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FM Head Researchers
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Posts posted by PandoraBox

  1. Em 08/04/2021 em 13:51, SlingShot disse:

    This is an update to FM22:

    It's official how the 3rd Portuguese League will work.

    This is how: https://www.zerozero.pt/news.php?id=318894

    @PandoraBox @FrazT @Neil Brock @Freddie Sands

    I hope that's the info u guys need to change this league in the next FM!



    Yup, i will wait for the Portugal Championship rules for the next season, to send it all to the Coders. I'm in the dark about what will happen, because Madeira teams won't be relegated this season, therefore this season will have less relegations than expected, but there will be 20 promotions as well.

    Portuguese competitions are a complete mess every single year

  2. 22 horas atrás, XaW disse:

    I had completely forgotten to report this, but luckily, I still have my save, so I'll do it now.

    This is clearly a corner case, and I have no idea how this is meant to be reflected in real life, so I imagine there is no clear cut answer for this, but I'll report it anyway.

    I wanted to start a game with Africanos Bragança, a team not playable from the get go, but can be promoted into the new lowest tier in Portugal. So I holidayed to make them show up and everything went fine. My issue though, is that this club produces newgens from Cape Verde (the real reason I wanted to play as them) and that works out well, however those newgens are NOT counted as "homegrown" for league play until they have been there for 3 years. And the league requires a minimum of 13 players trained in Portugal. So playing a youth focused game with them are impossible.

    Now, I don't know if Cape Verdeans should count as homegrown for the sake of the Portuguese leagues, but I thought I'd report it anyway as it really make newgens from this club quite useless for many years.

    I have uploaded Africanos_xaw.fm to the SI Cloud in case it's needed.

    They don't count as homegrown in real life, unless they were trained in Portugal, which is not the case for most players in that team.

    They are basically exchange students from Cape Verde Islands studying in Bragança.

    That team doesn't have youth football as well, therefore they don't produce any players.

    In the 4th level you can have a team full of foreigners (where they actually are), in the 3rd level you need to have most of the squad as homegrown.

    If they would be promoted to the level above (3rd) in real life, they would have to change their complete approach compared to what they do right now.


    Basically, if you want to have homegrown Cape Verde players, you have to buy the ones trained in Portugal.


  3. Yes, we are completely aware their wages are much higher than what it is set in the database, like i said it was meant to avoid finance problems within the game.

    Regarding Cannon, it was meant to force the manager to sell him as soon as possible, otherwise the club's finances will go red


    Em 02/03/2021 em 11:08, TioPatinhax disse:


    In that case, you have gotten the salaries of plenty of other players wrong, namely Rami, Javi Garcia or Gustavo Sauer, just to name these 3. They make WAY more of what is suggested in the game. And as you mentioned, this isnt subjective data, this is objective.

    I honestly thought the researcher had on purpose dropped the salaries of most of the players dramatically so that the club wouldnt be ungovernable in the short/medium term, and thats why I mentioned the salary of Cannon.


    When we have factual/real data, we use it, otherwise we add values which don't cause finance problems to the teams. In this case, we had Cannon's real value, we don't have the others.

    Still, Sauer wasn't a Gerard Lopez purchase, the other two weren't meant to be signed for quick sale.

    Alberth Elis was.


  5. Not an error, he actually is.

    Hence why Boavista is desperately trying to plant news about possible sales, to offload him.

    It was a bold move by Boavista's owner, Gerard Lopez, to make quick cash, but Boavista's horrible season has been ruining any potential players sales/price rising

  6. 1 minuto atrás, Randgris disse:

    That was a very unnecessary comment and not professional at all

    The problem is that since there is a new president all staff get renewed and replaced by regens that are horrible, like i posted before the bug isnt in board confidence its low, the problem is that no matter how much board confidence or reputation he has its always getting replaced no matter if the game assume he is gonna win, its hardcoded in game to get replaced everytime

    If you know that no matter the value set on his board confidence it doesn't change anything, then this isn't the place to post this. It's not a database issue.

  7. 1 hora atrás, Randgris disse:

    I waited patiently about this fix and after winter transfer update and surprise surprise its still the same, nothing was fixed, bought the game back in november and didnt play it. Im waiting for months about this fix and was totally ignored
    And now i cant even refund the game because of the many hours spent trying to fix this, i guess after 15 years it time to stop buying this game

    That's not a dabatase issue anymore. His board confidence was increased to 150, it's not 200 because he said that would leave after this last term that he won.

    I don't control the AI of the game to make him win the elections, and those need to happen, to simulate real life.


    And very sorry that you can't play FM because Luis Filipe Vieira doesn't win the elections in the game. 

  8. I'm sorry, i understand that you want to see your team in FM how you see it "with your eyes", i'm sure there are many more persons with the same opinion about Tiago Tomás that you have.

    Unfortunately i'm not one of them. I see Tiago Tomás as a fast, determinated, hardworking player, not among the best when it comes to talent though.



    As much of the data is subjective we’d ask that you respect everyone’s opinion and accept that the final decision is that of our club researchers and our heads of research.    


    In the end there's always this advice in the 1st post.

    Maybe one day he will prove me wrong. I have failed before, i will fail again no doubts about it. Hopefully i fail this one, as it means we will have another great player for our national team.

  9. 1 minuto atrás, acceptz disse:

    I think either the researcher or the normal players like me are both football fans, and we also love this game very much.

    We all want the datas in the game are more close to real world football players, and I do appriciate the great work the researcher did for us, you all have my full respect.

    And I also want to say that making advices politely is not blaming the researchers, why couldn't you even take a look at these advices just because it's subjective?

    I post the data to support my advices, 10 playes at the age of 17/18 played more than 20 games this season. I want to ask a question did I made a subjective advice?


    Pedri (Barcelona 4th)  -95

    Doku (Rennes 8th)  -9

    Reyna (Dortmund 6th) -9

    Gravenberch (PSV 2nd) -9

    Madueke (PSV 2nd) -85

    Bellingham (Dortmund 6th) -9

    Camavinga (Rennes 8th) -10

    Musah (Valencia 12th) -85

    Wirtz (Leverkusen 5th) -9

    Tiago Tomas (Sporting  1st) -8

    Yes, you want us to increase Tiago Tomás PA, that's your opinion, not ours, hence why it is subjective.

  10. Let me explain this, appearances mean 0 to the players evaluation. 

    He could be a starter with PA -5

    He could be a reserve with a PA -9

    It's our subjective opinion about his skills and potential that matter.

    If someone isn't happy with our evaluation, there's always the editor available to increase/decrease skills that you don't agree.






  11. 29 minutos atrás, lk17 disse:

    Right, my bad I didnt saw the date of your answear. But that dont give you the right to answear me like that, you are a employee of a game that I payed for, so have a little of respect.

    But since you started giving me advices why didnt you talk about Tiago Tomás (2 posts talking about that, you ignored), Gonçalo Inácio passing vs Neto, and about Pedro Gonçalves?

    No i'm not, researchers are not SI employees, i just answered to you using the same tone you blamed us.

    I don't answer the rest, because we don't answer to subjective data, like we've always done. Matheus Nunes was not a subjective data, hence why i replied about it.



  12. 12 minutos atrás, lk17 disse:

    Worse than the PA of TT, is Neto having 13 passing, and Gonçalo Inácio 10.... is kind of a joke .

    Other think that I notice is the position of Pedro Gonçalves, the man passed the entire season playing at the right and he still not natural in this update.

    Sporting have 100% of Matheus Nunes, the user said that they closed the update 4 days ago, and at that time Matheus was 100% lion, so another mistake. It is oficial 6 days ago.


    My english is not perfect but I think that you guys will understand, take a look at the things that I said please, we pay for that.



    what about doing some maths? Time is not static, i wrote on the 18th that the database was closed 4 days prior to that, that means, on the 14th.

    Sporting announced it on the 17th! 




  13. 4 horas atrás, metal_guitarist disse:

    The following people have had their Date of Birth entered into their Full Name field:

    • Frederico Fonseca - 2000012320
    • Filipe Portugal - 2000015970

    Thanks, those were already correct for the upcoming database update :thup:


    4 horas atrás, Rafa5 disse:

    I came across this issue as well! when can we expect it to be fixed? fm2022?

    upcoming database update

  14. 1 hora atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

    Hi, Sorry, I saw now that you're the head of research and I saw the table that made the disciplinary rules. Thank you for that. but for this very reason, is that you are the head of research, isn't that your job? By the way and I don't want you to think I'm treating you badly, if you want we can speak by message in Portuguese and I will express myself better. Do you think I was not useful? I published before the update with prints and explained. The update came out, I went back to publishing screenshots of the game and the pre-game editor. What else can I do? I even put a website for a newspaper to explain here. SI made a major update, but personally I think an update to the disciplinary rules is more important than to the leagues of the "Campeonato de Portugal". Especially because it is simpler to solve this than to organize teams in a championship. I did it myself in the editor, no problem, only it continues to give an error.

    Not even remotely close. Disciplinary rules are nowhere near as important as the correct sorting of the Portugal championship league teams. One is high priority, other one is low priority, but in the end, both should be fixed.

    And no, nothing related to coding is my job. I work with the database.

    It's very common to have league rules getting broken with the constant reshaping of the Portuguese competitions. Blame the Portuguese Federation/League, for this constant mess.

    I don't have any doubts that next season some more bugs will show up, because of the major changes Portuguese competitions will have. It creates endless scenarios to be added/taken into consideration again.

    This year, coders only took into consideration 2021/2022 changes, but in reality, it is already planned league format changes until 2023/24, and i'm pretty sure there will be even more big changes after that.

    When we stabilize our league models, we finally may have bugs free competitions in Portugal.




  15. 2 minutos atrás, DemonS0ul disse:

    Fiz exactamente isso, mas dou continuar eles são movidos automaticamente para o B, quando vou aos sub-19 depois de carregar continuar ja nao aparecem nos Sub19 

    Muito estranho, iniciei uma carreira com o FC Porto agora mesmo, e resultou comigo, ao descer o Francisco Conceição dos B aos sub19, avancei o jogo, ele desceu aos sub19, voltei novamente a ele, e movi para os seniores, de onde não saiu mais, sem qualquer problema.

  16. 1 hora atrás, SlingShot disse:

    This bug will be solved as a save game compatible? Or we have to start a new one after?

    How many days, weak, etc we need to wait until this is solved?

    And how many days, weak, etc we need to wait until the disciplinary rules are fixed?

    Only coders can answer those questions, but regarding the first question, i guess it can be predicted:

    if you have an old career started before this update, try to move a player from the B team into the main team. If it works, then it's not save game compatible. If you can't move, then it will be saved game compatible.




  17. 15 minutos atrás, DemonS0ul disse:

    Fiz isto , e simplesmente quando envio para os sub-19, vou aos sub-19 do Porto, carrego lado direito neles e não me aparece opção de enviar para os seniores , carrego continuar e ja tao novamente nos B, portanto não tou a conseguir

    Envias para os sub19, avanças o jogo, o jogador irá ser movido para os sub19, e depois envias para os seniores.

  18. Ok guys, after the new update this a new issue regarding B team players promotions to the senior team.

    The players return to the B team right after even if you don't move them back

    The workaround (until it gets fixed) is to move the player to the u19 or u23 (if there one) and then move them to the senior team.

    The developers team is already aware of the issue and will try to fix it asap, so don't worry




    Malta, antes de começarem a descarregar na equipa de coders, alerto desde já, que após o último update, surgiu um problema, na passagem de jogadores da equipa B para a A, no qual eles retornam imediatamente para a equipa B no dia seguinte, sem serem movidos por nós.

    Para contornar o problema, e conseguirem promover os vossos jogadores, devem envia-los primeiro para a equipa sub19 ou sub 23 (caso tenha) e depois subir aos seniores.

    A equipa de desenvolvimento da SI já sabe do problema, e irá corrigir assim que possível, por isso não se preocupem.

    É um problema transversal a todas as ligas, não é só de Portugal. 

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