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Posts posted by Weiry

  1. 6 hours ago, autohoratio said:

    Minor issue but just something that bugged me in my save as I can't change it with the in-game editor (data not set in DB, so he was generated with dark skin in my save).
    Rory Hanson (2000016235) should have Ethnicity Northern European; Hair Light Brown 3 or Dark Brown 2, Short; Skin Tone 3 or 4 ; Birth Place Nottingham, England; Born in Nation England [as far as I know he is a naturalised Australian Citizen after moving there in childhood, I don't know what that would fall under for Nationality Info.]

    Thanks for this info, I'll make sure it is fixed in the next research cycle 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Justified said:

    Riku Danzaki is missing on loan for Brisbane Roar. Quite a big as he's been one of their better players this seasons so far

    I could be wrong but I believe as it is only a loan Danzaki can't be added into the game due to the licensing issues with Japanese clubs.

  3. 5 hours ago, Fredteam said:


    I'm a french player of FM21 and i'm trying to play a challenge with the french territories like Guyana or Martinique with your update. But when the local clubs are trying to play the 5th round of the French Cup, all the players are considered as "Foreigner - Non-UE player" and on French Cup only 4 foreigner are avalaible to play each game. On the attached screenshots, you can the "Senior Squad" and the "Schedule" of the club.

    Do you think that it's a problem on your updates or on the game ? For information, the same problem are on similar updates of others creators like Timo or Riddler.

    Sorry if my english isn't perfect.



    I think this would have to be an issue with the default French Cup rules (which I haven't touched)

  4. On 05/02/2021 at 14:32, gooseta said:

    Are any continental competitions included in this? Regardless, this looks great, and I'll definitely try it out for my journeyman save

    No not yet maybe in the future though :) 

    9 minutes ago, gooseta said:

    I tried to start a journeyman save and Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia's lower league teams all start with no managers? Is this supposed to happen?

    I don't have time to add real managers but they tend to generate fake managers after a few weeks in save

  5. Added Part 5 to OP can also be downloaded here - https://www.mediafire.com/file/ilw24hx2u07miv6/PART+5+-+FM21+Complete+Pyramids+by+Weiry.zip/file

    Just a small update fixing all the nations that were incompatible with the latest FM update I also added 5 new nations taking total to 155. They are:

    Ghana (2 Levels)

    Mayotte (2 Levels)

    Senegal (2 Levels)

    Saudi Arabia (3 Levels)

    UAE (3 Levels)

  6. 3 hours ago, woolymuffler said:

    I'm slightly puzzled at which leagues were selected for this mod; as examples:

    The goal of this project has always been to create the entire pyramid of each nation (that is at least researchable) and almost all the nations you've listed here have quite extensive pyramids that would take a few days to build (adding all the clubs that are missing from the base game, stadiums and making sure structure is right etc) 

    Of course I could just add down to a certain level and call it a day but those type of files already exist and I try to do something different and if you're really missing those leagues then check the steam workshop most of them are probably compatible with my files.

    BTW I'm by no means saying that I'm never going to do those leagues (I'd love to for my own personal use) but it takes time and that goes for any other nations missing from this pack. 

  7. In all my time using the editor I have never seen this before:

    All three league levels verify successfully - I also tested using the editor until 2030 and it is seemingly perfect. I can select the file when I start a new game but when I go to add the nation as playable it is nowhere to be found and when I proceed and try to add it during the save Nicaragua is greyed out.

    Something to mention - In the part where it lists the Division Levels is says that all the leagues are not verified even though the top right says "3/3 levels verified" and when I try verify again they all say they're verified.

    The Nicaraguan leagues operate with an opening and closing stage but so does Haiti and I set it up with no issues so this is very odd.

    So is this a bug or am I overlooking something obvious?


  8. On 06/12/2020 at 09:01, Kleyo said:

    1. How accurate are rules in any country of your updates? Do you set original calendar, winter period, yellow card rules etc?
    2. Do you plan to make any continental competitions for nations and/or clubs, like e.g. AFF Cup, Arab Club Champions Cup?


    2 hours ago, id99 said:

    Hello! Is this real rules and structure? 

    I try to get the rules and structure as realistic as possible. Obviously I'm not an expert on every league in the world so if you spot any inaccuracies then send me a message and I'll make the necessary amendments. Yellow card rules are difficult to find so most are just 5, 10, 15... I also add all the missing clubs to the database ensuring that all divisions have the correct clubs in them from the most recent season.

    As for continental competitions, I might do them but first I'd like to get the majority of nations done. 

  9. 1 hour ago, maciasso said:


    Great stuff. Could you please do HongKong lower divisions? 

    Will be ready in two days hopefully

    24 minutes ago, Dai35 said:

    Is there any chance that you could do some of the bigger African and Asian nations like Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Senegal, Morocco, Qatar, Mali, Saudia Arabia, Algeria if you haven't already done them please? Will you be adding any more league's in Europe once the editor is fixed like Serbia and Croatia Plaese?

    Yes I hope to do most African and Asian leagues but first I need to do the research for them. As for Europe I'm going to finish Hungary, Cyprus and North Macedonia before I start on anything else.

    Thanks :) 

  10. Added Part 3 - was unable to upload here for some reason so the Mediafire link is in the OP or can be downloaded here - http://www.mediafire.com/file/zkm3144spexrb5l/PART+3+FM21+Complete+Pyramids+by+Weiry.zip/file

    Contains 35 nations taking the total to 95.

    Nations Available in Part 3:


    Africa (CAF)

    Lesotho (2 Levels)

    Madagascar (1 Level)

    Malawi (3 Levels)

    Mauritania (2 Levels)

    Mauritius (4 Levels)

    Niger (2 Levels)

    Reunion (3 Levels)

    Rwanda (2 Levels)

    Somalia (2 Levels)

    Asia (AFC)

    Kyrgyzstan (2 Levels)

    Laos (2 Levels)

    Macau (4 Levels)

    Maldives (2 Levels)

    Mongolia (3 Levels)

    Myanmar (2 Levels)

    Nepal (3 Levels)

    North Korea (1 Level)

    Northern Mariana Islands (2 Levels)

    Philippines (1 Level)

    Tajikistan (2 Levels)

    Turkmenistan (2 Levels)

    Europe (UEFA)

    Belarus (9 Levels)

    Bosnia & Herzegovina (7 Levels)

    Bulgaria (5 Levels)

    Slovenia (6 Levels)

    Oceania (OFC)

    Samoa (2 Levels)

    Tonga (2 Levels)

    Tuvalu (2 Levels)

    North America (CONCACAF)

    Martinique (3 Levels)

    Saint Lucia (2 Levels)

    Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (3 Levels)

    Saint-Martin (1 Level)

    Sint Maarten (1 Level)

    Turks and Caicos Islands (1 Level)

    US Virgin Islands (1 Level)

    South America (CONMEBOL)


  11. On 28/11/2020 at 07:54, makiawelli_leg said:

    Weiry it'd be nice if u could do Bosnia, Cyprus & North Macedonia. With them all of UEFA will be playable, cheers and cant wait :D

    Bosnia is now posted on steam, will post tomorrow on here. The other two I'm working on them.

    22 hours ago, Eggie86 said:

    Any chance for the Malaysia or Thai pyramids to be added? 

    Yes, within the next week or two they should be ready

    18 hours ago, kijoha said:

    is there a chance you will make any lower leagues for Denmark?  That's a little tricky because Division 2 is a transition season this year.  I want to help you make it and give you the information you need


    3 hours ago, latrell said:

    any chance of the Romanian league pyramid  


    2 hours ago, Orange2000 said:


    Please PM me some links to these, thanks :) 

  12. Added Part 2 folder in the OP. Takes the total to 60 nations.

    Nations Available in Part 2:



    Africa (CAF)

    Burkina Faso (3 Levels) - Updated - Added 3rd Level

    Cape Verde (2 Levels)

    Central African Republic (2 Levels)

    Chad (1 Level)

    Comoros (2 Levels)

    Congo (1 Level)

    Djibouti (3 Levels)

    Equatorial Guinea (2 Levels)

    Eritrea (1 Level)

    Eswatini (2 Levels)

    Asia (AFC)

    East Timor (3 Levels)

    Guam (2 Levels)

    Europe (UEFA)

    Estonia (6 Levels)

    Faroe Islands (4 Levels) - Updated - Added 4th Level

    Iceland (5 Levels)

    Kazakhstan (4 Levels)

    Kosovo (4 Levels)

    Latvia (4 Levels)

    Lithuania (8 Levels)

    Luxembourg (5 Levels)

    Malta (5 Levels) 

    Moldova (3 Levels)

    Montenegro (3 Levels)

    Oceania (OFC)

    Kiribati (1 Level)

    North America (CONCACAF)

    Cayman Islands (1 Level)

    Cuba (1 Level)

    Curacao (3 Levels)

    Dominica (2 Levels)

    Dominican Republic (1 Level)

    French Guiana (2 Levels)

    Grenada (2 Levels)

    Guadeloupe (3 Levels)

    Guyana (1 Level)

    South America (CONMEBOL)



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