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Posts posted by Zano

  1. @Dallanone thing I did notice in my sim test. I suspect this may be one that there is no good way to address but figured I'd throw it out there.

    If a team is in a qualification spot for a nation where that club is not based (e.g. a Canadian club in the MLS which is where I noticed this, and I suspect this would also be applicable to say one of the Welsh teams in the EPL but I can't confirm that since there aren't any finishing in qualification spots), that team is ignored for qualification from that competition. It will just take the next team after them that is based in the nation.

    I doubt it would be a frequently encountered issue.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dallan said:

    Yes, my test made it to 2033 with no crashes or apparent issues so I think we may have solved it, wonder of wonders. At the very least I'm comfortable updating the OP with this version (and with another unrelated change I got an idea for while I was fiddling).


    Yup - I made it to 2043 with only Worldwide Champs League editor data, and have now made it past my crash of 2027 with a database with Zealand's USA expansion loaded along with a compliment of other editor data.

    Appreciate the hard work to get that resolved! Fingers crossed it seems to be good.

  3. 3 hours ago, Dallan said:

    @ZanoBetween your reports and my tests I've been able to narrow down the crashes specifically to "setting up the World League" ("Completing CL Q2", "transferring teams to WL Q1" and "setting up WL Q1" all happen at the same time, which is efficient but makes figuring out which one of them is broken kinda tricky) and clean up/change some settings in the WL rules that were either redundant, obsolete, or (seemingly - it's hard to tell because of the usual documentation issues with the pregame editor) missing and might have been casuing the issues with starting the WL (ie, the occasional crashes or other weird setup failures).

    I'm still vacation testing this version myself so I'll have to run it for a few years and see if it fixes all the issues, but at the very least it doesn't crash at the early start date, which is a start. Feel free to try it yourself and see if the issues persist, and either way thanks a lot for your assistance in this, I've been grappling with this bug for literally years.

    Worldwide Champions League.fmf 164.7 kB · 0 downloads

    @DallanAbsolutely! Appreciate all the hard work trying to get it fixed.

    I'll run a vacation test tonight as well, and let you know if I see any issues.

  4. 23 hours ago, Dallan said:

      There is a crash known to occur at that time frame in various circumstances - always in the first year of the game if the start is before July 12th or so, and otherwise at inconsistent years later in the game, but the one you describe here is a new circumstance for it I haven't seen and I suspect it may have the same or a related cause (ie, the transition between the CL Q2 round and the WL Q1 round). If you still have a save small enough to attach or link here I'd be happy to see it.

    EDIT: that said, I appear to have fixed the version of this crash that occurs in the first season (my most recent test in Croatia with the version of the file attached below no longer crashes on 1 July 2021 - which was previously guaranteed). Anyone who has been experiencing crashes around that time in future years, please try the attached version (or the Steam version, which has been updated accordingly) and let me know if those persist.

    Since Japan isn't a playable league by default, I suspect that teams will be chosen essentially at random. Otherwise, it will depend on how the file you're using to make Japan playable works (probably the top 5 in the league plus the Emperor's Cup winner).

    Worldwide Champions League.fmf 164.71 kB · 1 download

    That is definitely the phase / timeframe it is failing (moving from the CL Q2 round and WL Q1 round). I'll test it out with the new file and let you know if I encounter any issues.

  5. 9 hours ago, yoshadii said:

    That’s interesting. I have no issues yet. But you are farther then me. I just entered 2023. The World Cup just finished. It’s Jan. No issues yet. What start date did you pick to begin your save? 

    I've tried both the earliest dates (early July 2021) and latest dates (end of July 2021). No matter what, always after the first week of July 2021 which is where the old crash issue occurred.

  6. @Dallanhave you seen anything with a crash around the June 30th - July 2nd timeframe? While trying to make sure the Zealand American Tiers would play well with this I'd been experiencing crashes in either 2022, 2026, or 2027 within that June 30th - July 2nd timeframe. I have never been able to make it past 2027. I've been running test runs overnight with different combinations, and ultimately I've come to the conclusion that even with ONLY the Worldwide Champions League loaded as Editor Data I am unable to make it past July 2nd, 2026. Initially I thought it was some incompatibility between the American database and Worldwide Champions League, but it occurs even with ONLY Worldwide Champions League editor data selected.

    In particular, I am crashing on July 2nd, 2026 in the save with ONLY Worldwide Champions League loaded.

    I can attach my save file if that would help at all.

  7. On 27/12/2021 at 11:16, yoshadii said:

    Ok thanks I’m in January so far with no problems if I make it through the season and to mid season next year I will inform you. It’s seamless so far and very enjoyable. Thanks again for your work. 

    Did you encounter any issues at the end of the season? I am testing a combined career with Zealand's USA tiers and Worldwide Champions League, and it is always crashing on me at the end of June 2022. Tested same setup without Worldwide Champions League and no crashes. Currently testing without Zealand's USA tiers and WITH Worldwide Champions League to confirm there isn't something else at play (only other editor files I have loaded is Sortitoutsi's Licensing/Real Name Fixes and Daveincids Increase Realism Megapack so I don't think there should be).

  8. On 27/12/2020 at 09:35, 3Styles said:

    Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm having a similar issue with FM21

    I never did, and to make things worse (though better for me at this point as I dive back into it now) is the issue with the database seems to have resolved itself in FM2021. It validates properly with exactly the same setup. My only assumption is therefore that there was some sort of defect somewhere that resulted in the issue presenting itself.

    Sorry I don't have a better answer.

  9. Hoping somebody can help me with an issue I'm having. I am attempting to bring an old version of a re-work of the US soccer system into FM2020. An initial attempt validates fine. I think attempted to modify the start and end dates of the competitions to get them to flow better and avoid some conflicts I had in the working FM2018 version.

    Since doing that, I am now getting an "Error In Nation Rules" with description of "Competition <Name> not set up yet for squad selection date on <end of January registration window PLUS 1 DAY>". Initially I was using the "Add team registration dates ranges for transfer window" and this issue began occurring. I've tried:

    • Deleting all match rules and subsequently removing all registration windows: fixes issue
    • Re-creating match rules: same issue
    • Changing to pre-defined squad registration date ranges: only fixes the issue ifthe January window is NOT included. As long as January window is included, this error occurs.

    I'm hoping someone can help. I've attached two files:

    Zano_MiloAmericanPyramid2020_1.0: this is the working version bringing this forward from the working FM2018 version.

    Zano_MiloAmericanPyramid2020_2.0-TEST: this is the updated version that will not validate.

    I'm at a loss, appreciate any help.

    Zano_MiloAmericanPyramid2020_1.0.fmf Zano_MiloAmericanPyramid2020_2.0-TEST.fmf

  10. 56 minutes ago, Zano said:

    Anybody have other ideas here? I've tried a number of things here, including:

    - Making clubs and competition extinct

    - Releasing all players then making clubs and competition extinct

    - Releasing all players then deleting clubs and competition

    No matter what I do, the players for the team in question aren't in the database when I create a career.

    Figured out a way to deal with it. You have to attach everyone's contract to a club that is not being deleted or set to extinct, then go ahead and do whatever you need to delete / set to extinct. Once that is all done, you can remove the contract on everyone you pushed to a different club. This allowed me to retain everyone with no impact to their history or anything.

  11. On 4/29/2018 at 13:44, grade said:

    What normally do, i make the real clubs as extinct. What that does is make all players in those clubs be released as free.

    Never tried to delete them. So not sure what happen to those players and staff.

    Anybody have other ideas here? I've tried a number of things here, including:

    - Making clubs and competition extinct

    - Releasing all players then making clubs and competition extinct

    - Releasing all players then deleting clubs and competition

    No matter what I do, the players for the team in question aren't in the database when I create a career.

  12. Hey everybody, I'm having some issues with bringing a custom database forward that implements a fantasy pro/rel structure for the US. As part of this, all real US clubs were deleted and replaced with fictional ones. However, for some reason when the club is deleted I completely lose it's players when I create a save. I'm still able to see all the players in the editor if I search for them with the updates applied, but the players aren't there when I create a save.

    Is there any easy way to get these players to just go to being a free transfer in the database rather than disappearing without having to manually release each one in some fashion in the editor?

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