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Posts posted by kb1000

  1. 20 hours ago, Arijit said:

    Ok. My bad then. But I'll advise to wait till August end before you go and download custom DB. Why? Because transfer market is still open and sometimes a new version of custom DB will get released by community. How many times you will download and restart a save? It's better to wait till August end and get the latest transfer DB and start a new game afterward.

    No worries. I agree its best until the end of August. My hope is somewhere there will be a update at that time that will include only player transfers just so I can avoid that clash with my own non-player changes file.

  2. 7 hours ago, Arijit said:

    I think you have more chance of answer in the editor data forum, this is for general discussion. And to answer your question, yes, there will be a community driven updated DB for FM23, but I cannot provide any dates as I am not a custom DB maker.


    Thanks for your response. I initially posted my question on the editors hideaway section but was told to post it somewhere else..

  3. On 17/10/2022 at 23:42, krakonico said:

    There are only two ways to delete changes from the databases...

    a) One by One, and you know the drill...

    just remember to  hit "Reload database and apply undeleted changes" after you are done


    b) All of them in one go

    Just go to "Database Changes (NNN)

    Then just hit "Clear" and after that hit "Reload database and apply undeleted changes"

    Remember, this latter will remove ALL changes you made as if you encounter the database intact.


    Many Thanks

  4. Hi All,


    Is there a way to remove non-player database changes in one go on the fm editor? I have made over 100 changes on one of my personal FMF files and I want to remove them.

    Removing these changes one by one would be time consuming- is there a way this can be done in one go?


    Many Thanks

  5. Hi Wolviam,

    Great work as usual.

    Just the one question.

    I'm using the Moroccan league but it seems like only the winner of the league qualifies for the CAF champions league when in fact it should be the runners up as well.  

    Furthermore there is seems to be an error with the CAF confederation cup qualification- 3rd and 4th should qualify normally not the runners up of the league

    (see link below)


    Could you look into this please?

    Many Thanks

  6. Hi Dave,

    Great work as usual.

    Just the one question.

    I'm using the Moroccan league but it seems like only the winner of the league qualifies for the CAF champions league when in fact it should be the runners up as well.  

    Furthermore there is seems to be an error with the CAF confederation cup qualification- 3rd and 4th should qualify normally not the runners up of the league

    (see link below)


    Could you look into this please?

    Many Thanks

  7. Hi All,

    Ive started a file with using the South African league. Ive noticed a major issue regarding continental qualification.

    The winners of the league qualify for the CAF champions league and the runners up qualify for the CAF confederation cup- this is not entirely accurate.

    According to the league official website and various sources online the team setup should be as follows:

    Winners- CAF champions league

    Runners Up- CAF champions league

    3rd- CAF confederation cup


    Could this be resolved in time for the next update release- I think its quite an important change to be made.


  8. 4 hours ago, tyro said:

    Press Officer (from the features blog):

    Before you head in to face the waiting media, you will be given a briefing by your Press Officer as part of the pre-Press Conference news item. This briefing will list any notable journalists in attendance, the expected topics of discussion and, most important of all, any topics that your Press Officer either wants you to expand upon or avoid...

    ...Your Press Officer will join you in the press conference, chairing the session and deciding which journalists get to ask questions...

    ...At the end of each press conference you’ll now receive a summary from your Press Officer. This will include any notable highlights, changes to your relationships with individual journalists based on how they responded to your answers, and feedback from the board on how they feel you handled any discussion topics you were advised to avoid...

    Thanks for your response

    But what about roles such as ‘Head of coaching’ and ‘Set piece’ coaches?

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