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Issue Comments posted by CBP87

  1. 35 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    What skin are you trying to use? You mentioned "another skin"? 

    Can you try removing that and clearing the cache and preferences? https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4409224840081-How-to-remove-my-Preferences-and-or-Caches-Folder#text

    It looks very much like a custom skin has caused this, do you have any crash dump files in the crash dumps folder for us to look at?


    I used the FM default one and got the same issue when pressing reload skin or confirm in preferences. I have done those steps and unfortunately it didn't resolve the issue.

    I used different skins, Zealand, Heffem and Wannachup. Got the same result each time.

    I have attached the latest screenshot and crash dump below.



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