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Posts posted by Kevaldo

  1. Hi,

    im trying to save a shortlist in Touch but it’s not working for me.. I’ve tried “save shortlist” “save shortlist as” ; it lets me put in a name for it and I click the save button, but then when I go to load / manage it I can’t find it anywhere as if it hasn’t saved properly. I want to be able to export it to use it on another new save ...


    im playing on an iPad 


    if anyone has any fixes I’d be  very happy to hear them! 

    thank you

  2. 2 hours ago, KUBI said:

    If you don't load too many leagues it will run fine. 16 GB makes a small difference, it depends on how many apps you are running together. FM 19 uses 3 to 5 GB memory, depending on how many players you have loaded.

    Thank you Kubi, very useful advice! I guess if i was going to upgrade something (RAM or processor) i'd be better off upgrading the processor?

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