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Posts posted by jib

  1. 2 hours ago, gizmo11x said:

    thanks @jib

    do any of your tests include custom leagues (fmf files) by any chance? I guess you would use those at "playable" level anyway so it should be the same as the default playable leagues?

    No custom leagues or any other changes in the editor were made for these 2 tests

  2. I've run a couple of tests and thought I'd share the results. TLDR my game with playable leagues only had increased player count and then held steady, never dipping below the starting player count. My Game with a custom database increased at first but eventually declined significantly below the starting player count.

    Test 1 - playable leagues only, set up for a long term, competitive European game but still playable for those with out high end systems. Top 10 UEFA ranked countries using association club coefficients, all leagues loaded as playable, medium database size - Spain, England, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Russia, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria.


    Test 2 - Custom database, set up to include players from all nations rated above 110 on FM youth rating score. This is the same test I ran in December (page 4) large database size


    Under custom database I have these options selected for UK & Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, Japan, USA & South Korea



    The options with playable leagues really does look fixed, I ran that one for 5 more years than I planned to check player count didn't drop below the original count and I'll probably run it for another 5years overnight tonight to check but it's looking good. I plan to run a couple of other tests but these will take much longer as they will have more playable leagues and also I think I'll be starting a new long term save to actually play.

    Hope this helps some people decide what type of game to set up.

  3. 44 minutes ago, gizmo11x said:

    is anybody doing some more serious testing with custom DBs to see how the numbers are looking?

    edit: also, if managers/staff are being hired in AI controlled clubs after the first one leaves/gets fired.

    I will do some tests with custom DBs, but first I'm doing a test with just playable leagues. Andrew said the custom DBs are still likely to decrease over time so we already know that's still a problem. Hopefully, with just playable leagues this is won't be a problem anymore, which for people who like a long save is great news. It'll probably take a few days for me to report back

  4. 2 hours ago, Bogdy26 said:

    Why not ? I mean even if there are low youth intake players the first team of any top division club would still be transfering players from all around the world, right ? So its not like you are going to face a team full of grey players in champions league in 2030 or 2040. 

    On the other hand if you wanna play concentrating more (or only) on youth intake then yes. So it really depends of how you wanna play it i would say. Wouldn'd you agree ? 

    You're completely right, I let how I like to play the game influence my answer and after reading some other posts in this thread, some people are enjoying the game. So I guess people have to just decide for themselves whether it affects their game too much or not. Plenty of people are playing and enjoying

  5. @Daveincid Apologies if this isn't what you were asking for, but I think it is. The number of players in just the leagues I have selected as playable. This has actually made me more sad as it looks like a long save even with all leagues selected as playable wont work.


    As you can see Germany and Spain seem to have more players but England, France and Italy have significantly less

    AFK for a while but if there's a possibly helpful sim someone would like me to run later today and maybe overnight tonight, let me know and I'll see what I can do

  6. 13 minutes ago, Daveincid said:

    nice test! Can you compare the numbers of active players in loaded leagues vs start save? This is something which really interests me! Player search, all players -> advanced filter -> active in league



    Hey, I'd like to help, but I cant see where that option is...Im still drinking my morning coffee so I'll say that's why rather than I'm an idiot. I'm probably looking in the wrong place



  7. Stupid question. I want to run my own test on this as I really want to start a fm21 save

    Where do I actually see how may players there are in a save once started? 

    I see the approx number under the add/remove leagues but Daveincid had very specific numbers and I dont know where to find that!

  8. 20 hours ago, potbellypigs said:

    Well that is pretty much gamebreaking. What a shame to have only read this now, but saves me wasting anymore time.


    Hopefully this is fixed soon, it makes the game unplayable for people who want to play more than a couple of seasons. Fixing it for just playable leagues isnt really a fix unless you can run all the leagues which wont be very many people.

    There's been no update from SI in a week on this issue which has to be top of their priorities surely. Would really like an update so I know whether to start a new fm20 save or just wait a couple of days for this to be fixed

  9. [Suggestion]

    Small suggestion to make it possible to create your own scouting pools. For example being able to create one group of scouts that are good at scouting potential and one for ability. Then for example if there's a large number of people you want to scout for your starting 11 but some of your scouts are much better at scouting potential than ability so you dont want there opinion, you wouldnt have to individually assign scouts just assign the group of scouts with one click

  10. On squad screen when clicking the 'side' (left sided, central, right sided) boxes under filter then closing and reopening the filters no boxes are ticked. The filters are still active but to change them they need to be clicked before selecting the new filter. Tiny bug I know but didnt know if it had been reported

  11. What are the best attributes for staff to deal with Press Conferences past their media handle stlye? I've been looking at Mental, Man Management and Motivating but just wanted some other opinions.

    Media and setting general training schedule are the main things I dont like doing myself so looking for more information about how to get the best people to do those jobs for me!


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