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Issue Comments posted by nielsoncp

  1. 3 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update to this.

    It looks like the issue is caused if you added homegrown rules for nations that don’t use them in real life.

    We're looking to resolve this in our next game update, so you can continue those saves.

    Until then, can you please player other saves, thank you. 

    This is a very helpful update - thanks Zachary. I'll look forward to it being addressed going forward!

  2. The thing that makes it particularly confounding is that this set up does have the competitions present  (use the quickstart to force load the Canadian league.) I went through and aligned the Canadian league with the other two, and it somehow broke the competition structure. Again, any help will be appreciated. 

    Canada - CEUD - Advanced 2.fmf Concacaf Continental Competitions - CEUD ADV v2.fmf USA - Test1.fmf Ctest.fmf

  3. I'll second this - I tried the same things as Sangue Blu (I transported forward a db file I used last year that worked in FM 23) and when I tried to add the leagues to the cups the extinct teams were missing. It also lists a lower # of teams in the league rule sections than I assigned in the db portion. I'm attaching the db file so you can take a look - specifically you can look at the USL1 East and Western Conferences to see what I'm talking about. 

    USA - Test1.fmf

  4. Hi SI Friends - I know you all are turning the corner towards FM 24, but it would be helpful to know if this bug will be addressed in any future patches for FM 23. I'm assuming (based on previous release cycles) that the game is finalized at this point and this bug will probably not be fixed in this version, but it would be helpful to know, particularly as I figure out if I want to do any more work on my editor files and as I share about updates in other locations. I appreciate the complexity of this game and that Digi, Omarsorto, and I (perpetually) find the small gaps in the code, so I am at peace either way - it would just be helpful to know as I plan my own work and share the database here and in other locations. Thanks all!

  5. I have a similar problem. I have a US 10 tier database (again, hello old friends) that crashes to Desktop on Monday, August 22nd. There aren't any other events happening on the date - I've cleared all of the other events of the date, and it still crashes to desktop. I'm attaching the file - hopefully this provides some more context for our issues. 

    (Added context - it works perfectly fine when it's in basic mode (also attached) - the only CTD happens in advanced mode.)

    USA - 10 Tiers - CEUD - Advanced Mode - reduced $.fmf USA - 10 Tiers - CEUD - Reduced $.fmf

  6. I took a look tonight - I tried changing the level and the type of inactive competition, and neither fixed it. I don't know what the issue is, but hopefully this gives some more direction for the SI folks if/when they tackle the problem. I'm sorry Digi - I'll be out of internet range for the next few days (work retreat) but I'll let you know if I figure something out. 

  7. I loaded in a custom one that I built from scratch - 3 tournaments (Champions, Gold and Silver Cups), with the top 7 from US, Canada, and Mexico qualifying for one of the competitions. It works through the first two years - the correct teams qualify, it doesn't crash to desktop or import weird MLS teams in the us slots. The only drawback is that making MLS inactive removes the history for some reason, but otherwise it seems like it works with a custom format. It may be worth testing with your set-up Digi and see if the competitions appear without the changes to the NACL. (Again, attaching the files so SI can take a look if they want to.)

    USA - 10 Tiers - CEUD - MLS Test.fmf Canada - 4 Tiers - CEUD - Advanced Mode - MLS Test.fmf CONCACAF Continental Competitions - CEUD - MLS Test.fmf

  8. It is an issue related to the MLS. I went in to my database and made the MLS a lower level (11) and inactive competition. I loaded up my CONCACAF mod and my Canada mod in game, and the competitions appeared. I'm attaching the files below.

    Steps to replicate:

    1. Load Canada (non-MLS) file in game and look at the North American competitions. The club competitions should be missing. 

    2. Load Canada and CONCACAF with MLS files in game. The club competitions should be present. 

    CONCACAF Continental Competitions - CEUD - MLS Test.fmf Canada - 4 Tiers - CEUD - Advanced Mode - MLS Test.fmf Canada - 4 Tiers - CEUD - Advanced Mode.fmf

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