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Posts posted by swporter7

  1. 34 minutes ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    If you want the slightly larger screen and a DVD drive, I'd go with the second one. Otherwise the first one is basically the same.

    Yeah? coolio and ok spec to run what I need, never had a "gaming" laptop always just paid £400 to get a laptop and playing FM was a bonus but this iwll be its 90% purpose, hopefully! haha


    Thanks for coming back so quick.Hoping to get one and have 3 months on FM19 to get me back used to it etc..


    think this is the current one specs -

    CPU. Intel Pentium B960 184.

    GPU. Intel HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge)

    Display. 15.6”, HD (1366 x 768), TN.

    HDD/SSD. 750GB HDD, 5400 rpm.

    RAM. 6GB DDR3.


  2. Hi Smurf, and any other like minded individuals...

    I have decided to look at getting back into FM after not playing for the past two due to time commitments having played since CM3.. I currently have a HP Pavilion g6 Notebook that is nearly 7 years old. I use this for browsing, Itunes (RIP), occasional FPL article on word/PP and that's about it. So looking to a new laptop for 90% FM use, will keep this one for odds and sods and move all the photos from this on to an EXT HD. I have about £600 to get a new laptop spreading on finance to start with. I have seen you recommend this one..quite a few times


    And then think i have seen you recommend this one... which i could stretch to if needed...



    I play FM with loads of databases and leagues as I love the pool of players and scouting them... only play 2d so not that fussed about graphics and will not be playing anything else. What would you recommend?


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