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Posts posted by Double0Seven

  1. 9 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    It's his personal twitter account. He's not doing PR 

    It's his personal twitter, but when you are such a figure for this game and the official channels point to him you gotta know that people will judge you somehow. 

    As a public figure of such a decently big franchise, it will be PR. Whether you want it or not. 

  2. Mod Just said the bigger feature reveals will come through the official channels. 

    Well the fm channel is the official channel right? 

    Once again, can't say I'm impressed. A rule book change being implemented surely shouldn't even be considered as a big feature right? That's what you expect them to do. Not to mention stuff like club colours on clothing? Our graphics are still looking like mobile games. 

    If these are "big" features... That's a joke I hope right? 

  3. This is the curse of every big franchise that has no real competitor. Or just look at FIFA/Pes. Or huge games like Lol/Dota where new features aren't exactly game breaking either. Or the king of shooters csgo where you are lucky that a new game breaking feature is added once every 5 years. 

    There's only so much you can do and add to a game about kicking a ball around. 

    People need to down their expectations. I do however think that SI can do more, but not "brand new shiny feature" more. Refine what's already there and I don't talk about adding more UI screens that only confuse new players and "features" such as a rule change. 

  4. I do wonder why these are not on the official football manager twitter, but on Miles his personal one. Its just not the right place it seems, Also lets just say that PR wise that is a better idea given Miles his comments sometimes. 

    Also spreads the features to much more people. 

  5. 15 hours ago, mhaffy said:

    Like you I really do hope that the long ongoing issues with custom views, continually having to re-size columns, are finally addressed and fixed. I have been raising this issue for years now with  nothing changing. Looking back through my old posts I note that the SI response to me after flagging issue again at time of FM17 beta was

    "Thanks for your comments guys.

    The issue is under review and we take all your feedback forward to help shape future editions of the game"

    Issue was still there in FM18.......

    Fingers heavily crossed but .......

    I can remember the same issue floating around in FM 15 it was? If you google the issue, there are people from fm 15 who report similar problems with custom views so I remembered correctly.

    People will always complain about SI not doing enough, but I surely hope like you that this issue is fixed after 5 years. As a programmer I know its hard to fix certain problems, but after 5 years, countless of reports and a reproducible problem?

    I hope its gone by now...

  6. 2 minutes ago, masno said:

    If SI really wanted the game to just be the real simulation of football, they would go full on the ME and on modern tactical concepts, make the core and what is really important (almost) perfect, and then going on the rest.

    If this was a real simulation, none of us would survive. Good luck competing against realistic versions of Pep, Klopp and whatever. The game would be harsh as hell and 99.9% of the playerbase would be gone. 

    SI need to keep some "fun" elements in it and tone it down a bit. Otherwise the game would be completely ridiculous. There is no difficulty bar and I hope there never will be one. Compare the management aspects of the game to other popular management games and you realise that they are already quite in depth. Its not that bad. 


    But because of the players with old rigs

    You do realise they cant just make this game for people with insane computers and stuff right? Not everyone is rich or spends money on a good PC. They cant just set aside a good chunk of the playerbase because you want a better game. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Novem9 said:

    Denuvo DRM cracks seem to be happening faster and faster

    Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Denuvo Cracked Before Release

    Hitman 2’s Denuvo DRM cracked days before the game’s release

    What Is Denuvo, and Why Do Gamers Hate It?

    But there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary. The director of TEKKEN 7 blamed Denuvo’s DRM for performance problems in the PC version of the game, for example—a rare case where a game developer, rather than merely a player, knocked Denuvo

    Exactly. Denuvo is pure garbage. SI really need to reconsider using it. If its cracked, at least remove it. I know SI care less and less about the players it seems, but this is the very least they can do.

    The fact is DRM will IMPACT the performance of the game. Also a fact that Denuvo is useless when its cracked. So why arent SI removing Denuvo after its cracked? Its only win-win. 


  8. On 27/08/2019 at 23:09, Lucas said:

    There isn't. 

    All types of DRM will have some impact, because it's another thing the game is doing, but its negligible on performance. Performance will get less year on year with the same machine you have anyway, but you should expect that because the game is getting more complex, needing more features = more computational time needed.

    I don't want to derail the thread into a discussion on DRM but will say: 

    It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, not to buy a game because of some random copy protection method some armchair activists are complaining about. If it wasn't Denuvo it would be something else.

    If you really want to ensure you have top tier performance every year then buy a new computer every year would be the obvious answer. 

    They can remove Denuvo after it gets cracked. Its useless then. 

  9. 4 hours ago, masno said:

    I've said this one time. The problem with FM is that they have so many things, so many options in the game that not only make it harder for new players to get in the game, but also for the devs, because every single problem in the ME can be linked to so many little things, that every single time they take out a bug,other will appear in consequence. FM needs to be more straight foward, go full in real tactics ideas, real things that managers do, tweak their ME to actually ressemble RL football, and not put every single thing that already happened in history in tactical instructions, and expects the game to work flawless.

     A lot of things need to be more clear, more direct, that is exactly why sliders are gone, because they weren't so direct like when you just click "higher tempo" or "slower tempo". To educate the FM player base on better RL tactics, but in the game ME, we will need a tactic creator way more direct (and functional) to people actually understand what is happening. You go to the tactics forum and see people playing with 5 attack roles expecting to rotate possession, people with every single instruction on because they think they are necessary,etc. Not to say about the download section, where most tactics are 442 full attack winning season after season.

     This game needs to cut down a bit of the instructions and roles, put instructions that are way more straight foward to a single idea instead of putting everyone of them placed in different places, so they can work better in the ME, help everyone that is bad in tactics to not make rookies decisions (and end the "it is your tactics"). SI need to remember, put everything football related in their game just to say it is complex because of the gazillion of probabilities do not make the game good, actually make it harder for casuals, for the AI to pair with it, for themselves when they need to include new things (for example with/out the ball that wasn't implemented yet). Less in some ocasions,is more!

    This is exactly the issue with many management games including FM. It goes so in depth without true explanations of how things work that it is very overwhelming for the beginning player. We are on the forums, but how many non-english players are not so lucky to have quality content and even SI members answering questions on these forums? How many people "understand" the game playing it themselves and figuring things out without putting in many many hours? Hard to learn and hard to master in comparison with some popular games. 

    Im playing another management game at the moment and now I realise again how hard these games are to start with. Of course I dont want my hand to be held in these games, but some things are not even explained (just like in FM) and left for interpretation for the user. 

    Besides that, FM is doing very well for such a complex game with many many small micro things that can be done. If FM becomes even more realistic, I dont even think any of us here can survive as a manager. Good luck beating a perfect simulation of real life Klopp or Guardiola. Theres a reason why becoming a top manager isnt that easy. 



  10. 5 hours ago, GunmaN1905 said:

     Idk how to say this, but I'm not bloody blind and you make it sound like I'm an idiot.

    I watch the game, I don't care what the shot count as in the analysis section if ME shows a player (especially when it's a good player) that just decides to blast some first time shot from 20m instead of going closer because there's noone in front of him.

    Less talking, show more proofs if you dont want to listen to others and start assuming things. You go into this feedback thread, throw some complaints around, provide 0 proofs and now are complaining about someone asking for proof.

    Thats the main problem with this thread every year (not specific to you). I seriously wonder how old some of you are and if you do the same at your job/school. If I have a problem with something I need to extensively report on it before its even considered a problem. Same with FM. It even says so in the opening post.

    Show the stats, show the examples, provide some proper sample size, compare it to real life to show us why it doesnt make sense and none of us can make it look like you are blind/idiot, whatever u think etc. Its really not that hard. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Jeroentjee said:

    Question 1: Maybe a bit of a weird one, but do you guys had cases, where a certain team was basicly perfect for one of the preset tactics? Without transfers or anything? For example, Liverpool/dortmund would be perfect for gegenpress, Barca maybe for tiki-taka? Did you guys have instanced where it was perfect, and usable as a good tactic without any tickering during the season? Im curious on examples of teams per pre-set tactic. Curious on what kind of preset would be perfectly fitted for a leicester city type playstyle in their league winner season.


    Question 2: If you could name any preset tactic, what would be the perfect fit for atletico madrid and real madrid? Very curious !


    Question 3: Did you guys have any succes with other tactics than possession based tactics? I feel like all my saves come to the point where possession/gegenpress-ish based tactics are the only ones that works. You guys had any succes with teams playing counter attack football or cattenacio?


    Question 4: What sites do you guys use to recreate real life teams their tactic? I remember their being a site with "charactiristics" and you could basicly use them as a way to form your TI's. 



    Check whoscored. Dont base everything on whhoscored but it shows some things at least.

  12. Making FM understandable to the new players is very hard. The hardcore playerbase like us on this forum will complain if its too dumbed down and even FM touch is pretty hard. A lot of things are up for interpretation and you have no idea how certain stuff works. Official manual and stuff still isnt enough. You play FIFA, its obvious from the start. You play FM and even after reading a lot of stuff its still confusing/unknown. I think adding more information for players to read would be a start. You shouldnt be diving deep into forums reading post after post in order to understand the game. Especially people not speaking English just have to suck it up, hope their translated game is enough and try things themselves. Might take them way too long before they figure some "basics" out. Would be nice if FM was easy to learn, but hard to master. Now it seems to be hard to learn and hard to master. So I agree with the guy above saying this. 

  13. 3 hours ago, BigV said:

    Has anyone had an issue of crossing. Not that it hits the defender (ill cover later) but the crossing in general of how many times it happens under a certain tactic that may focus on other areas. 

    I tend to use a bit of both, playing through the teams using "standard" play so a balance of long ball and short passing which ends up being "middle" majority of the time. Seeing crosses happen is fine but I consider it way too much. Now I know there's been data analysis of central play being an issue but if that's the case then wide play would be dominant but not necessarily crossing. I understand that the directness of passing has some influence of crossing or I assume so due to wanting to direct "some" balls into the box or in and around the dangerous areas. I do instruct Telles to cross more so seeing him cross alot is not an issue but when others do it so often, especially my IF's. I always use shaw to "cross less often" and almost hit levels of what telles does but only on some occasions. Calabria I don't instruct as his crossing is 15 but has been wayward since joining so depending on his performance in match i'll adapt to the situation much like the directness of passing play. I expect mate to cross because he's good however, using him as an IF with locked cross left often I think his numbers maybe too high. Martial as shown in the screen shot is just as wild even with PI of "Pass shorter". 

    On min-max in the EPL 2-6 crosses are completed per match with around 15-20 crosses attempted per match on average- https://www.whoscored.com/Regions/252/Tournaments/2/Seasons/7361/Stages/16368/TeamStatistics/England-Premier-League-2018-2019

    This would suggest the levels of my players doing so is huge even with trying to be "balanced" in terms of passing play and creation of chances. This game in the screenshots maybe max type due to the thumping the opposition team got but even then it's wildly above the average in most cases. 



    My next issue is the crossing itself, there's been times where it hits the first defender all too often and I've found there's a couple of situations when crossing is useless in the situation. I've found my strikers moving into the channel all too much (not the issue i'm explaining but I do think it makes an impact of sorts) and when they do they decide to cross it with or without players being in the box. Now I know there are certain characteristics that may influence such as vision, passing, crossing and decision making but a prem player should know when to cross IRL and as it's a simulation it may have grey areas but should try to be like it. The scenario below shows lukaku- complete forward hold the ball should be explicit in this case but ends up trying to cross when no one is in the box nor tries to get past the defender other than to cross. (I've recently turned to 2D to pick up on such things and make it easier to post/explain such happenings). I wouldn't necessarily say crossing needs to be accurate but opportunistic depending on the situation. 



    Finally someone with examples and proper proof. Do you have more examples of this other than this one occassion? 

    Also as for the crossing, I suspect two things. None of your midfielders try to get in the box. Only the BBM will do it on late occasions. So not a lot of players in the box other than Martial/Lukaku often. Also your wing backs, none are on attack so they wont get forward fast. So what happens is your attack will fall still a bit and players will attempt to cross as their last hope. If you have more movement between the midfield and maybe a wing back, you can stretch your opponents open, create space and hopefully create more kind of chances instead of crosses. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Sussex Hammer said:

    Play PC Touch version but to be honest after finding an ME I was happy with in 17 I missed out on 18 and only bought 19 for the updated squads and players etc and unfortunately find the ME in 19 a massive step back.  Hence my suggestion - Not a software expert so not sure how easy/difficult it would be to implement but SI would keep everyone happy with this.  You have an option at the start of the game to pick a database size and even add Leagues.  So how easy/difficult would it be to also add a dropdown menu to choose which years ME you want to play the game with.  Purely ME, everything else stays as what it is for that particular version, but you have an option to say play FM19 with FM17's ME or 16's.  Not sure how many years you could go back but you could appease everyone with this option as their tactics from 3 years ago might work!!!!  Obviously the tactical options would have to be the latest updated in the game but a mere option of which ME you want to play with would be a great add.  Again though not sure how easy/difficult this would be to create? 

    What issues do you have with the ME? Also as a programmer Im pretty sure this is impossible. The ME is a lot of logic that affects more than just the simulation during a game. For example, morale is something that is also seen "outside" of the match you watch. It becomes a pretty complicated task with player interactions and so on that all have changed during the years as well.  

  15. 8 minutes ago, ExeR said:

    You just talked... I mean ordered to show you proofs.  I did. There're pictures there, you can see seasons being played, multiple games, multiple tactics, in-depth tactical analysis & theory used for all that. Since you escaped request by language dodging, there's guidetofm/guidetofootball in English. They're not good enough either? You're quality expert now that "people pulling stuff out of their behinds" argument failed? As expected.


    Boss I don't understand, I owe  you quality proofs and less talking or we're all friends now? I'm confused.


    I provide constructive suggestions, pages of it, and it gets implemented. Later than I hoped for, but it happens. So thanks for explaining how life works. Allow me to disagree with what's childish and beta (we're all respecting each other opinions, right?). And I'm glad you found kindness in your heart to keep conversation adult. Now, once again so it won't be ignored, where can we find your contributions to hard job of FM testing (so that we have quality proofs ready at first request). And more importantly, where's that working Enganche tactic.  I'm so insulting in my conviction that it doesn't exist (especially with quality proofs), that I'm childishly itching to try it out and stop mocking SI for things they haven't done. Can you save me, Mr, Bond?

    Once again, you fail to understand what I am saying. I am not the one with claims, that is you. Yet you keep bringing up that I have to prove stuff, but I have not done a single claim about the ME, you can scroll up and read that. 

    The continuation of mocking me and throwing names on me just shows to me that you are frustrated and not willing to discuss this properly. Come back when you are calm. 

    16 minutes ago, ExeR said:

    Just so that you your head won't blow from importance, here you go Mr. Biggest Bugman:



    Boss, next time you gonna try to freeroll people on wasting free time on proving things, while you use solid arguments of real footballers playing game, where you can win EPL with 120/130 PA, try to take some responsibility. You'll seem so much cooler like that.

    Now, be a good friend to all the true fans and shut up haters like me. Give us all a tactic for latest patch, where Enganche performs well. You can use EPL starter PA/talent and play in 2nd tier league. Just this one simple task in an unbroken master piece, should be easy enough. Surely won't take as much of your time as you require from others. 

    Or, perhaps, you can show something like this https://fmfan.ru/topic/211-guidetofm-тактический-гайд/ FM testing related that you've done, so we all know you don't pull stuff out of your ass, as you imply with me. More proofs, boss.

    Most of the things you show I cannot read nor can Google translate give me a complete picture with proper context. 

    Putting in effort to show something is different from putting in the correct effort. 

    Once again personal attacks and you not understanding what I said. Putting the burden of proof on me while you are the one with the claims as well. There is nothing to argue to begin with if you start like that. 

    If you dont like the game, provide constructive criticism that we can understand or dont buy the game. As simple as that. Coming to the forums to complain and act like SI put out a beta product every year is just childish nonsense and personally insulting/mocking/attacking other forum members is no go. 

    1 hour ago, ExeR said:
    1 hour ago, ExeR said:

    But when it IS broken, then what? Should I explain to every rando that yes indeed I tested what I claimed



    You completely didnt read my post. How can you go over such a rant when you didnt even bother reading my post? 

    Also if you think it is broken. Show me your test. Give them right now. If it is indeed so broken as you claim, everyone here will agree with you. Once again, no outliers, but multiple seasons in multiple leagues of the problems you think are a problem.

    Less complaining, more proofs pls. 

    I will already give you a hint, if things you claim are so broken we wouldnt have thousands of players and even professional players play this game. Or are you going to tell me that profesional players dont understand the game and what they see? 

    Constructive criticism is a thing and people like you are completely ignoring it. Also personally attacking me as an argument. I know some people on these forums are young, but stuff like this completely gives it away.  

  18. On 01/05/2019 at 14:06, BigV said:

    I think people are just trying to use others as examples, I myself have done it and im sure it's "easier" to do so. An example would be the issue of long shots when it first arose, they posted quite a lot in the bug forums and on here and I thought that was enough to get the SI to see things "our" way. But the SI still insisted on sending the pkm's which I eventually did but I can see why people wouldn't when there's enough evidence to suggest their was. Personally It took me around 20 minutes for each PKM to be sent through, no idea why but i still did it after learning they wanted more. I don't know how the SI work or how they use the coding to sort bugs out but as players we want it to be solved asap and I got the gauge that people were disappointing (forums- benefit of the doubt as it's usually negative/constructive than positive as bugs are the main points). I think the Christmas update helped but people found newer problems- set pieces where people were unhappy or that's the feeling I got when I was active during that time on these forums. 

    Although the abuse and stuff is unacceptable and should be banned/warned no excuse for that, those that don't but point out flaws and exaggerate slightly on the bugs still seem to be told off but rightly so because the thread is specific. 

    (this is going to sound bad and maybe over the line) Personally at the start of 19.1 I was disappointing, the very feel of FM i got wasn't the same as old but a part of me knew it was going to be different (exclude the new features because they're brilliant imo) but at the same time I was thinking "Can't the SI see it's different and riddled with unplayable bugs" and through the months I questioned their abilities but never actually said it on the forums as it would be rude to especially since they work hard and probably are trying to change it in the background. And that's where I think the problem lies, the feedback we get from the SI are minimal and not specific enough to help us understand how it'll be fixed or any updates of trying to. I feel the public beta forum was a massive plus to that because the SI were great on there and not many people were acting up or speaking out of place. Im not saying it should happen but it would be helpful if there was updates on things that the SI looked at and how it's effected the game from their view so comparisons can be made and see what needs to be done for it to work. 

    To the earlier post of 17 being "superior" to 19 I'm just going to say this, the ME is fluid and much more realistic and you can see that so there's not much to explain however each fm has its Ups and Downs. So comparing them both is decent feedback because if one is better than the other in someway it could help the next game or even the next patch (not that there will be one) to be improved. But it does need to be backed up with statistics and screenshots unless you can see the clear difference of things you can't really prove by stats like the ME/graphical 3D uses. 

    I play many other games. Feedback from the game developer is already something. Ever played csgo? Just today this happend.

    1. Valve acknowledge a broken exploit that caused players to obtain game breaking bugs and lower their game score (used for matchmaking). 

    2. They fix this exploit and break another game mechanic.

    3. They fix this game mechanic and break yet another game mechanic.

    Valve have a beta server for csgo, but barely use it and they barely ever communicate anything to players. They will push a game changing update in the middle of the biggest csgo prizepool tournament, without rollback, forcing the update and not say a single thing.

    People seriously dont understand how good SI are in comparison to other game makers. Imagine SI breaking a ME part today in an update and just not caring. Thats what happened in csgo today. It will be fixed eventually, but it seems like Valve dont test anything. 

    As for fixing bugs, as a programmer, I can tell you its not always as easy as you think it is. You can spend a whole week with a team fixing a certain problem, only for new problems to come up and problems only happening on certain setups. FM most likely has million lines of code and a lot of mechanics that interact with each other. This is not something you easily check, fix, test and push out. 


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