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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Do you mind letting us know how you solved it mate? I've been editing for years and I keep getting this issue with my UEFA file. It seems as though every time I change 'number of teams added to this round' on the Europa League part of my edit, this issue comes up. Really annoying as I need that set in order to make the competitions actually run
  2. Hi there, I have been developing an editor file that revamps UEFA's European club competitions file for a while now, and recently an error has started to pop up every time I test the file that is extremely frustrating. For some reason, despite me not touching Africa's rules whatsoever - I've only edited Europe - it will not allow me to verify the files as 'the numbers of teams (54) in the African Cup of Nations Qualifying competition doesn't match expected number of teams from rankings (53)' I cannot edit Africa's rules on the same file, as Editor doesn't allow you to add international rules once you have started with continental ones. I have tried to delete the competition and re-add it, which did at least let me verify my file, but that only prevented any competitive international football from being played on my save. I have even tried to completely start from scratch, but the same issue keeps coming up. It seems to be a relatively new bug, considering I have been working on this file for about a month and it has never happened prior to the past few days. The error occurs around the January 2021 mark when I go to test the file, and there seems to be no way round it, even as an experienced user of advanced rules editing. If anyone could help on this I would massively appreciate it. I have read on old threads that there was once a way to bypass verification by exporting my file to an XML version, if anyone remembers if this still works for FM22 I'd love to know. Attached is the (currently unverified) file I am talking about, I'd be so grateful for any help on this All the best UEFA revamp finalised.fmf
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