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Posts posted by Double0Seven

  1. I don't think people realise here that graphics are important to a game. Nobody is asking for insanely good graphics, but the fact that the game is looking worse then most mobile games in 2019 is not great. Even with these minimum specs, I've already pointed out that there are many games out there that do better with these minimum specs or even worse. So it's not like lower end PC's will suffer. 

    Better graphics will attract new players and doesn't need to affect the people with weaker PC's. Because cmon, the graphics in FM are seriously outdated and could use a facelift. Show any non FM player the graphics and you won't find much people thinking it's good. Better graphics = better immersion. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, XaW said:

    Whoa there. That last statement is only true if Tony's 385 friends are of a wide enough range of individuals to represent the "average" FM player. Including age, gender, location and many many other demographics. If all of Tony's friends are of a similar age located around his location, they are certainly not able to represent the average FM players. That 95% confidence must include the correct demographics in the pool of people.

    Yeah hence why I said "average" as well. I think reaching 1000+ should be easily doable on reddit and this forum combined. 

  3. 1 hour ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    But again you'd have to know rough numbers, which you don't have. So it's not significant no matter how loosely you try to use the definition. 1.9m bought the game, so your numbers would have to be pretty high. 

    You actually dont need that much people to draw a conclusion towards "significant". For example, if FM 19 has 1.9m buyers, you only need 385 people for a 95% confidence level for a 5% margin of error.

    So if Tony knows 385 people who are an average FM player then he could draw these conclusions. Thats not high. Just like how they poll elections, you dont need to know that much. 

    1 hour ago, Tony Wright 747 said:

    I would be very interested to know how many of that 1.9 believe that the graphics are better than in FM 17, but unless you contacted every one who bought it and that would be impossble, even if you ran a poll that would be only members on these forums.  Also a significant and yes I use that word again play in 2D so dont care about graphics anyway

    A much more active community is the reddit community. You could try opening a survey there if the mods allow it. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, tyro said:

    ... and not just say, OMG FKAKJSKLJF you guys didn't release it in May or you released it but I played 5 minutes and the goalkeeper doesn't do XYZ OMGGGGAgag!!!! ... or oh, you didn't add Purple shoes to the game even though I asked for it in thread 105 down on page 6....


    Perhaps it would be interesting when the demo releases to just run seasons on vacation and see the final stats to compare with real life ones. Much more realistic than watching games yourself and drawing subjective conclusions from moments of the ME. If you see for example that the average amount of goals a game is significantly higher, you can at least draw some conclusion that something is going wrong. Much better than "wow I saw 5 minutes of goals in my ME its broken dasdaOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!".

  5. 12 minutes ago, gunner86 said:

    As was pointed out to me in another thread, the reason for the release date being what it is, is the plan was always to release PC, Mac and Stadia simultaneously. 

    As for your sabbatical suggestion, I can’t see that happening. Without the revenue from yearly releases, SI won’t be able to pay the devs to make these updates.

    Given that FM is a game that is almost always top 10 in most played steam games every year where even old titles are regularly beating new AAA titles, I would be very surprised if the guys at SI cant pay the bills if they skip a year.  They also have one of the most expensive mobile games and are currently #3 top selling in the play store despite the game being a very toned down version of PC FM.

    If this isnt a game that brings in money, then I dont know what game does...

    Not saying they should skip a year, but I cant imagine such a successful franchise not having quite some profit. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, prot651 said:

    Is there some reason that all the news seems to be on Twitter and not on this forum ? Why does not Miles convey the news on here . Not everyone like myself have Twitter and I find it a bit weird that the only news I am seeing is someone posting screen shots from Twitter . Is this not the main forum ? 

    Social media is just more popular. Most likely a marketing reason to announce it there. 

  7. The skeptical person in me: with the things announced as "features" so far and the 19 nov release date instead of early november as said, Im not getting my hopes up high. Something feels wrong.

    The optimistic person in me: they took the feedback and reactions we gave to their feature reveals and took some extra time to work on them and possibly better features. 



  8. 2 hours ago, whyidie said:

    Funny how many fans of different games want to be developer/PR/whathaveyou of the game they love. Maybe next year they'll release an FM Developer sim and folks can properly manage a release.

    Suppose  it shouldn't be too much of a surprise as for many the main attraction is "I can do job N" better than people in real life. 

    In real life I've found people who have a reputation for being "bad at PR" are the ones I work best with.  Hard workers, internally motivated, direct = incredibly efficient.  Great people to work with. 

    Not sure what do you for work, but "bad at PR" and being a hard worker are things that are drastically different that have nothing to do with each other as far as I know. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Pompey1978 said:

    Being a massive pedant, I'm going to point out that no release date yet means we don't actually know if it's two weeks to the Beta - it could be longer. And while I'm surprised there's no solid date for release been announced, I'm being fairly relaxed about it. Software development isn't always predictable; we just don't know what's going on behind the scenes at SI.

    And what I would also say is this; no one EXPECTS you to pre-order it. It's an option available to you. Similarly, following Miles' personal Twitter account is a choice, not a mandatory duty. He's free to post whatever he likes. The official source of information is the Football Manager account, and I'm sure they'll announce the release date as soon as they can.

    It's Friday afternoon - relax!  :thup:

    FM twitter actually referred to miles a few times for more information. So he is an official source of FM information. Would be weird saying the director isn't one would it? 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Akasha said:

    Yes i read it, and i find that FM graphics are enough. 

    Which graphics do you think need to be improved ? ME graphics ? It's not necessary for me. 

    I think that the improvements of the last few years in the gameplay are much more important, no ?

    Of course, but improvements in gameplay arent everything. I never said anything about gameplay didnt i? 

    The graphics are from the 2000s. We want realism dont we? Better graphics are possible without hindering low end players, thats my whole point. Why arent we aiming for that? I think all graphics can be improved. This will surely attract newer players who are used to better graphics. 

    I dont understand how people are just accepting graphics from the 2000s with arguments like this. If it can be better, why not aim for better? 

  11. 1 minute ago, Akasha said:



    I think you are forgetting that not everyone has computer with big config, and i'm the first one (for the moment)

    FM must remain accessible to everyone.

    You do know the argument I made was around this right? Did you read my post? I argued that you can keep the low min specs while still having better graphics and compared it with many other games with similar low specs, but better graphics. 

    Read my post again please. 

  12. Once again interesting responses regarding my complaint around the graphics. I have decided to look up a few things for comparison so Im not just blindly spitting out opinions without substance.

    I first started with another game close to my heart. Csgo, a shooter released in 2012 running on the source engine from 2004. Another game that is relatively old and is supported on many computers. If you look at minimum specs and compare it to FM 2019.

    OS: FM supports only windows 7 and on. Csgo supports XP and on. Processor: Slightly stronger dual cores are expected as minimum. Ram: Same amount GPU: Slightly worse if you look at the mac/linux recommendations. 

    Well and how does a 7 year old game run on the minimum specs? Rather terrible, but nothing unexpected. It hits 60fps average, but rather stuttery.  I will let you be the judge. My personal opinion is that csgo on the minimum specs still displays graphics better than FM on better specs. Not bad for a 7 year old game with an even older engine.

    Lets look at another popular game in TF2, released in 2007 running on the source engine as well. The minimum specs are even lower than that of FM. Well it runs ok on low end hardware. Here is yet another one on slightly better than min specs of Fm19. And TF2 is quite a game with lots of stuff going on, online as well and multiple people running around and interacting with each other. 

    For even more comparison, you can look at the minimum specs of Fifa/Pes around 08/09/10. I couldnt find any videos for it, but I cant imagine them running that badly to unplayable. And all those games are very old one as well. I cant imagine FM in 2019 to not do better despite still having low minimum specs. Those games I mentioned also managed to keep low end hardware playable while still allowing high end hardware to thrive. 

    My personal opinion is that FM, despite the minimum specs, can do a lot better for the higher end hardware, especially comparing with other much older games. Have a look at what I said/linked and be the judge for yourself. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Carambau said:

    PES is arcade

    Yes I get that, but doesnt mean some elements are not realistic like the guy mentioned. 


    6 minutes ago, theballstopshere said:

    And they wonder why some people are reacting the way they do. Talking about disrespectful forum folks...


    Whats disrespectful about this? I find it more disrespectful that Miles is shooting down this feature about DOFs claiming it isnt realistic and weirdly downshooting PES at the same time. Not every DOF is the same and now you can just completely ignore them. Thats not realistic. 

    He can just say they dont want it in the game or anything else...

  14. 16 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    Many would disagree too. And that's pretty much the point. There's maybe 50-60 different users interacting here. Miles gets between 3000 and 7000 votes per daily feature, regardless of how small they seem. 

    They also people, which I think gets  forgotten. When you say SI get complacent, you're saying the likes of Neil and Seb are too. You can't complain about Miles defending himself while feeling free to call devs here complacent. Also, nor the best idea to allude to Miles lying, thats poor form that will simply get you in trouble. 

    And yearly sales are vital to them so that's not going to change 

    I understand that, but about Miles I think there's a difference between defending yourself and sometimes the aggressive tweets he throws out. Any PR manager will tell you that he should stay off twitter like this. 


    Let me be clear, I think people are attacking him sometimes for no reason, but he needs to realise that these are trolls that deserve no attention. Attacking them/mentioning them is exactly what they want. For a grown adult you would expect better. There's a reason why he is considered so controversial. 

    Also about the features, I'm not saying he's lying, hence the " " around features. They simply aren't features for many people if you look at what Miles considers features. So 5000 seems like a stretch. 

    About calling SI complacent, perhaps it's not that, but I'm saying they are just less likely to innovate cus it's not needed. 

  15. 8 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    I don't think you are when you realise you can simply play the other versions of FM.  

    SI have a list of features that's currently 5000 long (can't remember if it was Neil or Miles who mentioned it) SI are also simultaneously criticised on here for putting in too many and not enough features, which cannot work both ways.

    You also make the assumption they aren't pushing as hard, because you don't like the features chose this year (and yet as Miles stated, lots of these are based on on player feedback)

    Ultimately they will simply choose the path they think is best, which when you look at sales, is reflected as a good choice. 

    At the end of a day, a competitor isn't suddenly going to spring from nowhere, so own the decision we make in the meantime 


    Of course I realise you can play other versions. I mentioned this twice didn't I? Where from my comments do you find that I don't realise that? I don't understand. 

    I will take that list of 5000 with a grain of salt considering its Miles and his comments aren't always the best to believe. He considers stuff like a rule change (which you expect) a feature. He doesn't mind being passive aggressive against customers or taking them not serious as well occasionally. I'll not believe it's 5000 unless it's these small "features" such as rule changes that you expect cus they follow the rules. Or more conversation options. I think many would agree with me. 

    Also I'm not making this assumption. It's proven time after time in many industries that no competition means less innovation. This is basic economics with a lot of research behind it. This isn't my random opinion at all. I'm sure SI do a lot for FM, but you can't deny that this will creep in at some point. They are a company with investors after all. 

    Of course they will choose the path that sells for them, but sales != good choice. FIFA will sell hard again most likely, but hardly anyone considers that game innovative these days don't they? 

    I think FM is a great game overall, but yearly releases are just a bit too much.

  16. 5 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    There's never been a true competitor because no one can match what they do. Fifa with all its money never really got to grips, it's a null argument. Ultimately the responsibility for buying lies on the consumer. You have a choice. You have older versions with people who maintain database updates. So if the new version doesn't cut it, play the ones you have. It's not just FM, gamers do it all the time, complain and buy it anyway. Personally, got no sympathy for that logic 

    Yes I understand your argument, you don't need to repeat it. 

    I'm just saying there's no alternative. If Bobby likes football and the management aspect, he can't go anywhere else. 

    Same if Bobby doesn't like Windows. He will need it anyways to play FM. 

    Same if this was 5 years ago and Bobby doesn't like Intel. He will have to buy it anyways to play FM.

    So yes I completely agree consumers should be more aware and express more criticism. But if you want something like FM, there's no option to buy something else. Which leads to FM knowing they have a monopoly kinda and don't need to push out features as hard. Basic economy.

    Pes and FIFA improved each other. Pes seemed complacent back in the day and got overtaken by FIFA. Now this year they seem to be back on the throne. At the end of the day, the consumers wins and now has an option to switch. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    People are aware they can wait till the price drops, or shops around for bargains? Every year there's a thread on wherever lowest price is, it's actually something encouraged by Neil. 

    What I can't get my head around is not being happy with something, and then buying it anyway. That's entirely on the buyer. Everyone has different subjective standards, but if it doesn't meet yours, don't buy it. 

    But this goes for everything doesn't it? If the game is released at a lower price, it will also drop over time. So I don't consider this an argument against thinking it's too expensive. Every consumer product will drop in price over time. 

    I generally agree with the statement to not buy something if you are disappointed. But there is no competitor for FM. Just like with some other markets like Windows PCs or Intel CPUs some time ago. Even if you didn't like it, there were no alternatives if you wanted something of it. I am forced on Windows to play FM natively, but as a programmer Windows isn't great. Yet here I still am as there's no alternative. 

    This happens when there's no competition. 

  18. 55 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    New features appear to be adding more depth to the existing game rather than re-inventing the wheel like last year did. I'm fine with that, you can't expect wholesale changes to an annually released management simulation every year. 

    And on top of that, the lack of any major headlining new feature has the usual suspects in meltdown, so it's all good! 

    I'm fine with refinements, but they are asking the full price of a new game which many people don't pay. Just look at how popular older versions are. They regularly beat newly released games these days. 

    You cant push just refinements and a roster update that people can do for free and expect people to be happy. Were already missing many things in this game in current year like graphics, licenses (which I can understand) that make it a full fledged simulator. 

    It seems to be the trend with games these days, but it's not a trend I'm happy with. I'm just happy the micro transactions in FM are rather limited, but the content added every year feels like DLC sometimes and not a brand new game. 

    At least games like Total War, Civ, other simulators know that and their DLC is not full price. Something like euro truck simulator 2 consistently rework parts of the map fully for free as well while new versions of the game aren't released yearly. 

    So refinements? Sure. Asking full price for refinements? Nah. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, autohoratio said:

    Speak for yourself :)

    There are many times I've experienced not having a conversation option, in press conferences and talking to players, that reflects what I want to say or the direction I want the dialogue to be steered in, or wanting to interact with coaches and other managers but not being able to because it isn't in the game.

    Fair enough. Just feel like majority of the people dont care. Especially with more and more being added. Football manager isnt Football PR manager in my opinion. 

  20. 54 minutes ago, theballstopshere said:

    I have to agree even though I don't have hard facts.

    I was taken aback when I read that they are building a collision detection system, and it's been four years. 

    I have little knowledge of how these things work but I can only guess that if there's a competitor it would not have taken them four years. 

    Collision (tussling, tackling... for the ball) should be a basic feature of the game (yes, even though it may not be easy to implement). 

    But come on, football is a contact sport. 

    Entire stadiums and buildings can be built in four years! lol

    But of course i am not comparing apples to apples. 

    As I am a programmer, I do understand that building a proper collision detection system can take long. These are the things you want working well and not half ass implemented because you have a competitor. 

    There are other things I am more worried about like the graphics of the game. Of course FM isnt about the graphics, but for a game that is consistently in the top 10 most played games (even older versions regularly beat new games) every year (on steam at least) the graphics are terrible. There are mobile games from small companies that have better graphics. And this is a relatively "simple" game as it involves only 22 people kicking a ball yet sometimes rather simple things such as running look bad. 

    I can understand certain things not being there yet, but when b team features, rule changes, redesign of panels, more conversation options no one asked for and stuff are being announced thats just annoying for a fan base of such a big game. That along with a controversial director that doesnt care about PR and only makes FM look worse with some of his comments...

    But October isnt gone yet. Lets hope for a better feature soon. 

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