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Posts posted by d2024p

  1. Anyone know why my scouts are not able to scout certain countries some of the time? I know that they can go to these countries because I can see in their scouting history.. Is there an enforced minimum wait between scouting the same country twice?


    Hey, shameless bump of previous question! Just can't work this out - and I am sure it is a stupid question and therefore very much on-topic! Thanks in advance

  2. Hello all, I have a couple of stupid (FM11) questions actually – just one of the areas where I think a better manual or more communication from SI would not go amiss. It would be great if you could help me out with them.

    1. The main one is the player role setting. I would like to know if this just assigns a set of slider (advanced) rules which try and tell the player to play a certain way, or does it define a style of play which is independent of these sliders? E.g. let’s say that for argument’s sake I have 2x identical MCs with identical stats and PPMs - If I set their sliders up exactly the same way but I set one to defensive midfielder and the other to advanced playmaker will they try and play those roles differently (because of the roles set) or identically (because the sliders override the ‘role’ set?

    2. Forward runs. I have never quite got this. Does this mean that you are telling a player to join in an attack often/sometimes/rarely, as in they could potentially commit fully to an attack and be there, for example, to tap in a pass on the goal line? Or does it just mean to often/sometimes/rarely roam forward of his starting position on the pitch? One reason I ask is that so often I have many of my players take up advanced positions on the opposition’s defensive line as soon as I win possession. This often means I have few options to actually use to move the ball on and send the killer pass through to attacking players. In other words, they player has already made the run I wanted him to make as a response to a potential through ball and he is now being shackled by the opposition defence.

    Hope this makes sense!


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