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Posts posted by SpooneyDM

  1. Hey, I'm just going to throw in my opinions of this game and its development. Firstly, on a positive note, this is the best version of FM to date, BUT that is no excuse for the long term shortcomings and slow rate of progressive development in my opinion.

    Just because this game has no direct rival in the gaming industry based on content and subject within this genre (Strategy/Management) is no excuse for it to not be competing with other games in the industry. The lack of progress being made with this game from a year to year basis is shockingly bad. Yes, i understand that a lot of data changes and updates are required for a new version which must use up a lot of resources. But when you see Miles and such bragging about over 1 million units sold and the increased success of the publisher, SEGA, in recent years compared to over a decade ago, it makes you wonder why the game cant be taken further. I will admit I have no knowledge of how games developers run and work on a day to day basis, this is just my logical opinion based upon a customer/outsiders public viewpoint, which after all is what truly matters.

    My growing gripe with specific gameplay mechanics and AI, is the increased frustration and boredom with player interaction and dealing with other AI clubs. Various issues and causes include:

    1) Unreasonable asking prices for AI players in comparison to AI clubs bids on the User's non-transfer listed key players/hot prospects

    2) Lack of dynamic/intuitive resolutions to the knock on effects of rejecting such bids that are flooding in continuously with very little improvement regardless of stern intent in rejecting the initial bid ("The offer is not good enough" or "Player is indispensable to the club") 

    3) The total limitation of generally resolving ongoing player issues is not only infuriating but I feel helpless in the final outcome of the players happiness.

    Moving away from that specific issue I'm currently experiencing and taking a overall outlook/summary on this year's version in comparison to the previous few years. i believe the level of progress is uninspiring from a long term player's public viewpoint. Yes, the game is improving from year to year, there is no doubt about that, but for the past few years I've felt like i have been playing virtually the exact same game but with content/feature patches added on and re-released at full price. One example that comes to mind is that these "new features/improvements" on a year to year basis are similar to the content patches that are regularly provided for free by a Developer such as Paradox Interactive which produces many games within FM's general classification of Strategy/Management game. I as a customer and loyal addict would like to better understand based on public information released by SI/SEGA the overarching development strategy that FM is currently taking and in the future. Is the business model now just a case of pumping out a new full release every early November which includes minor improvements on the previous version? Or will we see definitive version differences and leaps in development that we once saw of this product line under the name "Championship Manager"? A less passionate/more casual player than myself of this series may jump to incorrect conclusions of a "lazy developer signed up to a has-been publisher" which while being an extreme judgement also has a bit of merit behind that statement, in my honest opinion, because that is exactly what general public perception is and that effects continual faith in the product. We need more positive progressive public information to influence that perception of this series and the companies attached to its development and that the whole product and identity isn't lagging behind in the ever-growing games industry. A lack of content rival is no excuse.

    Switching back to gameplay fundamentals, a change of focus I feel is required to engage the user in a more immersive intuitive gaming experience over hundreds of hours played. My perception of the development of features such as team talks and press interaction draws me to the conclusion of increased narrow minded linear development in these areas. To the point where these gameplay mechanics are becoming a mind numbing chore due to the lack of innovation and creativity shown in the slow development. Faster paced reactive systems would immerse the user into a dynamic ever changing gameworld, yes, this could be construed as drifting away from "realism" but finding the correct balance is hugely worth the risk if it means the users enjoy the product more. I could give some examples, but for one it would take far too much time to type out and secondly, its not my job to come up with specifics.

    In terms of the Match Engine, I think I stated this in my feedback post for FM2016, but I would really love to see a third party developer work alongside SI to solely produce and develop the Match Engine. Again, I don't know the resources available and the relationship that SI have with SEGA in order for this to happen. But surely we would end up with a revolutionary match experience. Yes as it stands, the match engine is as good as it has ever been, but the progression of development in this area is lacking. On a side note, I know 3D representation is only a design feature but this is 2017 we need something more immersive and enjoyable to look at. Like with the statements in the previous paragraph, a greater level of design encourages and enables development of improved gameplay mechanics.

    I have many more opinions but I will leave it there for now in a relatively generalised summary, and also I'm typing this while streaming on Twitch, so my viewers are probably face palming right now.

    Just one man's opinion.


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