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Everything posted by lugui

  1. Nice work! I like what you've done with the colours all around. Could someone indicate which .xml file controls the screen below, please? I'm looking to: 1) change the purple color of the search bar to another and in the red rectangle, edit the columns on results "view", to insert the face of the players/staff Thanks for any help!
  2. Thank you very much, @Vakzin_QPR. I was also looking for this for days!
  3. In order to change that white circle, insert the colour you want (anything you might have on your settings.xml, anything from HERE or RGB might do as well) replacing title on the second row of code below. The first row value= corresponds to the font colour. The third usually corresponds to the margin of the circle itself, if you use this graphic. Save the xml file, clear cache and restart the skin, should work. <flags id="colour" value="black"/> </record> <colour id="red_replacement" name="title"/> <colour id="blue_replacement" name="title"/>
  4. Thank you very much, @XaW. your work has allowed me to explore new possibilities of the game for a long time, I appreciate the time and effort.
  5. @Tyburn, I don't even know how to thank you. This issue has been haunting me since FM22, absurdly annoying. In my case, I have a giant shortlist, it even made me unpleasant to browse it because of this issue. I'll try to incorporate it here, but just having an option, it's immense. Thank you very much.
  6. I'm finally finishing editing my skin and I'll be able to focus and contribute more to this thread. Finding hidden gems is something I really enjoy! And I have to agree with you: there seems to be something new going on in Senegal's research, lots of new improved players, others with a lot of potential. Here are some that I found, as well as a brief shortlist that I have compiled so far: Senegal.fmf
  7. Great, it will be important for me to learn, I will appreciate it, thank you.
  8. team training person table info panel.xml Hi guys, So I got curious and interested in editing this screen a little in team training person table info panel.xml, I ended up getting a custom skin file and just tried to add the player faces option and condition/sharpness in percentages to the views. However, it got messed up and I can't find the error and how to fix it. Now I can't switch between the menu options there in the upper left corner and I can't widen the condition/sharpness column a little bit in percentages. Do you have any tips in this regard? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi @Tyburn, this is a very cool idea, I would like to add to my custom skin. Would you mind sharing how you managed to add the feature and keep it for ALL clubs/teams, please? Thank you!
  10. This looks fantastic, mate. I'm a huge fan of the Player Attributes screen, I've been using as the default since forever. To see these possibilities you thought of, especially the incorporation of the five stat groups and other details makes me want to learn how to do something similar.
  11. Hi guys, I'm sorry I don't have much more knowledge to help you at this time. I had similar problems when editing FM22, to keep the percentage feature in the custom skin I use. However, the situation stopped happening after I stopped switching skins and using only mine. And for FM23 I just imported the previous files and did as I mentioned, so far it's there as usual. I'll try to take a look, but I feel that my knowledge on the issue has reached the limit, maybe some other colleague will be able to help us more effectively.
  12. I could be wrong, Im unable to check it in real time ATM, but I have these lines in my settings.xml file; <colour name="positive partnership" value="rgb(21,252,80)" /> <colour name="negative partnership" value="rgb(211,68,68)" /> <colour name="mid partnership" value="orange 500" /> <colour name="mid partnership highlighted" value="orange 100" /> <colour name="positive partnership highlighted" value="rgb(92,255,134)" /> <colour name="negative partnership highlighted" value="rgb(232,107,107)" />
  13. I wanted to thank everyone for their help and ideas for customizing the competition overview panel.xml. Finally I managed to recreate it as I would like: I got rid of the calendar part, the reputation of the leagues and focused 100% on player stats. I was able to add new boxes and add other stat points that I think are important. I even managed to put a subtle separator line, to give it a nice touch and let the blocks of information breathe a little. In case it helps anyone, I leave my file below. Just keep in mind that I play in a simple 1366x768 notebook resolution, I couldn't put endless things in that available size, at least I don't know how to. Thank you all, collective learning and mutual help! competition overview panel.xml
  14. Got it, it does make sense. I'll play around with the file and see how I do, thanks again!
  15. Fantastic, thanks for the direction, i've been lost this whole time. I'll try as soon as I can. Sorry if it sounds silly, but will I be able to even if I use a personal and custom skin on lower screen resolution? I play on laptop 1366x768, was affraid things wouldn't "fit" on screen.
  16. Did you manage to change and increase the number of boxes, mate? If so, if you can share the magic please. I ALWAYS had this same feeling but never managed to accomplish it or find the correct file.
  17. Hi man, got #3 adjusted, thanks to your tip again. It turned out that for me, inset="-4" solved the issue. I would like to make the text for role/duty more centralized, but I couldn't, even though I messed with other parts of the code a lot. Anyway, I was satisfied as it is in the image below. As for #4, the faces on the bench players, no worries. It would be a nice addition, but I can totally live without it. Once again, thanks for you help, I was able to learn a lot and get what I was looking for.
  18. Hi @snowofman, once again, thanks for your assistance so far. I finally had some time and was able to test your suggestions, with mixed results. I'll share it below in more detail, in case it helps someone: 1- I tested the mentioned file and got the result I wanted, increasing the "height" values in the lines below. This got those bars for familiarity & intensity back to what I wanted. <container class="tactic_slot_tab_container" entity_layout_id="it17" file="tactics/tactic slot tab container intensity" id="tstI" width="100" height="40" name="Intensity"> <container class="tactic_slot_tab_container" entity_layout_id="it06" file="tactics/tactic slot tab container familiarity" id="tstf" width="100" height="40" name="Familiarity"> 2- Indeed, generic/titlebar search panel.xml is the correct file. I was able to fix the alignment to my liking and I even learned to edit the font size, colours and style! 3- Still having trouble adjusting that part, unfortunately. As you can see in the image below, messing with tactics icon info panel overview.xlm, in the code snippet below, I even managed to increase the font size to role/dutty, but I still couldn't center them and make them aesthetically "normal" . Note that it's cutting off the bottom part of the text. Do you have any suggestions in this regard? 4- I couldn't in any way edit the code and make it work. I leave what I have below, if you have any suggestions or can point out where I'm going wrong, please. Once again, thanks for your time and help! subs bench icon panel.xml subs bench panel.xml
  19. That I really dont know, Im sorry. Actually, never thought about it, sounds like a good idea indeed.
  20. Thanks again for the help, mate. You always there when I need it, I appreciate it. I'll try the adjustments when I'm home, if you don't mind us continuing to exchange information and me tagging you here.
  21. To change the pitch style, check /graphics/custom and see if there is a file named "texture". If it exists, just replace it with the file you want, but always with that name. A second option is to check panels/tactics/pitch with tactics container.xml for the line <string id="pitch_base_appearance" value="custom/texture" />. The path in the "value" field indicates where your original pitch is, if you don't have it, just create the folders and place the new file there. In this xml you will also be able to modify many other things about the pitch layout. Hope I helped, congratulations on your skin, excellent work.
  22. Hello there, I'm looking to make four changes and I've been having difficulties with some of them, any help would be very welcome and grateful! I tried to compile them into the same image to make it easier: 1- Here, I'm trying to understand which file and part of the code I can adjust to avoid this cut at the bottom of the FAMILIARITY & INTENSITY bars. 2- I changed the font in the base skin and in that case, I would like to pull up even if just a little the line below the title in caps. File and/or code. 3- The same question as above, now to adjust the writing for the player roles. I would like to pull them up and maybe increase the font size. File and/or code. 4- If possible, put the FACES of the reserve players on the bench. Whether removing the kit or even leaving it. I was pointed it must be something in subs bench panel, here's what I have, but I don't know what to add to get it. Sorry for so many questions or if something is not clear, getting a little light on any of them would help a lot. I'm interested in learning more and since the last edition of the game the whole exchange on this forum has helped me a lot in this. Thanks in advance. subs bench panel.xml
  23. Thank you very much, flawless! @snowofman or anyone, would/could you tell which file controls the players on the bench? I just got the idea that it would be nice to have their faces there too.
  24. Mate, sorry to be a pain but would you mind sharing your resized icons folder and the tactics icon info panel overview so I can compare and adjust mine? I've been struggling for two days trying to make them to fit the screen with no luck, both you and @snowofmanjust nailed it just the way I am trying to achieve. Thanks a lot anyway.
  25. Glad it worked for you, mate. I feel you, I gotta have my % back every year
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