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Posts posted by BGN

  1. On 25/02/2024 at 14:37, _Ben_ said:

    I've added this to the player comparison.xml

    <!--STATMAN STATS-->
    				<container id="stats" hidden="false" >
    					<translation id="title" value="Statistics" draw_vertical_dividers="false"/>
    					<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1,-1,-1" >
    						<global id="gap" name="ui.main_box_gap"/>
    					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
    					<string id="skin_style" value="subtle box" />
    					<!--Player 1 report-->
    					<container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg lighter">
    	<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1" vertical_gap="10" />
    						<!-- STATS -->
    						<widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="pcr1"  file="player/stats/comparison/player performance stats combined comparison">
    			<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
    				<translation id="title" type="use" value="Comparisons" />
    					<!--Player 2 report: not called 'box 3' but just helps with notes panel-->
          <container class="inner_contrast_box_no_margin" red_replacement="bg" width="450" id="not" hidden="true">
            <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1" vertical_gap="10" />
            <container class="filterable_notes_panel">
              <record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" />
              <animation class="slide_in_top_animation" />
    					<container class="contrast_box" red_replacement="bg lighter"  id="box3" hidn="false">
    	<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1" vertical_gap="10" />
    						<!-- STATS -->
    						<widget class="player_additional_stats_panel" id="pcr2"  file="player/stats/comparison/player performance stats combined comparison">
    			<record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
    				<translation id="title" type="use" value="Comparisons" />


    I used the pcr1 and pcr2 to buy myself another ID that meant I could build as many different things as I wanted (such as a full player profile) in that one file - player performance stats combined comparison - and it'd show in both places.

    Thank you for your response _Ben_. I've played around with your approach and could get two separate regular attribute analysers going but not two comparison ones.

    Does anyone know how to expand the width of the labels in the comparison attribute analyzer so I can use numbers with decimal points? I've tried a bunch of things in the "player comparison attribute analyser outfield" file in the the upper section and below under the attributes but have not found anything that makes a difference. 

    Screenshot 2024-04-05 174357.png

  2. 2 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

    same ids in 2 containers

    Thanks. Do you know of another ID I could use or where I could try to look for one?

    I went back to mimicking how Statman put analyzers next to one another in his player overview page. Now the analyzer that has the "ofap" id appears properly and the other shows the analyzer for just the base player without the comparison. I tried ofa + everyletter and number and a few different options that ended in "ap".

  3. I'm still unable to get two attribute analyzers to show on the Player Comparison Overview screen. Can anyone offer advice on how, or if, I can fix? From my entirely uninformed efforts, it looks like only analyzer can be tied to the widget id and I can't find an alternative or work around.

            <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="120,-1,-1,120">
                <global id="horizontal_gap" name="ui.main_contrast_box_gap"/>
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />


            <container id="temp" >
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="10" />
                    <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="ofap" file="player/analyzer/comparison outfield" hidden="false" />
                    <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="gkap" file="player/analyzer/comparison goalkeeper" hidden="true" />
            <container id="tem2" >
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="10" />
                    <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="ofap" file="player/analyzer/comparison outfield roles" hidden="false" />
                    <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="gkap" file="player/analyzer/comparison goalkeeper roles" hidden="true" />

    Roles Compare.png

  4. I was messing around with the Attribute Analyzer when I realized how easy it was to create your own formulas. Inspired by the Squirrel approach, I made a analyzer for with a value the roles in my tactic. I'm having a couple of issues. In the player overview, I'm having trouble getting it fit appropriately in the container. As you can see from screenshot, it looks good in a smaller box. I also would like to add the analyzer comparison. I've got the role analyzer showing along the with the traditional one. However, I'm having similar issues with the label being too small. From from trial and error, it also appears they cannot show at the same time because they both use " <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="ofap" ". Is there an alternative I could use or do I need to try to create another tab to separate them? Thanks for any help or advice you can offer.

    Roles Compare.png


  5. On 17/12/2023 at 13:43, BGN said:

    I use a bunch of custom tactical styles and have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out a way to change them from the match screen like mentality, shouts, instructions, etc. After looking through some custom skins and the extracted files from the game, I found the tactics tactical style popup panel and tried to replicate how other button/icons were handled in TCS's match console quick tactics panel. The furthest I got was when I copied how shouts were coded. I got the correct button at the bottom and it pops up properly. The problem is the custom tactical styles aren't there and when you load them, they disappear immediately. They do still show up correctly when you enter the tactics and subs screen. I have reached the end of my meager skinning skills. Does anyone have any advice on changes I could make to get it to work or additional places I could look for code to use?  Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.


    Tactical Styles.png

    tactics tactical style popup panel.xml 2.95 kB · 0 downloads

    Wanted to check again to see if anyone had ideas for how, or if, I could make this work

  6. I use a bunch of custom tactical styles and have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out a way to change them from the match screen like mentality, shouts, instructions, etc. After looking through some custom skins and the extracted files from the game, I found the tactics tactical style popup panel and tried to replicate how other button/icons were handled in TCS's match console quick tactics panel. The furthest I got was when I copied how shouts were coded. I got the correct button at the bottom and it pops up properly. The problem is the custom tactical styles aren't there and when you load them, they disappear immediately. They do still show up correctly when you enter the tactics and subs screen. I have reached the end of my meager skinning skills. Does anyone have any advice on changes I could make to get it to work or additional places I could look for code to use?  Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.


                        <!-- TACTICAL STYLE -->
                        <widget class="widget_popup_button" id="CuST" popup_alignment="right,top" widget_type="tactics_tactical_style_popup_panel" icon="icons/16px/team talk" alignment="centre" icon_alignment="centre" secondary_icon_alignment="centre"  auto_size="horizontal" default_focus="true" font="title" colour="text" size="small" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button">
                            <record id="modal_popup_properties">
                                <boolean id="darkened" value="false" />
                                <boolean id="attempt_to_reposition" value="true" />
                            <record id="widget_properties">
                                <string id="file" value="tactics/tactics tactical style popup panel" />
                            <translation id="text" translation_id="466516" type="use" value="Tactical Styles[COMMENT: FR 23334; tactics panel; tactical styles popup; table heading for custom styles list]" />


    Tactical Styles.png

    tactics tactical style popup panel.xml

  7. Is there a way to keep your staff from populating your squad planner with players from your shortlists?

    I have some fairly large shortlists that I keep to help manage my scouting. When I go into the planner, it's full of shortlisted players and not worth the time or effort to unclick them. It looks like you can hide them, but (1) they are still on the list and (2) I can't find away to hide the players without also hiding my players out on loan that I would want to see.

  8. I started a save a few months ago where I tried to increase my use of data hub/data to help me run my team. Based on this experience, here are few things I would like to see added:
    (1) I think the scatter graphs in the data hub are great for looking at a few individual elements, but do not provide a holistic view if you are trying to compare two players. The stats tab in the player comparison area is OK, but it doesn't really help me if I'm trying to compare 2 LBs for instance. I would like to see the stats per 90 section in the player comparison area replaced with a polygon that compares two players in key areas, similar to how you compare your player to league averages (even better if you could customize the polygon).
    (2) Because I found holistic player comparison difficult in the data hub, I ended up creating some statistics views in the squad section. A lot of stats available in other parts of the game are not available to add to your squad view such as: xG/90, Possession Lost, Possession Lost/90, Possession Gained, Possession Gained/90, and Clearances/90. I would like to see those added to the chalkboard so they can be used in squad views.
  9. I am loving the update. One question though. I noticed in some of the beta pictures there was a heat map option for the tablet. Does anyone know if there is an easy way for me to add that option to the skin? It was one of my favorite choices in TCS20. 

  10. Anyone know what happened with the FMEnhanced skin? 

    I downloaded the new version which seemed to break my game. After running a few errands and reconnecting, I could not find any information on it on FMScout or social media.

  11. I would like to see the match preparation process streamlined and consolidated. I'm not exactly sure how it would look, but I think most of the elements I would like to see are already in the game. It would mainly be a matter of presentation.

    Currently, you are prompted on a week by week basis (Mon-Sun) to set your training. Your scouting and analysts reports arrive the day after the previous match. On the day before your upcoming match, you received separate emails for selection recommendations, tactical advice and whether to trigger or delegate the tactical briefing meeting.
    My proposal would be have a "Staff Meeting" or a "Team Meeting" the night of the preceding match or the next morning to put a "plan" in place for the next match. I would like to see a more integrated process where you could:

    (1) Review the scouting and analyst reports

    (2) Identify a starting lineup for the upcoming match (with staff recommendations)

    (3) Make tactical adjustments that your team (with staff recommendations)

    (4) Have the ability to adjust your training schedule heading into the next match (whether you need more match practice based on tactical changes, more focus on set pieces, etc).

    (5) Delegate the whole process to your AssMan and maybe have the ability to "look ahead" beyond the next match to one further down the road.

    Elements not in the game I would like to see:
    (1) Would like to see more information that helps you make tactical tweaks. In the "Fact" part of Team Reports, it would be nice to be able to compare your defense to your opponents attackers (and vice versa). Other examples:
    • for defensive line compare your defenders pace, accel, positioning, marking, etc to their attackers pace, accel, off the ball (would also be nice to tie this information into opp instructions); 
    • for pressing intensity their composure concentration, and decisions;
    • get a sense of the opposing pressing intensity in either the scouting or analyst report.
    (2) Have your physio/sports scientist give you an estimate of the physical condition on the next game day to help tailor training (accuracy of estimate based on quality of medical team)
    (3) Have the ability to sit players out of the extra session in training. My thought would be starters could sit out when match congestion starts, but your reserves and younger players could get additional work.
    Sorry if this has been a bit long winded, but given the state of the world I've been playing a lot of FM and have time on my hands.
  12. I had two suggestions:

    (1) I would like to see a dropdown menu in-game for tactical style similar to what exists for tactics, match mentality, team instructions, opp instructions, etc to make it quicker to switch.

    (2) I would like to see an option to either send more players forward in set pieces/corners through team instructions if you are trailing or pull players back if you are trying to close out a game. Perhaps a new settings for "Go Forward Unless Instructed" or "Stay Back Unless Instructed" in set pieces/corners that could be controlled through team instructions? I feel like it is too time consuming to change roles in match.

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