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Issue Comments posted by beccauva

  1. Dear @Ewan Aiton, thanks for the answer. I understand the reason of the "official" position.

    On the other hand IMO there is no sense in playing an UCL game in the exact graphical frame with a medieval club logo... 

    Let me say that as I bought FMM 19, FMM20, FMM 21, FMM 22 and as they were able to manage even bigger packs  (and with older mobiles), I have expected the same for FMM 23. 

    If not, an "official" statement would have been fair about that in the game description on Play store. 


  2. Thanks Ewan. Now the situation with the update is the following. 

    -"light" install only with approx 65 MB of graphic add-ons. OK

    -install like FMM 21 with more graphic add-ons CRASH

    I image this kind of issues cannot be supported... 

    But if it is not a phone problem, I would have appreciated somewhere a clear statement that big custom add ons this year are not managed. 

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