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Posts posted by 7ncha

  1. 16 minutes ago, anakin79 said:



    Clan Name: Cloughies Clan


    Game: FM17

    Times:  7.30pm-1130pm/12:00am Thursdays and Sundays.  Starts Sunday 27th November 2016

    Leagues: Dutch Jupiter League to start

    Additional Info: Hi, we are on the look out for mature players of aged 25 and upwards.   Cloughies Clan has been around over a decade now and has been very successful, however inevitibly commitments outside of fm means we have an opportunity for a new player or new players to join.


    We like a challenge therefore starting in the dutch Jupiter League with the proviso can move to England in future too once met certain success criteria.  So if you are 25 or over and fancy a challenge give me a PM.  We chat on steam chat only.  We are a pretty laid back bunch like a bit of banter without being too serious but competitive!


    If you would like to know more please get in contact.



    Hello . 
    I'm 26 years old from sweden. I'm interested in playing with you guys. is it still possible ?

    thank you 

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