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Posts posted by PhroX

  1. Excellent thread (as usual) Cleon. I've been using a counter attacking 4-4-2 as my main formation as Cambridge in League 2, and it's been pretty effective, though there's definitely some ideas here that I'll take on board to see if I can get even more out of it. In particular, skimping on the attacking roles makes sense. I have several in there to ensure that my players get forwards when counter-attacking, but now that it's been pointed out, it seems rather obvious that the counter attack itself would achieve that, while going onto more support roles should make me more defensively stable. Still, with only three games to go this season, and me in the promotion spots, I'm loathe to change it now as, while it's not perfect, it's done me good so far. Maybe keep the tweaking for the summer and (hopefully) next year in League One.

  2. What tactic and settings are you using? Do you have a screenshot please?

    It's an asymmetric 451/433. I'll try to remember to get some screenshots when I get home this evening, but here's what I can remember off the top of my head:








    Short passing, push higher up, work ball into box, play out of defense (maybe one more I forget)

    Can't remember PIs (I think there's a couple)

    Now, I know that the MC are both pretty aggressive, pushing forward often, but I've found this is not an issue with regards to passing due to the DLP providing a link between my defense and them from the DM position (it does leave some weaknesses defensively, but I can live with that due to the offensive advantages it offers). The problem is, under the specific case of the keeper distributing to my defenders, the DLP drops deep and, more importantly, stays deep for too long, vacating the DM position, and therefore removing that link.

    Thanks for the help by the way :)

  3. Not really as that's what the role is all about, staying deep when the defenders/keeper have the ball and then trying to play out of the back with it. If you don't want to play out from the back then you shouldn't use a creative role for the DMC position. A Regista is aggressive once he has the ball though so have a look at the roles in front of him and make sure that someone else is also linking the attackers to the defensive ones by dropping back to help too. It sounds like you have your team split into 2 different units rather than playing as a team hence why the DC's and him pass between themselves.

    I do want him to play out from the back. The problem is really that he stays level with the CBs even when the CBs have the ball [this is only after the keeper has distributed it short - he doesn't drop back during a passage of play]. I want him to move into the DM position in that case, to give my CBs passing options that don't involve going sideways along my penalty area. Once the ball has moved forward one way or the other, he moves into his "correct" position and once he's in that DM position, he links up things perfectly. He just takes too long to get there in this particular case of keeper distribution to defenders. Stopping him dropping deep altogether was something I was looking for more as a stopgap to fix the issue of him hanging around deep for too long.

    To be fair, I'm not convinced it's all the DLPs fault. He doesn't always have a chance to move forward as the CBs give him the ball before he can move. He then gives it back to one of them (as the opposition pressing closes down more forward options - except of course into the space where he would normally be), but before he can get into the DM space, the CB returns the ball to him.

    It's frustrating, as otherwise, I like how the role plays. It's just this one niggle that keeps coming up.

  4. Is there any way to stop a playmaker (DLP/Reg) in the DMC position dropping back into the defense when my keeper has the ball? It's kinda annoying, as if he does it, when either he, or a defender is given the ball, his usual position is completely vacated, leaving me without an obvious (short) outlet to move the ball forward. If he moved forward as soon as the keeper has passed the ball it wouldn't be too bad, but he doesn't. Instead he stays deep until the ball has left the defense. Particularly if the opposition is pressing, this often ends up with him and the two DCs passing the ball backwards and forwards between themselves along the edge of my area which is a horrible risk.

  5. I would check this in FM, but I'm at work plotting my next piece of tactical genius rather than actually playing the game, but how do half-backs perform if positioned directly in front of a centre half? e.g. in the DMCL/R positions with a conventionally placed CB pair as opposed to the central DMC position between the defenders. Does the CB drift to one side? Or does the HB fall back diagonally? Or do the just end up on top of each other?

  6. I was thinking about random FM stuff, and I realised that, ever since the TC was introduced, I can't once remember using a DLF(A), and I can't really see where I would. If I want a creative striker, I want them dropping off, linking up and taking up the support role (DLF(S), TM(S), CF(S), Treq - even with the attack duty he's more like a support player). If I want a goalscorer, I want them looking to push forward - AF, TM(A), CF(A), Poacher. And if I need someone to help out my team by pressing hard on their defenders, well, that's what the defensive forward is. But I don't see where the DLF(A) fits. So, my stupid question is, what kind of tactics would use one?

  7. Sorry if this has already been asked.

    Is training still worthwhile if a player's current ability has reached their potential? (Based on the stars displayed from reports)

    Or is it wasted effort because they're never going to get better?

    Definitely worth it for two reasons:

    1) The reports aren't 100% accurate, so they might not have reached their potential

    2) Their attributes can still be redistributed (so, a striker might lose a bit in tackling but gain some finishing) once they've reached their peak, and training will help with this.

  8. Clipboard03.jpg

    Well, it seems a bit dodgy that I'm playing my own reserves in the cup (conflict of interests anyone?) but even given that, the attendance is gonna be pathetic.The stadium will be at less than 4% capacity. Can anyone beat that for a competitive match? And if that wasn't enough, all 2000 of them are supporting the reserves :p

  9. i have got very stupid question:Dthis is my first post in this forum and i am very excited(:p:P:P) i am galatasaray football club manager now and i have some problems.Firstly i cant create a tactic,what are the best ways to create a well balanced tactic,i want to be very successful.Secondly knap or sexy football doesn't work well with my team which tactic is more useful in this forum.these are my all problems please help me:D

    Downloading tactics is always a bit iffy IMO. They're often good frameworks, but to get the best out of any tactic, I'm of the opinion it needs to be set up specifically for your team (or, alternatively, build the team specifically for the tactic).

    If you want to learn about creating your own tactics, the obvious start point is the "Tactical Theorems and Frameworks '09" thread. Is a big read, but it's well worth it.

  10. For a tactic to be successful, does it need player instructions?

    You can get by with putting all the sliders on global - Cleon does this with most if not all the sliders, and he's achieved ridiculous amounts of sucess in this game. I think setting individual things like FWR and TTB are pretty much essential, though no doubt someone will come on to say I'm wrong.

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