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Posts posted by gobhniu

  1. 14 minutes ago, Marabak said:

    I don't know how this would work in FM, but in real life I used to play for a Sunday league side that was all "physical attributes", I am pretty strong and play CB, we had a bunch of super pacey 18 year olds on the wings and up front. We once played a semi-pro team that had a few "retired" pros in there, including a 50 year old CM who once played in what is now the Championship. They blew us away, they intercepted every past, they pinged the ball around like it was FIFA, no matter how strong or fast we were, we couldn't get close. I'd imagine the same should apply in FM.

    What you seem to describe is players with strong mental attributs but also the technique to back it off.

    I am not sure if (in fm) a player with low technical stats like pass and dribbling would be able to pull that off...I feel like they would “know” what the next best move is but would just botch it because they are garbage at passing or dribbling...


    but I don’t know, I could be wrong

  2. Whenever I take a lower league club I noticed that I always focus on physical attributs. Speed for attack, strength in defense etc... and I usually build a team of what you could call “just bodies” who have absolutely no intelligence on the field and just run fast and hit hard...


    I know technical players are like unicorns in the lower leagues but what about mental attributs?


    Would trying to build a team of experienced, relatively smart players work in those leagues?

    Or is it useless since they won’t have the technique or physique to do what they want?


    If you had to create such a team what mental attributs would you focus on?

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