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Issue Comments posted by CAE82

  1. I'm in the process of uploading two saves - "Evan Ferguson - Det XX'" where XX is 11 and 17, before and after his jump.

    Note in the 11 save, he is in the 'Other' social group and in the '17' one he has moved to the 'Core' group (same as his mentors). Possibly this contributes to the big increase.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see montoring make a (postive) difference, but such a sharp jump hints at a bug, so maybe just tone it down a bit rather than squashing it completely, lol.

  2. On 28/01/2022 at 15:37, Kyle Brown said:

    Could you provide some screenshots so we have a clearer idea of the issue please?

    Sorry, have only just seen your reply. An update since the Winter Patch, something has finally appeared:


    Not sure if this is as a result of the patch or if that the changes that are reported are very rare, but it is not an issue and so this can be closed.

  3. On 15/01/2022 at 21:19, Rashio said:

    Yes, I know. But that happened over two hours ago. Don't you think I've gotten out of that match by now? I didn't just sit there and wait for someone to reply. I'm well aware of the fact that I can make changes in the middle of the game, how do you think I saw this was an issue at all? Are you trolling me right now?

    A bit much when someone is trying to help…

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