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Everything posted by lugui

  1. I can confirm what @snowofmanprovided, with some adjusts it is working for FM23. Try this: place the file he shared with us under widgets. Place this person properties2 under your properties folder. I did not replace the original one, just added a 2 there, dont know why but got it to work. Then, customize your view to add the option of overall sharpness and condition thing. person properties2.xml
  2. Thanks again for your help. I managed to make the FACES bigger, however I'm struggling to get them to line up properly, more specifically to the right of the KITS, pulling them up a bit so they are in line with the shirt. I have a feeling that there's some sort of code limit that prevents me from adjusting and leaving enough space so it doesn't compromise the FACES aesthetic on the pitch. Am I missing something? thanks anyway! <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="right,top"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="-1,15,13,-3" /> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="objt"/> <integer id="set_property" value="objt"/> </record> </widget>
  3. Thanks for this, mate. Still in this same part of the game, could you please teach me how I can increase the size of FACES within the tactics pitch? I'm trying to implement something similar to the image below:
  4. I just shared them in case anyone finds them helpful somehow. Thanks again!
  5. Thanks for your help again, mate. I can't say exactly how I got it, since I've been doing a lot of trial and error, copying and pasting the codes I had on person properties.xml. But thanks to your direction, I managed to get the idea of the thing and the faces are now available. Unfortunately I had to recreate all my custom views, but from one of the default views that made the faces available (I'd assume from your files), I created one by one with the "mugshot" option already built in. I share the files below, however, I'm no expert, I won't know how to clarify as others would know. person search player views.xml person search staff views.xml person properties.xml
  6. Okay, understood. However, am I looking to edit any specific .xml file, in order to insert the code snippet for the faces you've shared? I ask because I only have the .fmf files created with the custom views, which are not "editable", as shown below. Thanks once again! {Vista - Médico & Fisio}.fmf {Vista - Análise & Observação}.fmf {Vista - Preparadores}.fmf {Vista - Staff}.fmf {Vista - Gestão}.fmf
  7. @snowofman, first of all, I'd like to thank you for your latest contributions, not just on this thread, but on the entire forum. I have learned a lot from your detailed explanations. Following the topic of the thread, I would like to learn how I could put the faces for the staff in my custom views. Ignore the language, but note that I use some and would like to insert the faces there next to the flag. I put your file above, which actually enabled a default view ("Faces", under the dropdown menu), but what I really wanted was to have a customization option that enabled the faces to appear in the custom views, is it possible? Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. Thanks once again for your update and everything you do for the community, @Daveincid. I cant ever start a save without your files anymore. Loved the attention given to the academies (such as the Nigerian example) and player development. I tend to play long term saves, such adjustments are essential in the long run. Take care mate!
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