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Everything posted by Stuniverse

  1. Wednesday 6th July 2022 Let's talk business Mr Damms To be fair, Staveley Miners Welfare are an amateur club and this was always going to be a non-paying club so there wasn't going to be much for me and Mr Damms to discuss. I basically thanked him for offering me the job and said I'd be delighted to manage Staveley Miners Welfare. Mr Damms thanked me, congratulated me, said "call me, Terry", shook my hand and said he hoped I'd be able to bring success to the Trojans and make the fans at Inkersall Road happy.
  2. Wednesday 6th July 2022 I've decided which job offer to accept I went to bed last night having as good as decided which job offer to accept and this morning, after sleeping on it, I see no reason to change my mind. The offers are from Stapenhill in Midland League Division 1 and Staveley Miners Welfare in Northern Counties East League Division 1. Both football clubs are Tier 10. Having taken everything into the consideration, I think one of the football clubs is better equipped than the other to provide a strong foundation on which to build and, hopefully, be successful. The football club I've chosen has a bigger stadium, in terms of capacity, seats and season ticket holders, to accommodate that larger fanbase and it is also predicted to fair better this season in terms of the media and bookmaker predictions. That will, almost certainly, come with higher expectations given that they were relegated from Tier 9 at the end of last season… but football is a pressure, results driven game, so as a manager I have to accept that comes with the job. Stapenhill is a parish in Burton-on-Trent so, as a Burton born-and-bred lad, I was delighted that Stapenhill made me a job offer but, sadly, that's not the offer I'm going to be accepting. No, I'm going to accept the Staveley Miners Welfare job offer.
  3. Well, @Punch, that may well be the case. I've considered and compared both job offers and football clubs above, but will probably sleep on it tonight before making a decision.
  4. Wednesday 6th July 2022 So how do Stapenhill and Staveley's job offers compare? I'm somewhat taken aback to have received two job offers and, frankly, I'm torn between them. Stapenhill was the football club I hoped would make an offer but I was very impressed with the stadium and facilities at Staveley Miners Welfare when I went for the interview and Staveley are the closest (27 minutes by car) of the five football clubs I've applied to. So, comparing the two football clubs: Neither of them can offer me a wage, a transfer budget, or a players wage budget. Both are looking to make the playoffs (2nd-5th) this season - Stapenhill with a media prediction of 5th, and a bookies prediction of 11th; Staveley, who were relegated last season, have a media prediction of 2nd, and a bookies prediction of 9th. Staveley have the more impressive stadium with Inkersall Road having a capacity of 5,000 (220 seats) and have 50 season ticket holders at £60.00 and charge an average £5.00 for tickets. Stapenhill's Maple Grove has a capacity of 1,000 (100 seats), with 20 season ticket holders at £36.00 and charge an average £3.00 for tickets. Both owners love their club and each club's finances are okay. Stapenhill have the highest current wage bill at £300.00 per week, compared to Staveley's £120.00 per week. Stapenhill want to sign players under-23 for the first-team and have a Director of Football in place. Staveley have no specific transfer policy. Stapenhill's corporate facilities are basic, compared to Staveley's fairly basic, and both clubs have poor training facilities, poor youth facilities, basic junior coaching and limited youth recruitment.
  5. Wednesday 6th July 2022 The other job offer is from Stapenhill Of the five football clubs I applied to be manager of, Stapenhill was the only one I had any sort of connection with as Stapenhill is a parish within Burton-on-Trent, the town of my birth. So I'm delighted to have received a job offer from them.
  6. Wednesday 6th July 2022 I've received two job offers Yes, incredibly, I've received two job offers. The first is from Staveley Miners Welfare.
  7. Thanks for your thoughts, @Pearomaniac. I must admit, I was quite impressed by the Stadium and facilities at Staveley when I went for my interview.
  8. Sunday 3rd July 2022 Mundial: Stuniverse targets Rainworth Miners Welfare job And, presumably off the back of the Daily Mirror article, Mundial's Joseph Novak has somehow got hold of my mobile number and given me a call.
  9. Sunday 3rd July 2022 Daily Mirror: Stuniverse linked with Rainworth Miners Welfare job Two questions arise from this press article. Q1) How did the Daily Mirror get to hear of this, and... Q2) Why are they even interested in Rainworth Miners Welfare and me? Boy, oh boy! This Football Manager lark is crazy and I haven't even got a job yet...
  10. Sunday 3rd July 2022 Out of my hands now... Well I've done all I can. Five managerial jobs applied for, five interviews attended, now it's fingers crossed 🤞 and waiting to hear back from the Chairmen and Owners. Who would you choose to manage? (assuming I get any job offers). -- As my would-be assistant manager, @Pearomaniac, what do you think?
  11. Interview 5: Rainworth Miners Welfare The fifth and final interview went very much like the other four. Mr Hills wants Rainworth Miners Welfare to finish in the top-half of the league.
  12. Interview 4: Shirebrook Town Again, a very similar interview. I'm not sure about the ambition at the Langwith Road Ground though as Mr Evenson wants Shirebrook Town to avoid finishing bottom of the league.
  13. Interview 3: Staveley Miners Welfare Another very similar interview. Mr Damms wants Staveley Miners Welfare to compete for a playoff place.
  14. Interview 2: Stapenhill It was a very similar interview to the Hucknall Town one. Mr Dixon wants Stapenhill to challenge for the playoffs. Surprisingly, Stapenhill have a Director of Football. I said I'd be happy to work with him.
  15. Interview 1: Hucknall Town I'll be honest, I didn't really know what to expect but I felt the interview went well. Mr Huxley wants Hucknall Town to finish in the top-half. The only slightly awkward question was why I appeared to be in the running for a number of jobs? I said I was exploring my options. I'm unemployed, with no coaching badges and Sunday League footballer experience. Surely, he can't expect me to only apply for one job vacancy at a time.
  16. Sunday 3rd July 2022 I'm in demand Unbelievably, five job applications made, five offers of job interviews received. Those football clubs must be mad... or desperate.
  17. Small world, @lionel messi. You can't be that far away from me. And, spookily, Hucknall Town are one of the five job vacancies I've applied for.
  18. Monday 27th June 2022 Job Applications I have reviewed all nine football clubs and some are better prospects than others. There's only one football club that I have any kind of connection to and that's Stapenhill. I was born and bred in Burton-on-Trent and Stapenhill is a parish of Burton-on-Trent. But, as beggars can't be choosers at this stage of my career, and in the spirit of the guidelines for this save, I've applied for the five football clubs that I can drive to within 36 minutes. Wish me luck that one of these football clubs are foolish enough to offer Stu Stuniverse a job.
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