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Posts posted by all4everdragon

  1. But you said earlier that you have the TI set to the highest closing down. How would sometimes equal the TI if that istrue? I think you'd best show a screenshot here. No I don't speak Portuguese, but I do Hablo Espanol, and in any case, the layout is exactly the same, and we can see what your settings are graphically.

    This option for Sometimes PI is confusing. I was told in the fm16 beta feedback thread by a member of SI that the PI close down "Sometimes" is basicaly telling the player to close down like the team. So, in terms of player instructions:

    Much More = much more than the team

    More = more than the team

    Sometimes = team

    Less = less than the team

    Much Less = much less than the team

    This is what I was told, so the Close Down player instruction is always by comparison with the team. If this is correct (and I believe it is, because it came from SI), player should have the option Sometimes in their PI even if the TI is set to close down much more. Right ?

    A TI screenshot


    and an example of a player (Inside Forward)


    So, in this example, the IF has the option to close down less or much less than the team, but does not have the option to close down like the team closes down (the PI option Sometimes)

  2. I am not really sure what you are asking here. I have two IFs in my setup and they both have closing down the same as the team setting. That is where they defaulted to for me. Maybe a screen shot would help show what you mean?

    I could post a screenshot, but the game is in portuguese so I'm not sure it would help.

    My close down TI is set to Much More, so "sometimes" would be the maximum PI the players would have (as "sometimes" being equal to close down like the team does), but the only PI options are less and much less.

  3. I'm using a SS at time with a 4-2-3-1 with two CMs. I have DLF (S) in front of him, and he gets forward all the time, and scores a good bit 6 in 12, though the DLF is more of a goal scoring threat. He does resemble the Treq at times, but I see a lot more forward penentration than you are noticing. I think a key is to have space ahead, so your F needs to be dropping off or going wide to open up room for the SS. If you notice his default position is a lot close to the striker than the standard AMC. DId you try the DLK of support? If so, you might try getting him to move out wide into channels.

    Dr. Hook can you help ? Thanks :)

    I would really like to understand this (although I made a mistake with my former noob question about the wing-back), but I have an IF that has an option to close down less or much less, the same for an AP with attack duty, the same for an AP with support suty, the same for the False 9. Why can't these guys close down like the team (meaning, the team instruction) ???

  4. I would really like to understand this (although I made a mistake with my former noob question about the wing-back), but I have an IF that has an option to close down less or much less, the same for an AP with attack duty, the same for an AP with support suty, the same for the False 9. Why can't these guys close down like the team (meaning, the team instruction) ??? :eek:

  5. You can already see him as this though.

    And that's with the TI of close down much more active.

    So I've still no idea what you are on about.

    Thanks for the screenshot, I do not remember what I had set, but I had some TI to close down more and the winback PI didn't have the option to close down like the team. But right now, I'm looking at the False 9 and he can't close down like the team, only less or much less.

  6. A wingback on attack is set to close down sometimes already. Then you have the option to change that to less or much less. So not sure what you're asking here?

    The issue is that "sometimes" is not in the PI, not even as hard-coded, the only two options are close down less or much less. Wouldn't it be more clarifying if we could see that he's already set to close down sometimes ?

  7. I'm cheating when using all the tight mark, closing down, tackle hard, and show onto weak foot at OP instructions?

    By doind this my team plays at defense exactly how I want.

    Do you think its cheating, or using some legal tool in a "bad" way?

    OP instructions are a tool, where does the "cheating" idea comes from ??? :eek:

    It's more a question if you want all the OP players to be closed down, tight marking, tackle hard and show onto weak foot. Do you ?

  8. Sorry for the silly question if it is one but can you train a preferred move one after the other? I have a 19 year old player who i'd like to teach a PPM too. I already coached him in one but the option to Suggest Preferred Move doesn't come up for him anymore?

    Yes you can. The thing is sometimes the option turns gray if the player is being tutored or if injured.

  9. It was changed for FM15.

    Thanks. I think there's a ppm about finishing that is not listed, but I don't know the original term. There's: places shots, shoots from distance, Refrains from taking long shots, Shoots with Power, Attempts overhead kicks, Lob Keeper and Round Keeper. But there's another one about to give an effect to the ball (the bold word is surely translated badly).

  10. If a player plays with his back to goal, he won't drop deep to get the ball? And if a player comes deep to get the ball, surely his back will be facing the goal? And my original other question - why can't a player learn both?

    Why should he drop ? The two movements don't relate with each other. A player that plays with his back to goal is a movement much more appropriate to a Striker (AF, Target Man, Poacher), creates space because of his presence and drawing the opponents to himself; a player who drops deep creates space because of his roaming from position dropping deep in this case, it's more appropriate for a False 9, a Number 10, a DLF or even for midfielders.

  11. I mentioned Forward Runs because I think that's the difference, Get Further Forward and Hold Position modify the forward runs instruction whilst Roam From Position doesn't.

    In old slider terms forward runs had 3 levels: "Rarely -> Sometimes -> Often" if a roles default is "Sometimes" then you can tell them to Hold Position to make it Rarely. If its Rarely then you can't go lower so the instruction is disabled.

    Roam From Position gives the player permission to move in any direction from there position. Where ever they end up roaming they will then follow there instructions (creative freedom dependent).

    Ok, that is just fine, but not the point here. The Roam from Position PI is coded, automatically activated, but the Stick to Position is available, so it's not the point if the player roams or not, or neither if goes forward or inside. The point is that if I select Stick to Position and since the Roam from Position is activated, how can the player stick to his position and roam from his position at the same time ? Some new law of physics, maybe ?

  12. My understanding is the "Get Further Forward" and "Hold Position" modify forward run instructions, more like "Make offensive runs" and "don't make offensive runs". Once you think of them like that I think you will understand the difference.

    :confused:Say again, I missed that, never mentioned Forward Runs but just roam from position active and stick to position available and, if this one selected by me, how can a player Roam and Stick at the same time ? :confused:

  13. FWIW, I think there should be an option for multiple corner and free kick routines, but I don't really see any point to having individual defensive throw-in instructions given that it's not something real coaches spend a lot of time on and this is an area of the game that is already rife with potential for exploits.

    Ok thanks once again (and there aren't enough thank you) for another gold piece of information :thup:

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