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Issue Comments posted by Gozzer

  1. On 05/12/2022 at 20:41, Neil Brock said:

    Hi everyone - appreciative some people are seeing issues following the update - we did include some fixes which we'd hoped would improve things, but appreciative it isn't the case for everyone. 

    For those who are experiencing issues, we'd recommend trying the launch option from within the article here to see if that helps - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11164849702417

    If that doesn't help, there's a link to a secondary article with more troubleshooting advice.

    If after that you're still seeing issues, please post your DxDiag for review as shown here - https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9997195057553

    However please only do so after trying everything listed above first. Thanks. 

    Although I tried everything, the game continues to crash... Please help!


  2. 22 hours ago, Jimmy Wong said:

    How did you save the game (auto save, manual saving or save as...)?

    As a test can you trying using saving the save with 'save as...' via 'preferences' to see if the new save game has saved your progress, please?

    Meanwhile, can we suggest you try removing the caches and preferences folders and see if that helps, please?

    Dear Jimmy, thanks for the answer. Actually I saved it using "save as" in a different folder and the game progressed smoothly.

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