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Posts posted by DJO

  1. In my 7th season with Sunderland and have managed to accumulate a huge transfer pot (£184m) even after offering big contracts to important players. Now if I adjust my budget towards wages I can supposedly offer a ‘maximum wage’ of £500k per week. I have a 21 year old Argentinian hero being paid £150k per week and his contract expires in 2 years time. I’m trying to offer him a new contract but there seems to be some sort of artificial cap at £275k per week. I have tried increasing the signing bonus etc and played around with the budget allocation and nothing works. I don’t understand why it states a ‘maximum wage’ that I can’t get anywhere close to. Worth noting that I’ve been able to offer other players greater amounts than this, but never been able to get near the ‘maximum wage’ stated. Has anyone come across this before?


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