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Posts posted by Kruj

  1. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Maikol:

    Had the same thing with my finland advanced database for days, nuked the cache folder in /appdata/local and the fm folder in the documents and merged the db with an empty fm24 one for good measure and now it works? (Also the db file is now the only file in the editor data folder dont know if that helped though)

    I tried this workaround and it doesn't work for me.

    Hopefully this gets fixed asap.

  2. I'm curious of what we can expect of the new engine. Everyone is talking about the match engine and graphics here, but I'm personally waiting for better multicore support for years now, so that it's possible to run all countries on full detail and still have a quick simulation. It's one topic that had been requested a lot here in the community, to enhance the performance with many countries activated. I hope there will be a massive improvement concerning this in FM25!

  3. Quick example: I have two Groups, the two winners and the best 2nd placed club should get promoted/qualified for next stage/whatever. How and where do I set this in the Advanced Rules? I tried to look it up in the WM qualy rules of Europe (where this quotient rule is in place) but the hidden stage doesn't show anything, appears to be hardcoded and thus not being located in the Advanced Rules...


  4. Hi guys,


    I'm creating a league system with numerous Playoffs on all levels of the pyramid. Most of the playoffs combine clubs from different division levels (e.g. clubs fight against getting relegated with teams from one division lower who can get promoted by winning this match).

    The problem now is that during verification, only the qualified teams of the division level I put the playoff on are recognized. Example: I want to make a playoff with 28 Teams on division level 6 who play two rounds, the 7 winners qualify themselves for level 6. 13 of the 18 teams are from level 6 and fight for staying in the league, the other 15 teams are from level 7 and fight for getting promoted to level 6. Verifying the file in the editor, it says: "13 teams found, 28 needed". So it picks all the level 5 clubs but misses the level 6 clubs.

    I can't see any mistakes as I set it all up identically. Here are some screenshots from my Advanced Rules:


    Screen 1: Stage 0 of the Parent Competition of Level 6 (Number of teams: 28)


    Screen 2: Requirements (all leagues from both division levels)


    Screen 3: All teams are set up equally ("Get qualified teams from stage"):


    Screen 4: Some more details from that screen:


    Screen 5: Bottom Playoff rules on level 6:


    Screen 6: Top Playoff rules on level 7:


    Screen 7: Verification error




    I hope that anyone can help me out with this, would be much appreciated!

  5. I'm working on a lower league file for Germany (Southern Bavaria region) and it includes several regional cups. They all work perfectly, except for one. And the one that isn't working is the only cup that has multiple stages instead of just one.

    The problem is, that the entire cup isn't set up. It isn't included in the verifying process of the editor, and ingame you can't navigate to it because it just doesn't show up, like it just wouldn't exists.

    The cup which isn't working consists of 5 stages: 4 regional pre rounds center, north, east and west (Stage 0-3) and one final round (Stage 4) where the 4 regional winners take part to fight for the trophy.

    Of course I added the Cup to the Competition list in Advanced Editor.


    I attached some screenshots where you can see how it looks in the editor at the moment.


    Can someone please tell me why the stage isn't even set up?


    Thanks in advance! :)












  6. Thanks very much @Neil Brock. I just put both savegames onto the SI cloud server. They're named "Kruj Savegame quick" and "Kruj Savegame slow".

    As I said, both savegames were set up exactly the same way, with the exact amount of playable leagues and players loaded and completely equal detail levels. The only difference is, that I put some editor files into the editor data folder before setting up the "slow" savegame (but did NOT ACTIVATE them!). Both savegames start at April 4th 2022 and use the original database, NOT the WIP Germany Level 6 file that I mentioned in the first post of this thread.

    Interestingly the slow savegame is a litte bit bigger (41 MB) than the fast savegame (33 MB), maybe this information also helps.

  7. vor 1 Stunde schrieb EdL:

    yeah sorry dbc is the file in within the fmf, anyway no need to worry QA are already looking it.

    So the problem is known and more players have already dealt with it?! Would soothe me a little bit.

    But if necessary, I can give you two identical savegames for comparison (one with quick simulation, and one with slow simulation after putting .fmf files into my editor data folder but not activating them at the startscreen)

  8. Am 13.11.2021 um 12:26 schrieb Kruj:

    Type: Desktop

    Model: Self build

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X

    CPU Base Frequency: 3.70 GHz

    CPU Turbo Frequency: 4.80 GHz

    RAM: 32GB

    RAM Clockspeed: 3600Mhz

    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

    Graphics Level in 3D: Very High

    Storage Type: SSD

    Benchmark A: 54 Secs

    Benchmark B: 04 min 35 Sec

    Benchmark C: 07 min 39 Sec

    Benchmark D: 19 min 49 Sec


    I'm a bit disappointed with the result. Benchmark D was a lot quicker last year, around the 13 minutes mark (I don't have FM21 so I did no Benchmark last year, but the results of others with the 5900X were a lot better).

    I'm curious about further results in this thread.

  9. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Junkhead:

    The Japan file that adds players slows down new game creation and has done for a couple of versions. Are we saying it slows down processing too even if Japan isn't playable?

    Yes, it seems so. But, to be fair, I need to test it out more, I also had the feeling that some other files from other sites have the same cause (last night it seemed so), so maybe it's too early to blame the great Japan file for the issue. But I need to test it out again. I'll come back to you then. What I can already confirm, is, that the pure existence of some files in the editor data folder slow down the simulation massively, even without activating them. I still have to figure out, if it's the case with all files. And of course, if I'm the only one with that problem.

  10. It's me again...


    I did some new tests, this time just with the original game, and not the Germany file. I set up a savegame with Germany as the only one activated nation and did a simulation from April 4th to June 15th within just 53 seconds. That's how it should be!

    Then I placed the Japan league files back into my editor data folder and did a new savegame (without activating them! I just put the files into the folder) with Germany as the only activated country again. Now the simulation from April to June took about 8 minutes!

    Then I removed the Japan files again from the editor data folder and set up a new savegame with only Germany activated, but it still took 8 minutes to get from April to June. And I tried it over and over again, set up 7 new savegames, still the same problem.

    Then I loaded a savegame with no performance issues, went back to the main menu, set up a new savegame, and all of a sudden, the savegame finally ran fast again, and I reached June in about 50 seconds.

    I really don't get it, it's just very strange... Maybe anyone here may reproduce the procedure and tell me if he suffers the same issue?!

  11. Ok, sorry guys, I think we can forget everything. I just set up another savegame on my own, and suddenly, the simulation also takes only 3 minutes :rolleyes: I mean, I'm glad about that, but I can't say why.

    I had all the files from the Japan expansion in my editor data folder, and even though I didn't activate Japan and didn't load the players, it looks like it slowed down the simulation process extremely. But then I deleted the files and the simulation still was very slow, that's what I didn't understand.

    But maybe I have to leave some time between deleting the editor files and setting up a new savegame?! Maybe they still were in the cache or something, is that possible?

  12. Hey,


    I already did the FM22 Performance Benchmarking with my brand new hardware and had results that were absolutely expectable, so nothing to complain about there (you can see my post here:


    What I'm asking me now: I'm working on a Germany to Level 6 file with someone else and we're in Beta testing now. We test out the file in holiday mode. Germany is the only country that is activated at the start of the simulation. It's roughly 60 leagues to level 6 (70 with youth leagues). Then Norway is activated as viewable only (for the start date, so that we can choose April 4th 2022 as start date which shortens the simulation of the first season drastically). The detail level is set as low as possible, even for Germany, to simulate as quick as possible. We use a small database with only 11.700 players.

    Now the problem: The simulation from April 4th 2022 to June 15th 2022 takes me 18 (!!!) minutes. My buddy with much weaker CPU only needs 10 minutes. Then I asked him to do the Benchmark C of the Performance Benchmarking Thread. He did it in 15 minutes, what is twice the time that I needed for Benchmark C, which proves that everything's alright with my hardware.

    Then I asked him to give me his savegame with that he simulated our Beta Germany to Level 6 File. With his savegame, it only takes me 3 (!) minutes to get from April 4th to June 15th!

    But I can't see the difference. His savegame is set up exactly the same way as mine, I also removed all editor files from my editor data folder to make absolutely sure that nothing is interfering there, but the simulation with my own savegame still takes 18 minutes. With his savegame, it's 3 minutes.

    Anyone here has an idea what I'm doing wrong while setting up my savegame? What can cause the simulation to take that long with my savegame?



  13. Type: Desktop

    Model: Self build

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X

    CPU Base Frequency: 3.70 GHz

    CPU Turbo Frequency: 4.80 GHz

    RAM: 32GB

    RAM Clockspeed: 3600Mhz

    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

    Graphics Level in 3D: Very High

    Storage Type: SSD

    Benchmark A: 54 Secs

    Benchmark B: 04 min 35 Sec

    Benchmark C: 07 min 39 Sec


    @PineappleBlender: Very well said! I did a huge hardware upgrade on my computer and I'm glad that the FM finally is playable for me now. But it's still disappointing to see that there would be so much more possible. This game is all about calculation, it's the core of the game, together with its large database, which unfortunately is unenjoyable even with the best CPU's as long as there is no proper parallelization.

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