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Posts posted by Time^-

  1. They are still in FMT, its only the screen itself that you don't see.

    You will still get news items of the club and countries improvements at the end of the season.

    That's still missing the anticipation factor regarding the coëfficients.

    This is a screenshot from FM2014:


    Cyprus is ranked 14th, which gives them a second Champions Cup ticket. To keep it, you can clearly see that this new season, they need to outperform at least 3 of the last 4 teams as otherwise, they'd all pass Cyprus and Cyprus would drop to 18th spot next year.

    Czech Republic is the other way around, they had a superb season last year and it will boost their coëfficient for several years, one more good season and they'll grab that second Champions Cup ticket.

    This kind of analysis is a huge part for me. My last 4 games were all 10+ years, one was 30+ years. But I always play the minimal game, I only care for growth statistics, transfers, the matches themselves and finances. Anything regarding tactics, training, interaction (which unfortunately for me, are several of the area's that get the most investment in recent years) I skip as much as possible. So you understand Touch would almost be perfect for me, but I seem to be losing these stats in Touch, which kind of ruins it.

    But I've read this entire topic and I do realize I'm a unique kind in that regard. :)

  2. If there's a detailed page somewhere of features that have been added to FMC2016, please refer me to it as I can't find it.

    The last version I bought is FM2014, the classic mode misses most European stats, with that I mean European club and nation coëfficients, FIFA nation coëfficients, competition rankings, ...

    Have these been enabled for FMC2016? If yes I'm buying it immediately, if not I'm starting a new game in FM2014.

    I like to turn a tiny club in a weak league in a weak country into a European big power, but a big part of the fun in that for the nerd in me is seeing your country and club rise in these statistics.

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