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Posts posted by Raniel3

  1. I just plug and play the dynamic (fluid?) counter preset style with an 433 (4-1-2-2-1) and am not deluded. We dont create many shots, but we have enough counter opportunities to win a lot of games 1-0 or 2-1 or something. Pretty much EXACTLY what I expect from a defensively stable counter attacking tactic. Goals are from all varieties, by the way: 1on1s, second opportunity shots from outside the box, crosses, set pieces...

  2. I surely wasn't going to end up buying it this year, but in the end I ended up buying it. I was just hoping that this is one of those extremely feature-wise underwhelming versions, where they just fixed a lot of stuff (esp. in the ME, last years was the worse in 10 years). And... they did! I'm having a lot of fun.
    There's just one thing that still isn't fixed: Three strikers up front are massively OP, still are. If it wasn't for the AI using it and overachieving like never before, I wouldn't mind... but this kind of ruins my Serie A game (Lazio's doing that narrow 433 in most games... and they average 30 shots a game...).


  3. 2 hours ago, jacknjill said:

    one thing I've never understood with all versions of fm is the ratings of young players. The ratings are always really low even 5 star potential players, if you rated giggs at a young age his dribbling would have been really high and flair and pace, its the other stats he would grow as he gets older. Owen could finish fantastically at 15 and had pace to burn, they need to rethink this for future versions I think

    This is actually a research issue. Because regens are often as you described (too extreme IMO, you'll have that 16-year old with 17 finishing and 6 technique etc.)

  4. Just read this again and it's a terrific model for what tactical advice on here should ideally look like.

    I'd like to see a whole series on different kinds of incoherent set-ups. Another one that comes to mind is the opposite of the one you posted here: top heavy formations where everyone pushes forward and there's no one controlling play from deep.

    This. Brilliant thread

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