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Posts posted by Bgj101

  1. Hello Cleon,

    I've taken a job with Anderlect. They have their U21's and U19's in the same facility and the Senior team separate. Knowing that you usually have all your team on the Senior team and assign them to B-team/U19 squads, how would you arrange this squad. I currently have all my U21 and below eligible assigned to the U21 and assign the players to the U19's. All the U21 and U19 coaches are available for both squads.


  2. The key is to not have too many players so you can give youths a chance. The reason for not loaning them out is because you waste valuable time that could be spent tutoring and moulding them into the player you need them to be.

    I don't have different squads I just have 1 so then I can keep an eye on every single player and make sure they are always match fit and I can specify who is available for the u21 and u18's.

    There is one portion of his question that I've asked also, that still hasn't been completely clarified... You said you have one squad...got that.....16 people in u-18's...got that, but what about the u-21, and senior squad. He asked do you have 48 total people....thats what i've been trying to figure out also. So the question that I need answered is this.

    How many people are on your squad, total? 16, U18 and how many others?

    Thanks in advance....

  3. Thus is the life of a moderator as I moderate in another forum. And some items that seem clearly stated are not clear to everyone. So, you still have to explain again, in maybe a different fashion.

    But, that being said, this is a great forum and no one would ever want Cleon to stop. I, myself, have a whole new appreciation of the game from reading his threads, as I'm more of a teacher than player, if that makes sense. I love to manage and develop more than just play games.

    Thanks again to everyone, especially the moderator of this thread :)


  4. I have a few questions:

    1. I saw that you want to get 16 players for development, but do you do this each season. So, do you have 16 season 1, 32, season 2, etc?

    2. What is your timeline like for development? 14-18=physical development, 19-21=tutoring & position training, 21=loaning.....

    3. When do you drop a youth candidate? What are you looking for in a keeper and at what age?

    Just a few... :)

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