feedback from a real skinner. 

    I can see that all the files that use this dropdown (contract negotiations, transfer fee, loan offer, ... in files such as contract offer details.xml and human constract offer details.xml), use the class "negotiation_cash_widget". Where can I find this? 

    Hereby my latest version: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ktr8mmwhner73yn/LIGHT+V3.rar/file

    Hey bro, thanks for that!, lovely work, amazing effort!
    as im not a skinner, i cant help...but im here supporting every step of this work!!

    btw, what a BIG coincidence, the White skin is a bit complicated to make it work...and FM21 be released without white skin...

    hahaha that's makes sense now...

  3. 1 hora atrás, WHUkain21 disse:

    @PequenoGenio @TimD 


    Here it is guys, there are a few problems but it is playable :) i enjoy it. You can download here and hopefully we will manage to fix this small problems.



    Woohooo, i can finally play withou headache and eye strain...once again, what a lovely work, and thanks for making this incomplete game, complete again...

    For sure fixes will come, as im sure that the FM community will help you to finish this amazing project!!


  4. 3 horas atrás, WHUkain21 disse:

    All right guys i am really now close to create light skin. Here you can see my regen player and i think it looks nice.


    But please how to change attribute name colours and colour of player peronality and traits, and foot. Only that i need to finish. 


    Thanks in advance 


    Thanks for all your hard work...

    Because of you, now I'll be able to play finally!

    Im really happy! 

  5. Em 04/12/2020 em 16:35, Wells disse:

    I have seen a lot of people on asking how to get club colours back, while it is still possible to do, I decided to make this.

    It's not that hard to get club colors in header, as you can see .



    You will need header.xmltitlebar.xml and titlebar search panel.xml and this will work only with base skins made by @michaeltmurrayuk or skins that have not altered or modified the files I mentioned.

    If you are not interested on how to modify these files and just want to download, please skip to the end of the post.

    How to?

    Alright, If you are indeed using base skin,  get header.xml, titlebar.xml from /fm/panels/generic in skins.fmf and titlebar search panel.xml from /generic in panels.fmf, put them into to your skin panels/generic folder.

    1. Edit line 11 in header.xml and add this piece of code 

    <container class="main_contrast_box_no_margin" red_replacement="primary">


    This works fine for all clubs other than light ones, like Leeds, Spurs e.t.c, because the text and the buttons are colored in white.

    To solve that, You will need to edit titlebar search panel.xml for texts and titlebar.xml for the buttons . 

    2. In titlebar.xml, Usually you will find comments like <!-- Next Button --> relating to the button, below them and just after the widget line, add this piece of code 

    <record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="secondary" />

    To these lines e.g.


    For the quick flicks, you only need to change it to red_replacement="secondary" e.g.



    3. In titlebar search panel.xml, we do the same, just find the <!-- title area --> and <!-- description -->  just below each of them, you will find widget, then you will only need to change the search icon to red_replacement="secondary" and text/desc to colour="secondary" at the end of the widget properties.



    Last but not least if you actually want the header to have effects/gradients like the image I posted above, it requires different step..

    In line 11 of header.xml we change the class and also add an appearance property, then point it to file, which is a png file.

    So it will read  e.g. 

    <container class="main_box" appearance="boxes/custom/interface/titlebar/paper" red_replacement="primary" >



    That's all... download it below and extract it to your skin folder.

    1. No rounded corners


    HMOD Final.zip 67 kB · 51 downloads

    2. Rounded corners


    HMOD Final (rc).zip 67 kB · 31 downloads

    Optional customizations

    These are not essentials, but only if you need to color the sidebar and matchday titlebar.

    1. Sidebar normal and rounded

    sidebar colored.zip 12 kB · 34 downloads sidebar colored (rc).zip 12 kB · 11 downloads

    2. Matchday titlebar colored


    matchday titlebar colored.zip 2 kB · 37 downloads


    Bro, thanks for that, i really appreciate your work here...but this definitely shouldn't be user's work, THE GAME SHOULD BE RELEASED LIKE THIS! 

    That's the true!

  6. 37 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:


    or they just didn’t see the value in it considering a minute amount of the player base used it?

    The complete and to me (wrongly) changes in the UI, the WHITE skin isnt an extra thing, or just a cherry on top of the cake...

    The white skin is HELPFUL, because some people (my case) cant play with dark/black backgrounds due to eye problems
    the white background contrast is what makes me feel confortable reading and playing, isnt a cherry, is an acessibility thing...

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