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Issue Comments posted by holstein28

  1. The best way to look at it is this: I have started 15 or more new saves in 24 to evaluate things. Enciso never becomes one of the best players, or merely "good" ingame. In fact he never goes anywhere in-game. In FM scouts wonderkid list he is far far down the list of best wonderkids. Overall he is lucky to be in the top 100 at all. In real Life he is among the top 10. I think the Brighton Researcher should look at how the other researchers have rated their best wonderkids. Either they are too generous in their ratings, or Enciso have been underappreciated. Its not a critic of the researcher, but a fact.

  2. Roony shouldn't be downgraded. In fact I believe his PA should be upgraded, into the -9 range. You won't find any player age 17 scoring like he does in europe. He has played in the team since his 16' birthday. And now at 17 is the club topscorer and second in the league,  in the best team/ league in Scandinavia - all from midfield. His potential should be the same or higher than Nypan from Rosenborg (hence -9). 

    I agree that Simsir/ Cho/ Sørensen/ Osorio should get upgrades.  


  3. That Enciso not sits among the very best wonderkids within the game is a mistake. His current mental stats alone, pretty much deems him useless from the get go and almost pointless longterm. Vision, passing and long shot should also go up. His long shot is elite, and to take on the best league in the world at 18 last year, with such fearlessness, takes some serious mental fortitude.

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